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USANews版 - London bombing shows danger of Islamification in Britain and Europe. Is the US next?
U.S. ‘Worried’ Muslims Might Freak Out Over ‘Zero Dark Thirty’WSJ:How to Answer the Paris Terror Attack
荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话比利时反恐也开始了:两人死亡
伦敦警察说: Trump童鞋又一次说对了英国,荷兰,瑞典,挪威,芬兰等欧洲国家都在削减福利
A Koran, and Free Speech, In FlamesUK连bombing suspect的名字都不敢release
TRUMP支持者指出伊斯兰法根据定义,已经被排除在移民之列WSJ上UK subway bombing 新闻获赞最多的评论
话题: london话题: britain话题: europe话题: england话题: us
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3433
My husband and I saw Britain changing before our eyes. The final straw for
my husband and I was during the 2006 Danish Embassy Muhammad cartoon protest
, when hundreds of Islamists holding signs like “Behead Infidels” and “
Prepare for a New Holocaust,” marched unopposed to the Danish Embassy in
The only person arrested that day was an Englishman who jeered at the
Islamists. Upon seeing that, my husband turned to me and painfully admitted
with tears in his eyes, “England is finished. I guess I’d rather be a
stranger in a strange land, than a stranger in my own land.” We left
England when his U.S. green card came through.
Tragically, things are only going to get worse – much worse – in Europe.
The British and European Union governments are no longer looking after their
people and are willfully allowing the destruction of their culture and free
societies. They have utterly failed their citizens.
An English friend told me recently that her daughter’s Church of England
village school was teaching what they call RE (Religious Education) to the
children and spending an inordinate amount of time and positively favoring
Islam over other religions. Children of all faiths are now being taught how
to pray to Allah with prayer mats.
The Koran is the only book open on a stand at the back of the classroom. And
at a school assembly when the prophet Muhammad was mentioned, 200 children
chanted in unison: “Peace be upon him.”
1 (共1页)
没什么温和穆斯林A Koran, and Free Speech, In Flames
Ann Barnhardt Fights Totalitarian Islam and Its Useful IdiotsTRUMP支持者指出伊斯兰法根据定义,已经被排除在移民之列
The Process of United States Islamification不接受穆斯林移民的法律依据
U.S. ‘Worried’ Muslims Might Freak Out Over ‘Zero Dark Thirty’WSJ:How to Answer the Paris Terror Attack
荷兰反伊斯兰议员Geert Wilder在国会演讲中向首相喊话比利时反恐也开始了:两人死亡
伦敦警察说: Trump童鞋又一次说对了英国,荷兰,瑞典,挪威,芬兰等欧洲国家都在削减福利
话题: london话题: britain话题: europe话题: england话题: us