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USANews版 - 新总统,新世界
NATO commander agrees members should pay up说说trump和establishment
Epic Trump Speechrolling stone final argument against Trump .
Trump is adjusting his strategythis country is so fucked up
我坚决支持Trump10 reasons that Goldman Sachs loan is a nightmare for Ted Cruz
很多人还搞不清楚为什么establishment不能接受Trump有视频,重量级参议员Jeff Sessions endorses 床铺
话题: trump话题: russia话题: china话题: president话题: taiwan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 38600
New President, New World
By Patrick J. Buchanan
“Don’t Make Any Sudden Moves” is the advice offered to the new president
by Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations, which has not
traditionally been known as a beer hall of populist beliefs.
Haass meant the president should bring his National Security Council
together to anticipate the consequences before tearing up the Iran nuclear
deal, moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem or shooting down a missile being
tested by Kim Jong Un.
In arguing against rash action, Haass is correct.
Where the CFR and the establishment are wrong, and Donald Trump is right,
however, is in recognizing the new world we have entered.
The old order is passing away. Treaties and alliances dating from the Cold
War are ceasing to be relevant and cannot long be sustained.
Economic patriotism and ethnonationalism, personified by Trump, seem
everywhere ascendant. Transnationalism is yielding to tribalism.
The greater danger for President Trump is that the movement he led will be
abandoned, its hopes dashed, and the agenda that Trump rejected and routed
will be reimposed by a Republican Establishment and its collaborators in
politics and the press.
Again, it was Trump who read the nation right, which is why he is taking the
oath today.
The existential threat to the West no longer comes from the East, from a
Russian army crashing through Poland and Germany and driving for the Elbe
and Fulda Gap.
The existential threat to the West comes, instead, from the South.
The billion-plus peoples of the Maghreb, Middle East and sub-Sahara, whose
numbers are exploding, are moving inexorably toward the Med, coming to
occupy the empty places left by an aging and dying Europe, all of whose
native-born populations steadily shrink.
American’s bleeding border is what concerns Americans, not the borders of
Estonia, South Korea, Kuwait or the South China Sea.
When Trump calls NATO “obsolete,” he is saying that the great threat to
the West is not Putin’s recapture of a Crimea that belonged to Russia for
150 years. And if the price of peace is getting out of Russia’s face and
Russia’s space, maybe we should pay it.
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George Kennan himself, the architect of Cold War containment of Stalin’s
Russia, admonished us not to move NATO to Russia’s border.
Of Brexit, the British decision to leave the EU, Trump said this week, “
People, countries want their own identity and the U.K. wanted its own
identity … so if you ask me, I believe others will leave.”
Is he not right? Is it so shocking to hear a transparent truth?
How could Europe’s elites not see the populist forces rising? The European
peoples wished to regain their lost sovereignty and national identity, and
they were willing to pay a price to achieve it.
Apparently, the Davos crowd cannot comprehend people who believe there are
more important things than wealth.
Yet while President Trump should avoid rash actions, if he is to become a
transformational president, he will spurn an establishment desperately
seeking to hold onto the world that is passing away.
Article V of the NATO treaty may require us to treat a Russian move in the
Baltic as an attack on the United States. But no sane president will start a
war with a nuclear-armed Russia over Estonia.
No Cold War president would have dreamed of so rash an action.
Rather than risk such a war, Ike refused to send a rifle or bullet to the
heroic Hungarian rebels in 1956. Painful, but Ike put America first, just as
Trump pledged to do.
And given the strength of ethnonationalism in Europe, neither the eurozone
nor the EU is likely to survive the decade. We should prepare for that day,
not pretend that what is taking place across Europe, and indeed worldwide,
is some passing fever of nationalism.
Notwithstanding Secretary of State-designate Rex Tillerson’s diktat, the
United States is not going to force China to vacate the fortified reefs in a
South China Sea she claims as her national territory.
Stick to that demand, and we best prepare for war.
As for the Taiwan card, it was played in 1972 by Richard Nixon as the price
of his opening to China. Four decades ago, Jimmy Carter cut diplomatic ties
to Taiwan and terminated our security pact.
For Xi Jinping to accept that Taiwan might be negotiable would mean an end
of him and the overthrow of his Communist Party of China.
The Chinese will fight to prevent a permanent loss of Taiwan.
The imperative of the new era is that the great nuclear powers — China,
Russia, the United States — not do to each other what Britain, France and
Germany did to each other a century ago over a dead archduke.
President Trump should build the wall, secure the border, impose tariffs,
cut taxes, free up the American economy, bring the factories home, create
millions of jobs and keep us out of any new wars.
With rare exceptions, wars tend to be fatal to presidencies.
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发帖数: 2578
发帖数: 38600
As for the Taiwan card, it was played in 1972 by Richard Nixon as the price
of his opening to China. Four decades ago, Jimmy Carter cut diplomatic ties
to Taiwan and terminated our security pact.
For Xi Jinping to accept that Taiwan might be negotiable would mean an end
of him and the overthrow of his Communist Party of China.
The Chinese will fight to prevent a permanent loss of Taiwan.

【在 t*****n 的大作中提到】
: 京人,你这是1949年10月2日投降国民党啊
发帖数: 2578
发帖数: 38600
Day 1 of the Reign of Trump
1: The Federal Reserve still exists.
2: The Swamp is not drained.
3: The NSA still exists.
4: Hillary is not in jail.
5: The Goldmanite / DOD cabal still rule the Government
6: And as of 9:00 pm tonight we are $19,962,068,470,094 in debt
And America is NOT great again.

【在 t*****n 的大作中提到】
: 创普可以看出是个务实的人。而且,美国趋势是收缩。这种趋势下挑动台湾和大陆斗是
: 不可能的。反而民主党的转向亚太路线是对大陆实在的威胁。幸好让床铺击败了

发帖数: 38600
Donald Trump is no longer anti-Establishment, he is now THE establishment.
发帖数: 12853

【在 b********n 的大作中提到】
: Donald Trump is no longer anti-Establishment, he is now THE establishment.
发帖数: 12853

【在 t*****n 的大作中提到】
: 创普可以看出是个务实的人。而且,美国趋势是收缩。这种趋势下挑动台湾和大陆斗是
: 不可能的。反而民主党的转向亚太路线是对大陆实在的威胁。幸好让床铺击败了

1 (共1页)
有视频,重量级参议员Jeff Sessions endorses 床铺我坚决支持Trump
"Patriotic Populist"trump的胜利,是共和党破产的标志
NATO commander agrees members should pay up说说trump和establishment
Epic Trump Speechrolling stone final argument against Trump .
Trump is adjusting his strategythis country is so fucked up
话题: trump话题: russia话题: china话题: president话题: taiwan