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Fitness版 - [video] Mock meet - 1000LB Total
Squat 385x1膝盖上方大腿内侧的肌肉经常自己跳
[video] Squat opener?新人这样健身行吗?
[bssd] Squat 315x2 @ RPE 9深蹲2小问
[bssd] Squat 265x3 @ RPE 9.5[bssd] RKC deep 6 奔视频
[bssd] A few training videos - squat, bench press再随便奔个背。。。。。。上次貌似穿得太多了。。。。。
[bssd] Squat 300x8 @ RPE 9squat 225 for 6
Some PRs for the July 4th能否帮忙检查下我的动作?
说说有氧运动和无氧运动(一)front squat 肘部不能做到水平怎么办
话题: squat话题: my话题: sets话题: fatigue话题: drop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 358
After a 9-week training cycle with auto regulation, I got my first 1000LB
total. All attempts were done in one training session:
Body weight: 175LB
I am very happy with the numbers:
Squat: 280 -> 350 (70lb PR)
Bench Press: 215 -> 245 (30lb PR)
Deadlift: 355 -> 405 (50lb PR)
Happy July 4th to everybody!
发帖数: 1142
发帖数: 305
发帖数: 1088

【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: After a 9-week training cycle with auto regulation, I got my first 1000LB
: total. All attempts were done in one training session:
: Body weight: 175LB
: I am very happy with the numbers:
: Squat: 280 -> 350 (70lb PR)
: Bench Press: 215 -> 245 (30lb PR)
: Deadlift: 355 -> 405 (50lb PR)
: Happy July 4th to everybody!

发帖数: 358
Thanks! It's nothing earth shattering, but making the progress is my main
focus here.

【在 d******u 的大作中提到】
: 太牛了,仰慕中~~
发帖数: 358
Thanks. I train alone at home and rely on the safety pins for the most part.

【在 R***1 的大作中提到】
: 太牛了。
: 为啥没人保护下?感觉好危险。

发帖数: 358

【在 r****n 的大作中提到】
: 牛!!
发帖数: 74
Congrats on the huge PRs! Way to stick with that 245 bench.

【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: After a 9-week training cycle with auto regulation, I got my first 1000LB
: total. All attempts were done in one training session:
: Body weight: 175LB
: I am very happy with the numbers:
: Squat: 280 -> 350 (70lb PR)
: Bench Press: 215 -> 245 (30lb PR)
: Deadlift: 355 -> 405 (50lb PR)
: Happy July 4th to everybody!

发帖数: 358
Thanks! Yea, the 245 bench was a good fight. My plan was to bench 240 as the
3rd attempt. But since 230 felt easy, I got a bit ambitious and went on to
try 245. It turned out to be a grind. I was once stapled on the bench last
year and knew exactly how bad it felt. So the motivation of getting the bar
up is huge :)

【在 w*******e 的大作中提到】
: Congrats on the huge PRs! Way to stick with that 245 bench.
发帖数: 5241
Congrats on the PRs. Time to sign up for a real meet. :)
[bssd] Squat 300x8 @ RPE 9膝盖上方大腿内侧的肌肉经常自己跳
Some PRs for the July 4th新人这样健身行吗?
发帖数: 358
Thanks! Yea I plan on signing up for a real meet later this year.

【在 f*******n 的大作中提到】
: Congrats on the PRs. Time to sign up for a real meet. :)
发帖数: 5241
Safety pins won't help on a bench. It's the only lift I ask for help
in the gym. And that's why I do not feel safe to lift at home alone.


【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: Thanks! Yea I plan on signing up for a real meet later this year.
发帖数: 863
发帖数: 358
Thanks! The test shows where my weakness for each lift is, so there is still
quite some work to do.

【在 g**4 的大作中提到】
: 大牛好强!
发帖数: 4883

【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: After a 9-week training cycle with auto regulation, I got my first 1000LB
: total. All attempts were done in one training session:
: Body weight: 175LB
: I am very happy with the numbers:
: Squat: 280 -> 350 (70lb PR)
: Bench Press: 215 -> 245 (30lb PR)
: Deadlift: 355 -> 405 (50lb PR)
: Happy July 4th to everybody!

