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WaterWorld版 - 亲手制止mass shooting的officer谈教师配枪的可行性
一个印度同事问我阿三什么意思?Virginia Tech Gunman Reported, Campus on Lockdown
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话题: he话题: everybody话题: teacher话题: just话题: officer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 286
"And to answer your question, you know, a teacher wants to be a teacher. He
or she doesn't want to be a police officer. And I think it's -- and I hope
people just really listen here, because I hear both sides of this argument.
And I hear where you are coming from. And both arguments make sense to me.
So, in my opinion, to -- to tell a teacher that he or she needs to be armed
is -- that is ridiculous. It just -- it doesn't make sense. That is not
their calling. Their calling is to be a teacher or to be a pilot. And when
you have trained personal in place, it is their job. And I think rather than
having -- I think everybody has the right to bear arms.
But I want to say this: I was a very well trained officer from a very
aggressive police department where we -- I never called SWAT once when I was
on the department, and we had shootings all the time. Because SWAT doesn't
have really better training than us. They just have better equipment."
MORGAN: In the wake of the Newtown tragedy, gun sales are soaring across
America, especially for weapons like the AR 15 that was used. Back with my
studio guests. I want to bring in now Jeanne Assam, who shot a gunman at her
Welcome to you, Mrs. Assam. You have an extraordinary story because they you
were in a church when a madman came in, a young man armed to the teeth. I
think he had an AR 15 as well, And began shooting people. Tell me what
JEANNE ASSAM, STOPPED GUNMAN AT HER CHURCH: He had already shot and killed
people in arzata (ph) at a facility called Youth With a Mission. And then he
went home and slept in his bed. And the next morning, he came to New Life
Church and he waited for the uniform law enforcement to leave. He waited an
hour in the parking lot and then he -- as soon as they left, he made his
move. He came into the church. He -- I apologize. He shot some people out in
the parking lot. He killed two sisters and severely wounded their father.
And I heard the shots, because it was obviously very loud. And he came into
the church. Everybody -- there were hundreds of people in the hallway. This
hallway is like 100 meters long and 30 -- about 30 feet wide. And it houses
all the special needs adults, daycare, classroom for youth.
So everybody scattered all of a sudden. Everybody was like, get down; he has
a gun. And I took the handgun out of the waste ban of my jeans and sprinted
down the hall toward him. Like I said, everybody scattered. It was like a
miracle. Everybody found a place to hide. Then I took cover, and I had just
seconds to come up with a real solid game plan.
And I just said, God please with me, and then stepped out and said police
officer, drop your weapon. And he turned toward me with his AR 15, and I
fired five rounds rapidly. And he fell back -- all the way back on his back.
And I just walked toward him with my gun pointed at him. And he sits up and
I said, drop your weapon or I will kill you. And he fires at me, so were
shooting at each other. And I shot him again and killed him.
MORGAN: Let me jump in. That is an act of extraordinary courage on your part
. You were a trained officer. And you were carrying a gun for that reason.
What is your belief about the claim that many people that, that if the
teachers had been armed at Sandy Hook, that they could have averted the
disaster, and that civilians should be armed for that reason, to protect
themselves from mass killings like this?
ASSAM: Let me just very quickly say, I'm very sorry to all the parents who
lost their children and to the other people who lost the adults in this
massacre. I don't even know what to say to you. Just know that my thoughts
and prayers are with you. And I'm very sorry. And stick together. You are
going to need each other. Stick together and be there for each other.
And to answer your question, you know, a teacher wants to be a teacher. He
or she doesn't want to be a police officer. And I think it's -- and I hope
people just really listen here, because I hear both sides of this argument.
And I hear where you are coming from. And both arguments make sense to me.
So, in my opinion, to -- to tell a teacher that he or she needs to be armed
is -- that is ridiculous. It just -- it doesn't make sense. That is not
their calling. Their calling is to be a teacher or to be a pilot. And when
you have trained personal in place, it is their job. And I think rather than
having -- I think everybody has the right to bear arms.
But I want to say this: I was a very well trained officer from a very
aggressive police department where we -- I never called SWAT once when I was
on the department, and we had shootings all the time. Because SWAT doesn't
have really better training than us. They just have better equipment.
MORGAN: I have to jump in. That is the point, that you were highly trained
and that's why you were able to do what you did.
发帖数: 286


【在 g*****1 的大作中提到】
: 她认为非常不可行.她认为自己当时之所以能制止屠杀,是因为她受到了很严格的训练.
: 让学校的教师接受这样的训练基本上不可能.
: 很少有人能够同时做教师和警察两份工作.
: "And to answer your question, you know, a teacher wants to be a teacher. He
: or she doesn't want to be a police officer. And I think it's -- and I hope
: people just really listen here, because I hear both sides of this argument.
: And I hear where you are coming from. And both arguments make sense to me.
: So, in my opinion, to -- to tell a teacher that he or she needs to be armed
: is -- that is ridiculous. It just -- it doesn't make sense. That is not
: their calling. Their calling is to be a teacher or to be a pilot. And when

1 (共1页)
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话题: he话题: everybody话题: teacher话题: just话题: officer