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TrustInJesus版 - What Love is This?(91)上帝预定了罪恶吗?
What Love is This?(58)生不如死的“福音”What Love is This?(93)预知不需要先预定
只有被拣选的人才能明白神的旨意What Love is This?(94)全能的神不需要先做预定
What Love is This?(90)神有大能控制万物,即使祂不预定一切神学问答59:什么是“双重预定”?圣经这样教导吗?
MJ来报到John 3:16
What Love is This?(38)加尔文派把罪归因于上帝的预定John 3 "For God So Loved the World"
What Love is This?(69)寻找,就寻见。叩门,就开门What Love is This?(2) Husband became a Calvinist
韦斯敏斯德信条 第三章 论上帝的预旨所长怎么不说改革宗是唯一正确的基督教了
What Love is This?(92)全能的上帝不需要预定罪恶What Love is This?(33) 阿民念改革加尔文主义
话题: god话题: sin话题: he话题: his话题: man
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
by Dave Hunt
Confronting A Vital Distinction
For the Calvinist to uphold his extreme view of control, God must be the cau
se of man's total depravity and the negative response it produces. There is
no way to escape this conclusion. If God were not the cause of man's sin, ma
n would be acting independently of God, and that cannot be allowed for anyth
ing in the Calvinist scheme. It follows, then, that "He [God] could ... have
prevented it [the fall and entrance of sin into the world], but He did not
prevent it: ergo, He willed it." 19 Thus one must conclude, "It is even bibl
ical to say that God has foreordained sin." 20
The only way, however, to defend God's integrity, love and compassion in a w
orld filled with sin and suffering is to acknowledge that He has granted to
man the power to choose for himself. It is thus man's fault that sin and suf
fering are the common experience of all mankind. God has provided full forgi
veness of sins on a righteous basis and will eventually create a new univers
e into which sin can never enter, a universe to be inhabited by all those wh
o have received the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. God is exonerated and man a
lone is to blame for sin and suffering. Such is the teaching of the Bible, a
s we shall see in depth.
It is clear that Calvinism rests upon a mistaken view of what it means for
God to be sovereign. Palmer tells us that God predestines untold multitudes
to everlasting torment "for the glory of His sovereign power over His
creatures. . . ." 21 Obviously, God could show His sovereign power over His
creatures in many ways other than by decreeing their eternal damnation, a
fate which surely is not required by sovereignty.
发帖数: 3781
Calvin God is so stupid since he has to preordain our sins in order to
control us.


【在 R*o 的大作中提到】
: by Dave Hunt
: Confronting A Vital Distinction
: For the Calvinist to uphold his extreme view of control, God must be the cau
: se of man's total depravity and the negative response it produces. There is
: no way to escape this conclusion. If God were not the cause of man's sin, ma
: n would be acting independently of God, and that cannot be allowed for anyth
: ing in the Calvinist scheme. It follows, then, that "He [God] could ... have
: prevented it [the fall and entrance of sin into the world], but He did not
: prevent it: ergo, He willed it." 19 Thus one must conclude, "It is even bibl
: ical to say that God has foreordained sin." 20

1 (共1页)
What Love is This?(33) 阿民念改革加尔文主义What Love is This?(38)加尔文派把罪归因于上帝的预定
Heresies of Calvinism!What Love is This?(69)寻找,就寻见。叩门,就开门
What Love is This?(1) A new Calvinistic Pastor韦斯敏斯德信条 第三章 论上帝的预旨
What Love is This?(68)上帝邀请你去火星What Love is This?(92)全能的上帝不需要预定罪恶
What Love is This?(58)生不如死的“福音”What Love is This?(93)预知不需要先预定
只有被拣选的人才能明白神的旨意What Love is This?(94)全能的神不需要先做预定
What Love is This?(90)神有大能控制万物,即使祂不预定一切神学问答59:什么是“双重预定”?圣经这样教导吗?
MJ来报到John 3:16
话题: god话题: sin话题: he话题: his话题: man