发帖数: 437
厉害厉害! 胡子造型也很威猛!
发帖数: 358
Thanks. 50lb for 3 months is not bad at all! Honestly I didn't anticipate
big PRs like these so it was definitely a surprise to me. The rate of
strength growth will most likely slow down a bit in the next few cycles.
I really like Mike T's auto regulation after 9 weeks of practicing it. It
auto regulates the volume, and is very effective in limiting the chance of
getting injured. I don't have to plan ahead for next session on how much
weight or percentage I need to lift. All I need is a ballpark number and the
weight I pick for the top set completely depends on how my body feels that
day. This has been working fairly well. I would encourage any intermediate
lifters to try out Mike T's auto regulation training method and his
Generalized Intermediate Program:
This is a high frequency program. You will squat 3 times, deadlift twice,
and bench 4 times a week. Your body may feel beat up in the first few weeks
if you have never done high frequency training before (like me). But don't
let that fool or discourage you. You will be surprised how fast your body
adapts to the frequency and volume. I felt so beat up after first 2 weeks
and wondered if I could go on with this program. As somebody who never gives
up, I continued on and my body adapted fairly well in the next couple of
weeks. It did pay off well in the end!

【在 l*****e 的大作中提到】
: 牛,9周涨150lb,我3个月才涨了50lb
发帖数: 358
Thanks! My lower back did round more than I would like it to when attempting
the 405, but that's a max effort attempt so there would be some back
rounding. I also noticed that when I put my belt on, my back looks rounded
more than I would like it to for some reason. Without a belt, my back looks
like this:

【在 n*******y 的大作中提到】
: 厉害厉害! 胡子造型也很威猛!
: 我自己不会这个。。。请教一下deadlift里边这个腰算直吗?谢谢分享~

发帖数: 4883
Thanks. good program. I am considering to try it.


【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: Thanks. 50lb for 3 months is not bad at all! Honestly I didn't anticipate
: big PRs like these so it was definitely a surprise to me. The rate of
: strength growth will most likely slow down a bit in the next few cycles.
: I really like Mike T's auto regulation after 9 weeks of practicing it. It
: auto regulates the volume, and is very effective in limiting the chance of
: getting injured. I don't have to plan ahead for next session on how much
: weight or percentage I need to lift. All I need is a ballpark number and the
: weight I pick for the top set completely depends on how my body feels that
: day. This has been working fairly well. I would encourage any intermediate
: lifters to try out Mike T's auto regulation training method and his

发帖数: 790
Congrats on the PRs!

【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: After a 9-week training cycle with auto regulation, I got my first 1000LB
: total. All attempts were done in one training session:
: Body weight: 175LB
: I am very happy with the numbers:
: Squat: 280 -> 350 (70lb PR)
: Bench Press: 215 -> 245 (30lb PR)
: Deadlift: 355 -> 405 (50lb PR)
: Happy July 4th to everybody!

[bssd] RKC deep 6 奔视频能否帮忙检查下我的动作?
再随便奔个背。。。。。。上次貌似穿得太多了。。。。。front squat 肘部不能做到水平怎么办
squat 225 for 6Weight lifting代替有氧来减脂?
发帖数: 358

【在 a********g 的大作中提到】
: Congrats on the PRs!
发帖数: 790
Thanks for the link to the program.
Could you explain some of the terminology?
I've never read his RTS manual...
Load Drop
drop sets
303 Tempo Squat
lever rows
4-6% Fatigue
And also it x4@9 RPE all singles?


【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: Thanks. 50lb for 3 months is not bad at all! Honestly I didn't anticipate
: big PRs like these so it was definitely a surprise to me. The rate of
: strength growth will most likely slow down a bit in the next few cycles.
: I really like Mike T's auto regulation after 9 weeks of practicing it. It
: auto regulates the volume, and is very effective in limiting the chance of
: getting injured. I don't have to plan ahead for next session on how much
: weight or percentage I need to lift. All I need is a ballpark number and the
: weight I pick for the top set completely depends on how my body feels that
: day. This has been working fairly well. I would encourage any intermediate
: lifters to try out Mike T's auto regulation training method and his

