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astrology版 - Tim Stephens 2012年运(tipsy译)
苏珊米勒2012年1月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年3月星座运势LIST
苏珊米勒2012年1月双鱼运势 (by tipsy)tipsy,最近素不素水逆。。。。
苏珊米勒2011年12月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年4月摩羯运势 (tipsy译)
苏珊米勒2011年12月双鱼运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年4月天秤运势 (tipsy译)
苏珊米勒2012年1月运势 listTipsy 辛苦了
苏珊米勒星运 2012年2月 LISTGood Rap
苏珊米勒2012年3月天秤运势 (by tipsy)【射手座】苏珊米勒2012年11月运势
话题: your话题: june话题: january话题: july话题: august
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 182
穿上新鞋子跳一支新舞(幸运点就转移啦 --译注)。
世界范围内,2012年将继续缓慢艰难的阶级变迁 -- 伴随着一些突然的挫败,比如阿
拉伯之春。反抗尚未结束 -- 看起来6月到9月之间重大冲突一触即发,最大的冲突会
在2014年到来。今年夏秋之季,当局会再一次镇压或非法使用科技 -- 大规模抗议会
会实现,世界不会终结 --这些(灾难)还是太温和了。
-------- 白羊
1月到6月,金钱方面很幸运 -- 绝佳的6个月来找新工作或者要求加薪,尤其是在1月和5月。也许会有丰厚的奖金!国际的 教育的 或法律的事务 -- 或许还有一段无趣的关系 -- 也许会成为通往成功的垫脚石。2012年的上半年你会努力工作,所以要注意健康,谨防过度劳累 压力 出疹子或烧伤。
-------- 金牛
1月到6月你幸运十足!你的世界快乐的变化和展开,你乐开了花,投资 生活方式选择 亲密关系 科研 和孩子出生方面开满成功的鲜花。避免随意乱花钱,尤其是这个夏天。购置会增值的而不是会贬值的资产。
到了10月,阳光照耀着你的工作环境,驱走这两年延误工作事宜的限制性的乌云 -- 你财运上扬,收入增加,一直到2013年中。应争取永久性的薪水增长而不是加班补贴。争取新客户?轻而易举。
很不一样的朋友们开始出现:甜蜜的,害羞的,真正的朋友,你将珍视他们几十年。对有些人来说,和“另一代”的婚姻将在今秋至2014年间发生 -- 提示:12月将发生吸引力。
-------- 双子
直到6月,双双们都处于安静与治愈的状态中。利用这段时期寻求身心疗法,解决你与伴侣或前任之间的所有分歧,并好好处理政府 税务 管理或类似事宜。延误这些事宜的影响已经解除 - 勇往直前吧。如果你是单身,你会陷入一段爱情之中,与其说它让人兴奋,不如说它让人舒服。不要用他人来填补空缺哦。
7月前,家庭方面的复杂问题让双双时喜时怒。温和点!如果你购买 翻新 或维修家宅,好运将随之到来 - 不过不要在7月3日前住入新家。
6月将开启一段长达12个月的超级好运。双双15年来的厄运终于终结。在夏末之前你将越发快乐 喜悦和友善。今年秋天或在2013年你可能开始一生中最成功的冒险。你可能会结婚。直到10月爱情都是安宁和清醒的。这个月里你可能会遇见那个唯一 (the one)。6月同样会有浪漫,不过要小心 - 对方的脾气藏起来了。7月/8月怦然心动。12月某人渴望得到你的回应。
-------- 巨蟹
大约夏天,无法预测的突然事件可能会改变你的事业状态或邻里状况。你也许会飞黄腾达 – 但是情况也可能波动,所以你要保持警惕和勇敢。你也可能声名鹊起,它授予你的名多过利,或者有某种人文目的。投资 他人的财务 科研究 生活方式和健康因素都大大改变,而且为进一步发展提供了肥沃的土壤。
直到六月,你的社交天赋会在你野心攀登之路上助你一臂之力。八月后就业契机幸运地盘旋在管理 政府或慈善机构等领域。
私人关系继续保持强劲演变的势头。整个六月你友好并善谈。这个夏天你可能遭遇一场“爱或责任”的冲突。9月起一直到2013社交方面可能让人失落,但是深沉严肃的浪漫史会受到微妙的祝福 – 不管你是输是赢。十年内都可能出现这种“静静”的选择:你可能会悄悄疏远任何一种人际关系,也可能陷入此生最深沉之爱(可能就是你的伴侣)。爱会四处弥漫 – 甚至在你和旧敌之间。
-------- 狮子
6月开始愿望就会一一兑现(但6月至8月可能不太靠谱)。浪漫梦想得以实现,你的受欢迎程度也会激增 -- 如果你跟他人交往的话。一个特殊的群体将向你敞开大门,来带一波令人兴奋的创造性成就 投机冒险以及乐趣。8月后请发送请柬和并接受邀请。
-------- 处女
这不同寻常的6个月仅仅是个开端,后面紧跟着8年的性爱态度的转变和15年的迷人恋爱与机会。这段时间里你会遇到跟你完全相反的人 --梦幻的,灵感的,自由奔放的(相对你的逻辑 现实 谨慎的天性)。这是很好的匹配。
-------- 天秤
你的冒险渴望和安全需求之间的冲突在夏季到达顶点,可能会有争斗 意念上的战斗和突然决定。这些过去之后,10月,一个巨大的限制性的约束将从你的肩头卸下,你会变得更明快更强大更快乐,这将吸引更健康的爱情。
-------- 天蝎
1月到7月你在社交场合很张扬,特别是跟同事在一起的时候。关于工作的两个愿望,不管是体制上的还是健康上的,都会成真,所以你好好期待吧!但是要拒绝需要大笔金钱支出的工作目标。9月以前投资和债务都是诱人的陷阱 -- 但是收入还是受保护的并上扬。6月以前,你会有好机会来增加收入或者缔结有利可图的伙伴关系。
