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发帖数: 2230
20 years!
How can he reject the past 20 years that he chose?
how can he reject his own judgement in the past 20 years?
发帖数: 66
关键是这老头还明显是他们家的FAMILY FRIEND加思想导师。
发帖数: 2230
hehe, michelle obama是肯定听了的。
发帖数: 303
都family friend了,退休不退休又有啥不同里,呵呵
发帖数: 66
发帖数: 21
Maybe this is Obama's exit strategy.
发帖数: 2230
a very interesting strategy.
发帖数: 21
发帖数: 193
Pls. cant watch tv now.
发帖数: 3113
来自主题: TheStrait版 - tg統戰牛啊
HK only has Eason Chan now, while Taiwan still has a lot of good singers now
I cant type CHinese in office
发帖数: 11
来自主题: USANews版 - Why Do Obama Haters Dominate This Board?
Nice analysis.
Cynicism is what i feel the major reason why most chinese in america cant
embrace the possibility of hope and change.
We only believe in the differences among people instead of recognizing our
common good will and trying to amplify it. I used to think genes are
inevitably selfish too, but the love thats been poured into sichuan has made
me believe that we are all 'neural buddists' after all.
I have been switching between HRC and OBAMA during the primary season. Their
policies are
发帖数: 6764
发帖数: 10233
during pre election when obama poll is high, where are those liberal hacks?
the real problem is that those liberal polls cant find anything good to
present, even they ground the meat. Almost anything about obama is bad.
so they have to do white wash.
发帖数: 10233
来自主题: USANews版 - There is loophole in current bill
now you get the point of communism.
they can always spend other peoples money, until ... they cant.
发帖数: 1085
With $8/hr, you cant afford health care. There isnt much left to enjoy
after paying for shitty living conditions. Thats the way a developed
country should treat their fellow human beings. These jobs of janitors,
burger flippers, cashiers, security guards need our humans to do. They are
not slaves.
The reason that the poor go to ERs is because the rich is exploiting them.
We might as well lock them up in chains and make them slaves. If so, who
knows, you might as well become one yourself.
发帖数: 1085
Like military is not free market driven right? We can all set up militia
and compete to see who is the best?
Single payer, like government run health care has a lot of advantage.
The poor cant afford even the cheapest health insurance. They have little
to enjoy. There are always bad eggs to take advantage of the system.
People are scamming billions out of medicare today. We need to look at the
big picture.
And there are people who lose their jobs, who want to switch careers, get
higher ed
发帖数: 7918
发帖数: 10233
Is that the best you can google? This is too pethetic.
First of all
put up the link, if you cant, i can put this up for you. This is the actual
link for your quote.
This is a [[1979]] report, and watch carefully, An estimated 6,200 top-level
federal officials have not received a pay increase since March 1977, and an
additional 11,100 now have their salaries frozen
1) If the government only had 20,000 some people then to SERVE us, i will
发帖数: 10233
Is that the best you can google? This is too pethetic.
First of all
put up the link, if you cant, i can put this up for you. This is the actual
link for your quote.
This is a [[1979]] report, and watch carefully, An estimated 6,200 top-level
federal officials have not received a pay increase since March 1977, and an
additional 11,100 now have their salaries frozen
1) If the government only had 20,000 some people then to SERVE us, i woul
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - I decide when is a good time for me
Sorry buddy,You cant.
You have to file taxes in a week.
You have to pay into the system.
Besides, no one is an oracle. If you think you are always right, go ahead
and make Trillions from the bond/stock/commodity market. Everyone will work
for you if you can be right all the time.
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 社会主义美国
First of all, there isnt such a rule. Animals let their weaklings die.
Humans have passions.
CEOs, congress are abusing their powers to get paid by trillions extra. It
is not FREE trade. And it is not fair. Thats why we need to tax the rich.
Complete free market based capitalism has died already. I cant believe
someone is so naive. Lets go back to the dark ages. And lets have World
War 3. Lets have social uprisings. Are you insane? Lets have a depression
again. Lets have 30% unemplo
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 社会主义美国
Do you have any concept of insurance? Unemployment insurance, FDIC, the
bank deposit insurance, auto insurance, etc. You are required to pay into
the system. You have to live with it whether you like it or not. Your
argument is why you have to pay auto insurance, you are a responsible driver
, never drink and drive, right? You never had any accident. Why should you
pay for for DUIs?
You are covered by police, military, and the roads have been paid, and you
cant tell IRS that you dont need
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 社会主义美国
one word for you. SHARP!!!
Get to the point. Cant believe there are so naive people in this world.
One joke: Before the French revolution, after knowing people didnt have
breads on the table anymore, the Queen said why not have cakes?
What the $%@$%@$%@$%@$%!$%!$#%.
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 社会主义美国
You are just being funny.
Because of the corruption, sex scandals, nobody should go politician?
Because of the wall street greed, nobody should go banking?
Because everyone is exploiting Chinese labor, we shall all kill ourselves?
You are just being funny.
The system is the system. You cant beat it. But you can make the best out
of the situation. And thats why I think raising tax to the rich is the way
to go. A simple fix to a lot of social ills.
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 社会主义美国
you cant tell cynicism?
Thats meant for the teddybear.
She should blame the medical board to jack up their doctor salaries instead
of blaming a few laid-off workers who need help.
Read before you open your mouth.
Some people look smart when they keep their mouths shut.
发帖数: 2406
来自主题: USANews版 - Paul Ryan test
my fair income is what the payer thinks how much my labor is worth, not what
I or you think it is worth. it is so simple, why so many people cant

