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WorldNews版 - 西方往死里整普京大帝,油价变便宜无比 (转载)
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话题: russia话题: russian话题: oil话题: 死里整话题: hurting
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3599
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: hutuxian (糊涂仙), 信区: Military
标 题: 西方往死里整普京大帝,油价变便宜无比
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 15 10:05:23 2014, 美东)
油价跌破3美元一加仑了, 西方这是往死里整普京啊
Crashing oil prices could crush Vladimir Putin
Falling oil prices are good for American drivers, but not for Russia.
In early March when Russia first sent troops into Ukraine, oil was trading
comfortably above $100 per barrel. Now, it's around $81, a level not seen in
three years.
That's a tough pill for Russia to swallow since the country relies heavily
on oil revenues to bankroll its budget -- over half of the government's
revenues come from oil and gas.
"We're probably getting closer to the point of pain," said Phil Flynn, an
energy analyst at the Price Futures Group. "It's definitely putting the
squeeze on their balance sheet."
Russia's economy is hurting: However you look at it, Russia is hurting. Its
stock market (the Micex Index) has plunged 6% in the last three months, and
the Russian Ruble is down 20% against the dollar this year.
The World Bank forecasts anemic Russian economic growth of just 0.5% in 2014
and 0.3% in 2015. A more pessimistic scenario foresees the Russian economy
slipping into recession this year and contracting further in 2015 and 2016.
发帖数: 3599
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: hutuxian (糊涂仙), 信区: Military
标 题: 西方往死里整普京大帝,油价变便宜无比
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 15 10:05:23 2014, 美东)
油价跌破3美元一加仑了, 西方这是往死里整普京啊
Crashing oil prices could crush Vladimir Putin
Falling oil prices are good for American drivers, but not for Russia.
In early March when Russia first sent troops into Ukraine, oil was trading
comfortably above $100 per barrel. Now, it's around $81, a level not seen in
three years.
That's a tough pill for Russia to swallow since the country relies heavily
on oil revenues to bankroll its budget -- over half of the government's
revenues come from oil and gas.
"We're probably getting closer to the point of pain," said Phil Flynn, an
energy analyst at the Price Futures Group. "It's definitely putting the
squeeze on their balance sheet."
Russia's economy is hurting: However you look at it, Russia is hurting. Its
stock market (the Micex Index) has plunged 6% in the last three months, and
the Russian Ruble is down 20% against the dollar this year.
The World Bank forecasts anemic Russian economic growth of just 0.5% in 2014
and 0.3% in 2015. A more pessimistic scenario foresees the Russian economy
slipping into recession this year and contracting further in 2015 and 2016.
1 (共1页)
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专家:美经济有望率先突围 美元地位仍无可替代G20不是按照GDP排的
话题: russia话题: russian话题: oil话题: 死里整话题: hurting