-------- 射手
射射们,今年一分为二。直到6月,老板都很没有耐心很挑剔,还有很多杂务成倍增长,但是你在工作上创意十足,很幸运,很容易就能得到升职 和/或 加薪。直到2023年,你的收入最佳来源是有关政府 机构和管理职位的。
到了7月,工作需求减少,你将有11个月的时间来获得冒险 旅游 幸运的搬迁 恋爱 和明媚的新视野。但是夏季情况很复杂,所以等到9月再开始重大的新项目吧!
最近,为期8年的浪漫时代已经开启。旅游和交谈会擦出火花。你会在4月到8月感到沉浸爱河 -- 还是要等等看 --惊惶(consternation 指的是惊愕迷惑吓呆了,不是什么好词,类似panic alarm terror --译注)正在慢慢酝酿。 9月以后,你前途无碍。
从现在到2025年要关注饮食。体内的燃烧问题(Internal combustion problems 不明白啊--译注)可能突然跳出来。保持地下室干燥,避免沼泽。
-------- 魔羯
-------- 水瓶
-------- 双鱼
直到9月你的事业都是受保护的。高层支持你和你的计划。这是换工作和雇主的好时机 -- 也适合要父母帮个大忙。旅行, 阅读,保持好奇心,主动攀谈。你学会的东西可能带来事业上的发展。一直到8月,都不要买房产,也不要在家里花费太多时间。孩子们夸大了他们的需要--别被他们吓着了。
直到7月,你的人际关系都很紧张 -- 你可能会树敌,也可能会爱上别人,还可能两者都发生。异性似乎从来没有这么引人注目,哪怕你仅仅是在街上随便走走。现在结为伴侣可能会带来持续的赚钱机会和风险。全年(甚至直到2023年的每一年)可行的潜在生活伴侣会在你的社交圈内出现,如果你想要浪漫,多交朋友!
发帖数: 182
2012 begins with hope and vigor. Last year’s most promising projects, which
stalled all autumn, suddenly advance. You now have six months – only – to
give these optimistic ventures a mighty push. After June, luck puts on new
shoes, for a new dance.
Over the world, 2012 will continue the slow, grinding journey of hierarchy
change – with abrupt lurches, such as the Arab Spring. Revolt has not ended
– major clashes seem imminent June to September, and the biggest will come
in 2014. This summer/fall, the establishment will again try to suppress or
illegally use technology – a huge protest will follow.
Both Koreas will feel, politically, like their foundations have been yanked
There is no reliable birth chart for the European Union, which formed
imperceptibly over time, like a cloud sculpture. The euro currency might
rally in late 2012, but will face worsening problems right into 2014.
Ultimately the euro will be transformed, but should come back stronger than
ever – barring a 2014 implosion of the entire EU.
2012 begins a huge 15-year growth in religion (especially Christianity)
oceanic activities, film, drugs, astrophysics, optics and charity. From
January through June, farms suffer from over-fertilization or “burned
ground.” Forest fires proliferate. Massive earthquakes are possible in the
third quarter, perhaps in South America. But, Mayan prophecies
notwithstanding, the world won’t end in December – the aspects are too
Beginning in June, obvious by October, the U.S. economic malaise will
lighten in tangible ways. One year of great growth will ensue. But Canada
and the U.S. still face huge export problems. Property markets in general
will continue 2011’s buoyancy to mid-2012, then sag.
