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USANews版 - Oh My: YouTube Film Guy Was Government Informant
U.S. Investigating Those Behind The Making Of “Innocence of Muslims”War on Women: Chicago Men Pistol-Whip, Sexually Assault 15-Year-Old
I am Spartacus!Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism (转载)
对不起,总统先生,ISIS是100%的穆斯林The Japanese—Do NOT Tolerate Islam (转载)
Egyptian Court Sentences Eight To Death Over “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube VideoFla. Governor: 'We're Fed Up' with Radical Islam
澳大利亚警察击毙穆斯林恐怖分子,左派强力谴责Slavery, Terrorism and Islam:
Don’t pretend Paris terror attack has nothing to do with IslamThe Start of the American Gulag
How Honest of a Cross-Section Is "All-American Muslim?"The Process of United States Islamification
话题: nakoula话题: government话题: informant话题: clinton话题: june
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
In remarks stressing that the U.S. government had “absolutely nothing
to do with” the anti-Islam film that has touched off violence in the Middle
East, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton yesterday sought to quash Arab
concerns that the “disgusting and reprehensible” movie was somehow
produced or condoned by American officials. However, Clinton’s attempt to
distance the U.S. from “Innocence of Muslims”–and, by extension, its
felonious producer–may be complicated by the revelation that Nakoula
Basseley Nakoula became a government informant after his 2009 arrest for
bank fraud, The Smoking Gun has learned.
Though many key documents from the U.S. District Court case remain
sealed, a June 2010 sentencing transcript provides an account of Nakoula’s
cooperation with federal investigators in Los Angeles (and how his prison
sentence was reduced as a result).
Nakoula, 55, was arrested in June 2009 for his role in a check-kiting
ring that stole nearly $800,000 from six financial institutions by using
stolen Social Security numbers and identities. Nakoula was named in a six-
count felony indictment accusing him and unnamed “co-schemers” of
perpetrating the bank fraud.
So if the feds hadn’t cut a deal with him he might still be in prison and
never would have made this.
Heckuva job!
1 (共1页)
The Process of United States IslamificationEgyptian Court Sentences Eight To Death Over “Innocence of Muslims” YouTube Video
荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话澳大利亚警察击毙穆斯林恐怖分子,左派强力谴责
American Islamists Find Common Cause with Pamela GellerDon’t pretend Paris terror attack has nothing to do with Islam
Pew调查,70%美国穆斯林对奥巴马的表现表示满意,56%对美国走向表示满意How Honest of a Cross-Section Is "All-American Muslim?"
U.S. Investigating Those Behind The Making Of “Innocence of Muslims”War on Women: Chicago Men Pistol-Whip, Sexually Assault 15-Year-Old
I am Spartacus!Why Islam is Worse Than Nazism (转载)
对不起,总统先生,ISIS是100%的穆斯林The Japanese—Do NOT Tolerate Islam (转载)
话题: nakoula话题: government话题: informant话题: clinton话题: june