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USANews版 - 巴马老是说些自相矛盾的话
奥巴马拉票被喝倒彩当场发飙 中期选举形势逼人(图)澳洲总理陆克文倒台
总统假期Why Obama's Ads Help Romney
黄茶袋兼祥林嫂很关心奥巴马打高尔夫,翻翻老底吧Angry Christie Unloads on Atlantic City Mayor For Ignoring Evacuation Orders
巴马临走把白宫儿童游乐场拆了送人[枪版被删帖] "曾经向歹徒开枪的请举手" (转载)
川普频赴佛州度假 共和党也看不惯了Two Girls Arrested for Threatening Ohio Rape Victim
英媒:中国羞辱穆斯林的手法千奇百怪 (转载)License Plate of Friends of Boston Bombers: ‘Terrorista #1’
话题: he话题: obama话题: media话题: social话题: just
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Obama: The News Makes it Seem Like the World Is Falling Apart, But Actually
It's Fine, It's Just That We Hear Too Much from Social Media
Speaking to Democrat donors at, get this, a fundraiser:
"If you watch the nightly news, it feels like the world is falling apart
,” Pres Obama told Dem donors, citing ISIL, Russia and Ukraine.
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) August 29, 2014
Pres Obama said “The world’s always been messy … we’re just noticing
now in part because of social media."
— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) August 29, 2014
Above: Social Media makes it seem like an American journalist
was beheaded by a terrorist organization which has declared war on the US
For some time I have had concerns about Obama. And not all of these concerns
are political.
I have wondered if he simply snapped.
He continues to make me wonder.
The less menacing possibility is that he is determined to create a happy,
false reality for his LIV supporters.
The more frightening possibility is that he was so successful in creating
that Happy Place, he decided to move in, and now lives in his own delusions
as well.
Meanwhile, as the president fundraises and attends celebrity weddings, bear
this in mind:
Senior Pentagon official just confirmed to me that "hesitation" by
President Obama delayed July 4th #Foley hostage rescue mission
— Toby Harnden (@tobyharnden) August 29, 2014
Meanwhile, Noah Rothman writes that before invading Ukraine, Putin began
calling it by its old Tsarist name, and denying that it was really a state.
He's now doing the same thing with regard to Kazakhstan -- also, he avers,
never really a state at all.
So, you know.
But this is just "Social Media" making us worried about the Soviet Union,
and yes, it is time to call it by its proper name again.
Update: So when Obama says, in press conferences, that he's "deeply
concerned" and "working tirelessly" on these "serious matters," I guess he
just told us he's lying?
After all, if the world is fine, and everything will just work itself out,
and we're only alarmed due to "Social Media," then he can't be "deeply
concerned" about it all, can he?
1 (共1页)
License Plate of Friends of Boston Bombers: ‘Terrorista #1’黄茶袋兼祥林嫂很关心奥巴马打高尔夫,翻翻老底吧
Florida Obamacare Navigator Says Rollout is “Dead as a Doornail. It’s a Mess”川普频赴佛州度假 共和党也看不惯了
伊拉克军方与武装分子爆发激烈冲突英媒:中国羞辱穆斯林的手法千奇百怪 (转载)
奥巴马拉票被喝倒彩当场发飙 中期选举形势逼人(图)澳洲总理陆克文倒台
总统假期Why Obama's Ads Help Romney
话题: he话题: obama话题: media话题: social话题: just