We should avoid starting any new projects March 12 to April 4, July 13 to
August 7, and November 6 to 26.
Aries - (March 21-April 19)
You’re filled with the vibrancy of a whole new adventure. Life is fresh,
friends are new.
Money travels a lucky path January to June – a superb six months to land a
new job or seek a pay raise, especially in January and May. A huge bonus
could arrive! International, educational or legal affairs – and perhaps a
“dull” relationship – could be stepping stones to advancement. You’ll
work hard this first half of 2012, so protect your health against over-
exertion, stress, rashes and burns.
The whole year tests your career and status with the constant pressures of
change. Rebellion on your part could lead to a battle with authorities,
especially August to October. Mentally, be profound, not superficial.
The last six months, your attention switches from money to travel,
friendships and communications. Be curious, follow your nose: a place you
visit could later become a great home. However, delay short trips June to
August – go international.
Heavy romance is rare, but friendships and flirtations abound. Someone might
chase you in January. An exciting person arrives in July/August, and
intimacy could follow!
Taurus - (April 20-May 20)
You’re plain lucky January to June! Your world changes and expands happily,
you’re cheerful, and success blossoms in investments, lifestyle choices,
intimacy, research, and childbirth. Avoid careless spending, especially this
summer. Buy appreciating, not depreciating assets.
The sun shines on your work-place by October, lifting the grey, restrictive
cloud that’s slowed employment affairs for two years – your money luck
surges upward and your earnings increase, right into mid-2013. Seek a
permanent pay raise rather than overtime. Woo new clients – it will be easy.
Powerful romantic lures draw you the first six months. Be honest and moral
in love, particularly in January and April. If you’re single, a sexually
charged atmosphere deepens your chances for a satisfying relationship. (But
if you meet a man late January to mid-April, he might have a complex,
wounded ego: be careful.) If you’re married, excitement regenerates your
Very different friends start appearing: sweet, shy, true friends, whom you’
ll treasure for decades. Marriage to “another generation” occurs for some
this autumn to 2014 – hints, attractions appear in December.
Gemini - (May 21-June 20)
Until June, you remain in a quiet, healing place. Use this interval to seek
physical and psychological cures, to solve any differences with your mate or
ex, and to take care of government, tax, administration or similar matters.
The delays that affected these matters have dissolved – charge forward. If
single, you’re drawn to a love that is more comforting than exciting. Don
’t use someone just to fill a void.
Until July, complex issues on the home front make you swing between anger
and joy. Be gentle! Good luck will come if you buy, renovate or repair a
home – but don’t occupy a new residence before July 3.
June begins twelve months of super luck. Fifteen years of adversity end. By
late summer you grow cheerful, happy, and friendly. This autumn or in 2013
you could start one of the most successful ventures of your life. You might
marry. Romance continues to be quiet and sober until October. This month
could bring The One. Romance visits in June, also, but take care – tempers
lie hidden. July/August trigger fond urges. Someone wants an answer in
Protect your digestive system through June.
Cancer - (June 21-July 22)
Sudden, unpredictable events will change your career position or
neighbourhood status, probably this summer. You could rocket to the top –
but conditions will be volatile, so remain alert and brave. A prestigious
mantle you don might confer more honor than money, or have a humanitarian
purpose. Investments, other people’s finances, research, lifestyle and
health factors both spur change and offer fertile fields for advancement.
Until June, your social gifts help you climb ambition’s ladder. After
August, employment luck hovers in management, government or charity
Relationships remain a powerful, evolving force. You’re friendly and
talkative through June. The summer might create a duty-versus-love conflict.
From September into 2013, socializing disappoints but deep, serious romance
becomes a subtle blessing – whether you win or lose. A “quiet” choice
exists this entire decade: you can let alienation quietly creep into all
your relationships, or you can fall for one of the deepest loves of your
life (who could already be your mate). Love can arise anywhere – even with
a former enemy.
From October onward, heavy security and domestic duties dissolve. Guard
against stress and digestive upsets.
Leo - (July 23-Aug. 22)
Your career luck soars for the first six months, so charge after a shining
goal – you can seize it! It might be your status that soars – you could
marry upward, be voted club president, or receive an honor. After August,
turn your attention to home and family – your career needs a rest.