发帖数: 26270

【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: Thanks!
发帖数: 358
Sure thing.
- Load Drop, drop sets, repeat sets, 4-6% Fatigue:
I don't think I can explain any better than the Mike T himself:
Normally a movement in the GIP program is called like this:
Squat w/belt Work up to x5 @9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue
This means that you will work up to a set of 5 at RPE 9, then you reduce the
weight by 4-6% and keep doing the sets of 5 until you reach RPE 9 again
with that (reduced) weight. Once you've reached RPE 9 with the reduced
weight, you are done. Normally you would do two work sets that lead to your
top set.
As an example, this is my Monday's squat:
Competition squat (x5@9, 4-6% Fatigue):
45x15 (warm-up)
135x5 (warm-up)
185x5 (warm-up)
225x3 (warm-up)
270x5 @ 7.5 (work set #1, no belt - ~90% of top set)
285x5 @ 8.5 (work set #2, no belt - ~95% of top set)
300x5 @ 9 (top set, with belt)
285x5 @ 8 (drop set #1, I used 5% fatigue percent here)
285x5 @ 9 (drop set #2)
As mentioned in the RTS manual, to make sure the proper prescribed fatigue
percent is reached, a time limit is set for each movement. A general
guideline is:
Warm-up sets: complete within 10 minutes
Work sets and drop sets: complete within 20-25 minutes (the higher intensity
the longer limit)
This basically means that you need to keep an eye on how much time you rest
between sets. It's a way to make sure that you don't rest for too long that
you will never reach the prescribed fatigue. For me, I rest 1 minute between
warm-up sets, and 2-3 minutes between work/drop sets.
- 303 Tempo Squat
It's your competition style squat, be it low bar or high bar, with a 3
seconds down, no pause in the hole, and 3 seconds up tempo. This is to
practice controlled descent and add some mass to your legs. I replaced it
with Front squat.
- Lever rows
Mike T prescribes this for people who don't have any or big enough dumbbells
for the rows. Here is how you would do it:
I just use dumbbells for this.
- And also it x4@9 RPE all singles?
No, it's a set of 4 @ RPE 9.
As for the GIP program itself, it has two blocks with first 4 weeks being
volume block and the last 4 being intensity block. The last week is the test
/meet week. What's not shown in the GIP program is a General Physical
Preparedness (GPP) day. This is a rest day when you would do some HIIT and/
or assistance exercises for some neglected muscles such as lats, abs, biceps
, shoulders etc. I have at least one GPP day each week dedicated for:
1) Airdyne HIIT, or dragging sleds for distance and
2) Abs, lats, biceps, traps, and shoulders (mostly medial and rear delts
I've made some very minor changes to the program to suite my needs:
1) I replaced 303 Tempo Squat with Front Squat and Pin squat with Paused
High Bar Squat.
2) I replaced Push Press with Military Press.
3) I didn't have knee wraps during my first cycle of GIP, so I just did
regular squat. I will be implementing them in my next cycle for overload
Other than that, I keep the program exactly as it's written.
Hope that helps, and feel free to ask if you have any other questions.

【在 a********g 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the link to the program.
: Could you explain some of the terminology?
: I've never read his RTS manual...
: Load Drop
: drop sets
: 303 Tempo Squat
: lever rows
: 4-6% Fatigue
: etc?
: And also it x4@9 RPE all singles?

发帖数: 358
I am far from being a 牛人. Thanks though.

【在 p*********l 的大作中提到】
: 牛人!
发帖数: 790
Thanks for the detailed response.
I appreciate it!


【在 s***r 的大作中提到】
: Sure thing.
: - Load Drop, drop sets, repeat sets, 4-6% Fatigue:
: I don't think I can explain any better than the Mike T himself:
: http://forum.reactivetrainingsystems.com/content.php?62-Fatigue
: Normally a movement in the GIP program is called like this:
: Squat w/belt Work up to x5 @9 (Load Drop) 4-6% Fatigue
: This means that you will work up to a set of 5 at RPE 9, then you reduce the
: weight by 4-6% and keep doing the sets of 5 until you reach RPE 9 again
: with that (reduced) weight. Once you've reached RPE 9 with the reduced
: weight, you are done. Normally you would do two work sets that lead to your

发帖数: 358
You are welcome. Happy to help.

【在 a********g 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for the detailed response.
: I appreciate it!
: the
: your

1 (共1页)
front squat 肘部不能做到水平怎么办[bssd] A few training videos - squat, bench press
Weight lifting代替有氧来减脂?[bssd] Squat 300x8 @ RPE 9
请教一个动作Some PRs for the July 4th
那个Spartacus Workout有谁在坚持做过吗?效果如何?说说有氧运动和无氧运动(一)
Squat 385x1膝盖上方大腿内侧的肌肉经常自己跳
[video] Squat opener?新人这样健身行吗?
[bssd] Squat 315x2 @ RPE 9深蹲2小问
[bssd] Squat 265x3 @ RPE 9.5[bssd] RKC deep 6 奔视频
话题: squat话题: my话题: sets话题: fatigue话题: drop