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_OrangeCounty版 - Part-time job available for college students (Orange County (转载)
尔湾 橙县 3房2浴 好學區 Orange County Irvine 近 405 UCI IVC有人想晚上去逛Irvine spectrum吗?
Re: 寻Irvine地区的球友 (转载)[活动意向调查]水上自行车
One Bedroom 4 Rent in Orange County Close to UCI周三,周日篮球召集
寻找男朋友/老公 【南加州(OC)地区】 (转载)irvine重庆四川老乡
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讲中文的大专/社青团契有吗UCI cssa今年有春节晚会什么的节目吗?
话题: orange话题: county话题: part话题: students话题: job
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 37
【 以下文字转载自 LosAngeles 讨论区 】
发信人: snowrbbt (niuniu), 信区: LosAngeles
标 题: Part-time job available for college students (Orange County Area)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jul 19 18:13:01 2010, 美东)
I need some help on data checking. It's really simple work. Approximately $
10- 20 /hr, depends on how fast you can work. Send me a note. I do need
someone who is located in orange county. UCI and IVC students are encouraged
to apply this job.
1 (共1页)
UCI cssa今年有春节晚会什么的节目吗?有人想去orange county fair吗
前洛杉矶市的副市长陈愉女士职业规划讲座 (03/04)有人想报IVC的羽毛球课吗?
请推荐下可以办UCI health insurance waiver的保险UCI CSSA 网站
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尔湾 橙县 3房2浴 好學區 Orange County Irvine 近 405 UCI IVC有人想晚上去逛Irvine spectrum吗?
Re: 寻Irvine地区的球友 (转载)[活动意向调查]水上自行车
One Bedroom 4 Rent in Orange County Close to UCI周三,周日篮球召集
寻找男朋友/老公 【南加州(OC)地区】 (转载)irvine重庆四川老乡
话题: orange话题: county话题: part话题: students话题: job