Major money flows swiftly to you January to June. Be careful – if you spend
heedlessly, you’ll end poorer than you started.
Wishes come true from June onward (but not very reliably June to August).
Romantic dreams will be fulfilled and your popularity will surge – IF you
join with others. A special crowd will open its doors to you, and bring a
thrilling wave of creative success, speculative ventures, and pleasure.
Issue invitations and accept them – after August.
Sensual urges strike the entire first half, especially in February. Love
puzzles you April to June, when you might deal with a former flame, or
agonize over whether to commit. Amour is powerful October to December.
During this expansive year, guard against weight gain. If you have
experienced walking restrictions (e.g., bunions) October into 2013 might
bring a cure.
Virgo - (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You’re the sexiest member of the zodiac January through June – so sexy,
you might get in trouble! Your financial drives are similarly powerful.
Either one can transport you to a huge triumph, or a burdensome prison.
Honesty and hope bring success; lust and hunger for power bring the burden.
These unusual six months are merely the introduction to 8 years of changing
sexual attitudes, and to 15 years of enchanting relationships and
opportunities. During this period you will meet your true opposite – dreamy
, inspired and free-spirited (versus your logical, practical, prudent nature
). It’s a good match.
The first half of 2012 offers many providential openings in far travel,
publishing, learning, law, and cultural affairs – perhaps a wedding.
Higher-ups favor you this spring and summer, but your ambitions need wisdom
and caution. September into 2013 brings huge career/status luck: a promotion
, your own business, more clientele, or a social status boost, perhaps
through marriage.
Two years of earnings restrictions end in October. Sign a real estate
contract before September. A pervasive worry lifts off your health picture
in February.
Libra - (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Love and friendship meet a rollercoaster in 2012. Life throws oddball but
charming people your way. You might change partners on a moment’s whim –
but behind that moment are years of deliberation.
Amour is deeply intimate before June. A spring/summer link combines love and
lust, and seems altar-bound. Be patient: before September, weddings (and
legal matters, foreign countries, higher education, cultural and publishing
projects) are traps in disguise. This autumn into 2013, these zones
transform into hugely lucky ones.
A clash between your adventurous urges and your security needs reaches a
summer climax. There could be fights, battles of will, and sudden decisions.
After it’s over, by October, a huge, restricting caution lifts off your
shoulders – and a brighter, stronger, happier you emerges. This attracts
healthier love.
You might change your home before October. (Buy property before June.)
Investments drip with good luck January to May. After August, concentrate on
earning money. Be conservative; a mortgage might weigh in 2013.
A natural, balanced era has begun in health and work spheres. Digestive
problems ease. Avoid viral contamination, and protect your feet.
Scorpio - (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
A sweet romantic phase touched you too briefly last year, then retreated.
Now it comes solidly – for 15 years. Before June, marriage could result.
But there’s no rush: you have 15 years. Intimate moments flow in January
and all spring/summer. Be discerning: lust (power-based sex) will disappoint
or worse, while friendly, sensual intimacy will bring health and happiness.
You’re socially assertive from January to July, especially with co-workers.
Two wishes about work, machinery or health can come true, so wish away! But
reject a work goal that involves a big outlay of money. Investments and
debt can be alluring sinkholes before September – but earnings remain
protected and buoyant. Before June, you’ll meet a good opportunity to
increase your income, or to form a lucrative partnership.
Your health appears good until July, though optimism can cause overexertion
or injuries. Avoid too much sugar this spring. September’s nagging problem
could grow, so get it checked.
October begins two years of a more serious, sober outlook: resolve to build
your assets and position. Unveil your hidden communications skills.
Sagittarius - (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
This year splits in half, Sage. Until June, bosses are impatient and
critical, and chores
multiply crazily; yet you’re inventive and lucky on the work front, and you
could easily come away with a promotion and/or pay raise. Until 2023, your
best income sources are governmental, institutional and managerial
By July, work demands diminish, freeing you for 11 months of adventure,
travel, lucky re-location possibilities, relationships, and bright new
horizons! But the summer is complex, so wait until September onward to
launch big projects.
After August, all success will come from approaching and joining with others
, all disappointment from attempting to go it alone. You might find true
love and wed late this year or next. Fame might tap your shoulder.
A vibrant 8-year romantic era began recently. Travel and conversations will
yield sparks. You might feel you’re in love April to August – still, wait
and see – consternation brews. September onward, your way is clear.
Watch your diet now to 2025. Internal combustion problems (IBS?) can crop up
. Keep your basement dry, and avoid bogs.
