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Re: 中国基础教育 VS 美国基础教育今天读到的最好文章:Trump的donor声明
Tea party just love Constitutionfaint, 时尚 杂志也 endorse 希拉里了,你们以后还看吗?
话题: he话题: football话题: his话题: dog话题: vick
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发帖数: 29846
July 23, 2013 by Shawn Mallow
I had the unfortunate opportunity to watch resident CNN dufus Fareed Zakaira
on Sunday.
His guest? One Malcolm Gladwell, a writer for The New Yorker.
His topic: Comparing playing football to engaging in dog fighting, and that
college football should be eliminated due to the possibility of injury,
specifically neurological disorders.
Zakaira: You compare football to dog fighting. Why?
Gladwell: Yes, I did a piece for The New Yorker a couple of years ago
where I said it. This was at the time when, remember, Michael Vick, was
convicted of dog fighting. And to me, that was such a kind of, and the whole
world got up in arms about this. How could he use dogs in a violent manner,
in a way that compromised their health and integrity?
And I was just struck at the time by the unbelievable hypocrisy of
people in football, for goodness sake, getting up in arms about someone who
chose to fight dogs, to pit one dog against each other.
In what way is dog fighting any different from football on a certain
level, right? I mean you take a young, vulnerable dog who was made
vulnerable because of his allegiance to the owner and you ask him to engage
in serious sustained physical combat with another dog under the control of
another owner, right?
Well, what’s football? We take young boys, essentially, and we have
them repeatedly, over the course of the season, smash each other in the head
, with known neurological consequences.
And why do they do that? Out of an allegiance to their owners and their
coaches and a feeling they’re participating in some grand American
They’re the same thing. And the idea that as a culture we would be
absolutely quick and sure about coming to the moral boiling point over the
notion that you would do this to dogs and yet completely blind to the notion
you would do this to young men is, to my mind, astonishing.
I mean there’s a certain point where I just said, you know, we have to
say enough is enough.
Christ on Friday..
This kook actually believes this goop!
Firstly, just look at him. He looks like a cross between Art Garfunkel and
a pipe-cleaner. He couldn’t throw a paper airplane, let alone a football.
(Yeah, yeah.. I know. That’s superficial)
Last I checked, those who play football, or any other sport for that matter,
do so willingly. They (GASP!) enjoy it. Many get free rides to some of
the best colleges and universities, and many go on to the pros to have very
lucrative careers. They choose to play.
Does he not understand that in dog fighting, the players, in this case, dogs
, have no choice in the matter?
(Frankly, my brain is so scrambled from hearing this type of intellectual,
‘ivory-tower,’ we know what’s good for ya’ liberal thinking, that just
having to point out such obvious, absurd notions, is quite nauseating. Such
is the intellectual liberal mind in 2013.)
In his analogy of dog-fighting, he specifically uses the example of Michael
Vick. He was just stunned by the “hypocrisy” of those who were outraged
by Vick’s sick treatment of dogs, yet the same people could enjoy the “
grand American spectacle” of the equally violent sport of Football.
This guy is insane. He should be committed to a nut house for his hair-doo
alone. He actually believes that college football should be eliminated, so
he conjures up his kook-a-zoid analogy that football is equally violent as
dog fighting.
Since he used Michael Vick to illustrate this outrageous “hypocrisy” of
players and fans of Football, it’s instructive to take a look at just what
Vick participated in.
(For the record, I am an ardent animal lover. Not a PETA nut. I just think
animals make the world a more wonderful place, and shouldn’t be treated as
Vick is a sadist. Anyone who would subject an animal to the tortures he did
should just die and be placed in the lowest rung of Hell. He trained dogs
to kill one another for his (and his thug friends) pleasure. He tossed
family pets into the fight pit so his canine gladiators could rip them apart
, while he and his morally bankrupt buddies watched and laughed. He and his
fellow savages pulled all 44 teeth out of some female dogs so they could
not defend themselves from mating. He set up ‘rape boards’ for forced
breeding. If a dog underperformed to his standards, he would do one of the
following: Pick them up and smash their heads on concrete. Drown them by
holding their heads in a 5 gallon bucket of water. Douse them with water
and electrocute them. Hang them from a 2×4 nailed between two trees. Or,
if he was tired, he’d just shoot them.
Yup, Mr. Gladwell.. Sure does sound alot like what football players endure.
Ya’ always hear of a player or two that, after having a bad game, had their
coaches attach jumper cables up to their nuts and zap them to death.
I know many ivory tower liberal intellectuals don’t exactly like athletics.
But, this guy gives pip-squeeks a bad name.
He must have gotten his stick-figure ass beaten by everyone when growing up,
from jocks to the prom queen.
But, he’s a liberal, so this is all for our own good.
(Full disclosure: I spelled Mr. Zakaria’s name wrong in my initial post.
It has since been corrected. Though I really don’t care.)
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无耻的CNN正在替BHO造势~~~Re: 中国基础教育 VS 美国基础教育
Obama Lobbyist HypocrisyTea party just love Constitution
Kill Rodents Humanely: PETA占领华盛顿
Funny Stuff – Jersey StyleObamacare Misses Its Target on the Uninsured by Half
The American Experience: Atlanta Style左逼人人恨,为啥没人敢公开反对左逼?
老黑又玩新花样, 从车上朝人扔鸡蛋这段话说的好
话题: he话题: football话题: his话题: dog话题: vick