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话题: white话题: so话题: teach话题: students
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发帖数: 29846
In case you aren’t sick of all the talk of “diversity” and “tolerance”
and the race baiting going on in our oh so awesome progressive culture, I
have something for you that might just make you toss your cookies.
Apparently, a white English teacher who goes by the name of Dana Dusbiber,
has decided that she’s going to stop teaching about Shakespeare — you know
, the guy who wrote one of the most classic and wildly popular love stories
of all time, Romeo and Juliet? — because he’s white.
Feel free to face palm now.
From Truth Revolt:
In a piece for the Washington Post, Dana Dusbiber, a white English
teacher in Sacramento, says she’s done teaching Shakespeare because he’s
white. Her argument: minority students deserve to learn from people of “
diverse” cultural heritages, but white students need to be exposed to
cultures other than their own.
Though Shakespeare has long been considered to feature the English
language in its highest expression and has been praised for his ability to
address a remarkable range of human emotions that crosses cultural
boundaries, Dusbiber argues that it’s time to move on:
“I do not believe that a long-dead, British guy is the only writer who
can teach my students about the human condition. […] I am sad that so many
of my colleagues teach a canon that some white people decided upon so long
ago and do it without question. […] What I worry about is that as long as
we continue to cling to ONE (white) MAN’S view of life as he lived it so
long ago, we (perhaps unwittingly) promote the notion that other cultural
perspectives are less important.”
“So I ask, why not teach the oral tradition out of Africa, which
includes an equally relevant commentary on human behavior? Why not teach
translations of early writings or oral storytelling from Latin America or
Southeast Asia other parts of the world? Many, many of our students come
from these languages and traditions. Why do our students not deserve to
study these “other” literatures with equal time and value? And if time is
the issue in our classrooms, perhaps we no longer have the time to study the
Western canon that so many of us know and hold dear.”
“Here then, is my argument: If we only teach students of color, as I
have been fortunate to do my entire career, then it is far past the time for
us to dispense with our Eurocentric presentation of the literary world.
Conversely, if we only teach white students, it is our imperative duty to
open them up to a world of diversity through literature that they may never
encounter anywhere else in their lives.”
So do only white folks experience the same kind of trials, tribulations, and
emotions written about by Shakespeare?
Are white people not human beings, the same as blacks? If so, then I’m not
quite sure I understand this nutjob’s point.
I’m pretty sure both blacks and whites have experienced heartache, loss,
loneliness, unrequited love, and so on. These are fairly basic human
experiences, and the fact Shakespeare tackles these themes with so much
depth is what has made his work timeless.
Hey, if you want to add in some black authors just to mix things up, go
right on ahead, but to eliminate Shakespeare from the curriculum due to his
race seems a bit hypocritical don’t you think?
What if a white teacher said they were never going to teach Maya Angelou
because she’s black and her white students couldn’t relate to her?
People would probably demand she be fired, followed by three days and nights
of riots and looting, courtesy of those lovely “tolerant” folks on the
How about we leave race out of the equation and just give kids a quality
education? Revolutionary thought, right?
发帖数: 7717
She needs to speak Ebonics in class


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: In case you aren’t sick of all the talk of “diversity” and “tolerance”
: and the race baiting going on in our oh so awesome progressive culture, I
: have something for you that might just make you toss your cookies.
: Apparently, a white English teacher who goes by the name of Dana Dusbiber,
: has decided that she’s going to stop teaching about Shakespeare — you know
: , the guy who wrote one of the most classic and wildly popular love stories
: of all time, Romeo and Juliet? — because he’s white.
: Feel free to face palm now.
: From Truth Revolt:
: In a piece for the Washington Post, Dana Dusbiber, a white English

发帖数: 5329
1 (共1页)
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话题: white话题: so话题: teach话题: students