Capricorn - (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
A slow, unstoppable wheel of change turns from 2008 to 2023. Your career,
your life, your friends and home will transform. Ask yourself: how can I use
changing circumstances to make my deepest, oldest dreams come true? By
October, you begin two years of wish fulfillment. Recent “catastrophes”
have sown the beneficial seeds of a new, better life.
Until early July, avoid legal hassles. (Do sign real estate contracts – but
stick to revenue properties.) You might face friction in foreign countries,
cultural venues, higher education, publishing and religion during the first
Your home life holds surprises (and money inspiration). You might find a
terrific income source in real estate, food, furniture, agriculture or
maternity fields.
The romantic delays of 2011 end right now. You possess buoyant love luck
January to May. If you’re shy, someone cheerful might “adopt” you.
Chores will multiply mid-2012 to mid-2013. One source of income might end,
yet another begins. Money is more unpredictable now, yet you worry less
about it. Avoid starting new work projects before late August. After this,
lucky extra work flows in.
Aquarius-(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Before June, shore up your private life. Buy a home or vacation retreat,
expand your premises, heal your family, or make a big deposit on your
children’s future (e.g., an education savings plan). What you do now in
these areas can bring profit and happiness for years to come.
This summer gives a complex message: life offers good luck but bad karma in
romance, adventure, creativity, speculation, sports, and pleasure pursuits.
Karma wins, so wait. September onward brings pure love luck – and only luck
! Romance that arrives this autumn to mid-2013 can lead to lifetime love.
Someone you enjoy talking with radiates a powerful sexual allure January to
July – or you might reveal a secret lust to someone. Be self-protective.
Your money picture takes a big turn this February. Now to 2025, new earnings
sources will spring up in anything connected to the oceans, film, optics,
espionage, physics, plumbing, medicine, nursing and compassion. Avoid
impulsive investments January to July. But buy real estate before July, not
Your health looks fine – but watch what you eat September onward.
Pisces - (Feb. 19-March 20)
Your career remains protected until September. Higher-ups support you and
your plans. This is a splendid time to change careers or employers – and to
ask a parent for a big favor. Travel, read, be curious, strike up
conversations. What you learn can lead to valuable career advantages.
Through August, steer clear of real estate purchases, and avoid spending too
much time at home. Children exaggerate their demands – don’t be bullied.
By September, right into mid-2013, the picture changes dramatically: you can
find one or two of the luckiest realty purchases in your life, kids charm
and bless you, and you can benefit from working at home, even running your
business from the kitchen or basement.
Until July, relations intensify – you could make an enemy, or fall in love,
or both. The opposite sex has never seemed more striking, even as you
stroll down the street. Partnering now might involve ongoing money
opportunities – and risks. All year (every year to 2023!) viable life-mate
prospects will appear in your social group. If you want romance, multiply
your friends!
发帖数: 8270
发帖数: 1134

【在 t***y 的大作中提到】
: 听说这个很准,我看过2011年的年运,的确很准。不太满意豆瓣星译社的翻译,有些地
: 方翻拧了。上个自己的译本。
: ----------------------------------
: 2012年一开始就满怀希望充满生机。去年最有希望的项目在整个秋季搁浅,现在突然前
: 进了。你现在只有6个月的时间来给这些有前途的事业使劲推一把。6月以后,幸运就会
: 穿上新鞋子跳一支新舞(幸运点就转移啦 --译注)。
: 世界范围内,2012年将继续缓慢艰难的阶级变迁 -- 伴随着一些突然的挫败,比如阿
: 拉伯之春。反抗尚未结束 -- 看起来6月到9月之间重大冲突一触即发,最大的冲突会
: 在2014年到来。今年夏秋之季,当局会再一次镇压或非法使用科技 -- 大规模抗议会
: 接踵而来。政治上,南北韩都会感到他们的根基在动摇。

1 (共1页)
苏珊米勒2012年11月射手座星运zz苏珊米勒2012年1月运势 list
【水瓶座】Susan Miller 2013年12月运势zz苏珊米勒星运 2012年2月 LIST
十二星座谁最禁欲苏珊米勒2012年3月天秤运势 (by tipsy)
苏珊米勒2012年1月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年3月星座运势LIST
苏珊米勒2012年1月双鱼运势 (by tipsy)tipsy,最近素不素水逆。。。。
苏珊米勒2011年12月魔羯运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年4月摩羯运势 (tipsy译)
苏珊米勒2011年12月双鱼运势 (by tipsy)苏珊米勒2012年4月天秤运势 (tipsy译)
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