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USANews版 - Obama Howls at the Moon
Re: 装逼犯搅屎棍 Rand Paul 带头砸盘非法移民的贡献比他们对这个国家的损害更大?
Obama政府终于回答Rand PaulWho loves vacation more than Obama?
你们觉得希拉里还会出来竞选吗?The issue is not taxing but spending
Rand Paul推出Obama医保取代方案笔录克林顿昨天演讲: obama医疗改革的具体措施
Obama ducks call to push reform in Illinois美国国会预算办公室估计6百万美国人会因奥巴马医疗遭到罚款其中大部分是中等收入人口
话题: obama话题: president话题: trade话题: partisan话题: practical
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
During the last dozen years or so, the only State of the Union Addresses I
failed to watch were because I was on the road. On Tuesday, I purposely
missed one.
Why Bother?
We all knew in advance what Obama would say. He leaked it out in pieces long
in advance. That took most of the drama out of things right up front.
Icing on the #WhoCares cake is the answer to this question: How could it
possibly matter?
Lamest of Lame Ducks
President Obama is the lamest of lame ducks. His ideas are headed for the
ash heap of history.
Raise taxes: Dead on arrival
Free Education: Dead on arrival
Environment fearmongering: Dead on arrival
We all knew those going in. The only thing we did not know was how blatant
the lies would be.
Lie of the Day
To find the lies of the day, I just finished reading Obama's State of The
Union Address.
The primary lie was easy to spot. In case you missed it, here it is: "In two
weeks, I will send this Congress a budget filled with ideas that are
practical, not partisan. And in the months ahead, I’ll crisscross the
country making a case for those ideas."
No doubt Obama will crisscross the country. That can be believed.
The lie is in regards to "ideas that are practical, not partisan".
Supposedly taxes on the wealthy, free education, and cutting carbon
pollution are "practical, not partisan".
That's two lies actually. All three proposals are all partisan, and not a
single one of them is practical.
I did not disagree with everything Obama said. For example, I do think we
should talk with Cuba and Iran. Beyond that, there is little to like and
much to dislike.
Free Trade is Fair Trade
I certainly would not give the president "trade promotion authority to
protect American workers, with strong new trade deals from Asia to Europe
that aren’t just free, but fair."
Instead, I would simply propose cutting all tariffs and be done with it,
regardless of what any other nation does. Free trade is fair trade. And on
that score many Republicans are worse than the president.
Senator Rand Paul offered this response.
Rand Paul Response
Higher taxes, more spending, and bigger government.
President Obama just revealed that is what he has in store for Americans
in 2015.
But you and millions of your fellow Americans sent a loud and clear
message to President Obama in November.
It's time to lower taxes, not raise them. It's time to reduce spending,
not increase it. It's time to shrink government, not grow it.
I'm ready to answer the call and lead the fight for our conservative
Tonight, I responded to President Obama's State of the Union address by
outlining my vision for our great nation. Please take a moment and watch the
video below.
Rand Paul Video
President Obama howled at the moon with partisan, impractical proposals that
are dead on arrival in Congress.
Looking for nonpartisan, practical ideas? Please play the above video.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
1 (共1页)
美国国会预算办公室估计6百万美国人会因奥巴马医疗遭到罚款其中大部分是中等收入人口Obama政府终于回答Rand Paul
Mitt Romney admits he’ll need to raise taxes on the middle class你们觉得希拉里还会出来竞选吗?
疤蟆打高尔夫和休假的时候是工作时间的两倍Rand Paul推出Obama医保取代方案
Democrats Attack Female Doctor for Daring to Question ObamaCareObama ducks call to push reform in Illinois
Re: 装逼犯搅屎棍 Rand Paul 带头砸盘非法移民的贡献比他们对这个国家的损害更大?
话题: obama话题: president话题: trade话题: partisan话题: practical