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TrustInJesus版 - What Love is This?(79)全面的公义与全面的慈爱
Jesus died for all! rebuking calvinismA Fundamentalist Christian Answers The Atheist Thirteen
What Love is This?(74) 上帝会诅咒人下地狱吗?Christmas rejoice (13) O night divine
What Love Is This?(4) Purest Gospel?Let the Mystery Be [music]
What Love is This?(78)从奥古斯丁学来的恐怖教义One hundred Scriptural Arguments of Unitarian(ZZ)
再次转发: One hundred Scriptural Arguments of Unitarian哪里是一节经文,上百都有了
一首经典圣诞歌 Slient night第十一章 论称义 到第15章
普世欢腾 Joy to the world福音的基本内容
worldvision 捐助青海地震灾民链接What Love is This?(70)人的自由决定了人的责任
话题: god话题: timothy话题: john话题: his话题: bible
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
by Dave Hunt
God being both just and merciful, neither of these qualities can triumph ove
r the other. God can only be merciful justly, not in spite of His justice. T
hus God could only forgive sinners because the penalty for sin was fully pai
d, as Paul declares in Romans 3:19-31. And that the penalty was paid for all
, making it possible for God to justly and mercifully forgive all, and not j
ust a special class of the elect, is declared repeatedly in Scripture, as we
shall see.
Taken at face value, the Bible's clear language would compel any reader to c
onclude that God loves all, that God is genuinely striving to convince wicke
d men to repent and to accept His offer of salvation, that men have the capa
bility of responding when drawn by the Holy Spirit and convicted of their gu
ilt and need, and that though all are drawn, some are convinced and willingl
y respond while others refuse.
The Bible repeatedly presents a God who so loves the whole world that He sen
t His Son that "the world through him might be saved" (John 3:16; 1 John 4:1
4), who "will have all men to be saved" (1 Timothy 2:4) and who "is not will
ing that any should perish" (2 Peter 3:9). The Bible repeatedly presents Chr
ist as the One "who gave himself a ransom for all" (1 Timothy 2:6), who is "
the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe" (1 Timothy 4:10), a
nd Whose death provided a propitiation "for the sins of the whole world' (1
John 2:2). Christ calls unto all who are spiritually thirsty, hungry and wea
ry of their sin's heavy load, "come unto me and I will give you rest," livin
g water, the bread of life, eternal life. That invitation has touched the he
arts of the thirsty, hungry, weary and heavy laden for two thousand years. Y
et Calvinism attempts to make all such promises apply only to a select few.
发帖数: 3781
God is justice.
God must have paid the ransom for ALL men before He can forgive them.


【在 R*o 的大作中提到】
: by Dave Hunt
: God being both just and merciful, neither of these qualities can triumph ove
: r the other. God can only be merciful justly, not in spite of His justice. T
: hus God could only forgive sinners because the penalty for sin was fully pai
: d, as Paul declares in Romans 3:19-31. And that the penalty was paid for all
: , making it possible for God to justly and mercifully forgive all, and not j
: ust a special class of the elect, is declared repeatedly in Scripture, as we
: shall see.
: Taken at face value, the Bible's clear language would compel any reader to c
: onclude that God loves all, that God is genuinely striving to convince wicke

1 (共1页)
What Love is This?(70)人的自由决定了人的责任再次转发: One hundred Scriptural Arguments of Unitarian
其他人加入耶稣基督后期圣徒教会的原因一首经典圣诞歌 Slient night
海德堡要理问答主日01,6版本对照普世欢腾 Joy to the world
海德堡要理问答主日11worldvision 捐助青海地震灾民链接
Jesus died for all! rebuking calvinismA Fundamentalist Christian Answers The Atheist Thirteen
What Love is This?(74) 上帝会诅咒人下地狱吗?Christmas rejoice (13) O night divine
What Love Is This?(4) Purest Gospel?Let the Mystery Be [music]
What Love is This?(78)从奥古斯丁学来的恐怖教义One hundred Scriptural Arguments of Unitarian(ZZ)
话题: god话题: timothy话题: john话题: his话题: bible