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_BibleStudy版 - Love Someone
生命所需的箐华 (Desiderata ---A poem of life)"Man punishes those who love him,
Calm Faces"A soul mate
Whatever Else You DoGod is Love
Cult couple accused of starving babyGod Loves you
BM, BFs -- please come in and help.God is love.
THE MORE LOVING ONELove not the world.
让我很感动的一段文章, from 麦道卫关于婚外恋(一个资深基督徒的EMAIL)
电子吗哪(11/23/03)ZT: Love in China 爱在中国 (转载)
话题: love话题: someone话题: life话题: ehrmann话题: god
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 372
by: Max Ehrmann (1872 - 1945)
Love some one—
in God's name love some one—
for this is the bread of the inner life,
without which a part of you will starve and die;
and though you feel you must be stern,
even hard, in your life of affairs,
make for yourself at least a little corner,
somewhere in the great world,
where you may unbosom and be kind.
1 (共1页)
ZT: Love in China 爱在中国 (转载)BM, BFs -- please come in and help.
JJ Heller - What Love Really Means (转载)THE MORE LOVING ONE
JESUS FASHION - 《祢愛降臨 Your Love Falls》 (转载)让我很感动的一段文章, from 麦道卫
生命所需的箐华 (Desiderata ---A poem of life)"Man punishes those who love him,
Calm Faces"A soul mate
Whatever Else You DoGod is Love
Cult couple accused of starving babyGod Loves you
话题: love话题: someone话题: life话题: ehrmann话题: god