发帖数: 2406
you havent read the book yet dismiss it. Does not sounds very scientific to
You did not answer my question: if you cant quantify human behavoir, how do
you build your ecometrics model to analyze/predict economic activities,
which is humane behavoir.
I happened to be a follower of Fresh Water Schools before I was intrduced to
Austrian theory. Now I feel so relieved I don't have to try very hard to
explain the economic development in the framework of the neoclassics.
Austrian school liberat
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 读后感
Your life does not depend on the police? Shall we go back to the wild wild
west? Even then, there were sheriffs.
Parasites suck hosts forever. I will work. What kind of brains cant make
an analogy?
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 房价还要继续下跌的三大理由
This is the best time to buy a home.
Prices are low, rates are low. Happens once every thirty years.
You just cant time to the very bottom. Either you buy too early or too late
. We bought multiple rental properties. It went down 10% after closing and
now it is up 10%. When it is cheaper to own than rent, jump in, it is now.
Eventually home prices will move up. When they do, they move 5-10%, you
thought huh, it was 400k a month ago, why shall I pay 420K? And why shall I
pay 475? It does
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 房价还要继续下跌的三大理由
Whats the alternative? 1% in the bank? Junk bonds give you 10%. But they
are called junk bonds for a good reason. You cant put all eggs in one basket
. When an asset class is trashed, that is when you make money. Home
appreciation takes time. The yield is higher with depreciation, tax write-
offs. Eventually, rent will go up, then the 'yield' will be higher. Of
course, I could be wrong. But I am saying this with good-hearted intention.
You are picking the wrong fight. I am not saying
发帖数: 1085
来自主题: USANews版 - 房价还要继续下跌的三大理由
california crashed around 89. And in 93, the price started to firm and
steadily went up. Then, in 03-06, it did a spike up. Prices started to
fall in 07. It has been 3 yrs. More or less, the price reset is over. Yes
, it can go down 20%. But it could go up 20% too. You cant time it. At
the peak, the risk is high, whereas at the trough, its low.
When mortgage is $5000, mortgage rate goes from 6 to 7.5% (20% increase),
you will need 9000 more a year. When mortgage is $2500 (low home pri
发帖数: 1085
Eliminate is a verb.
Minimum is a noun.
Minimal is the adj.
These ideas have been floating for a long time. We all know we need to fix
the tax system, the health care system. But we cant agree on how.
By the end of the day, lets just have a drink and forget about all this BS.
Buy a home and enjoy it. Go on a safari trip and blow off some money.
The rich gets their breaks.
The middle-class gets mortgage write-off, 401, 529, HSA, Roth.
The poor gets to rob everyone else.
Everybody gets somet
发帖数: 2406
If it is unconsumed/unconsumible, it is waste of labor, not fruit of labor.
if nobody wants it, it has no value and cant be indexed or taxed because
nobody wants it. God help, use consistant logic.

indexed that way.
equally across all people. Inflation exactly does that.
发帖数: 1085
Here is the deal. A single person can't do God's work. I cant take all
homeless to my home. I can help my relatives in need. I dont want to lower
my salary to enrich the shitty GSers.
Simple solution: More Taxes on anyone who make more than 250K/yr.

发帖数: 2406
来自主题: USANews版 - 赞Arizona的反非法移民法
Clearly you don't know the European socialism is coming to an end, talk
about 闭关锁国. You dont read news or watch news, do you?
The issue is about people get benifits without working for it. Your beloved
low income people dont pay tax. legal or illegal, they dont pay tax. Close
to 50% of people in the US dont pay tax. It cant last and it wont last.
In Greece now and soon to be in other PIIGS country, hell is breaking loose.
The mainstream media is not telling you the end of welware society
发帖数: 10233
liberalism is mental disorder, and common sense is the only cure.
Whatever you try to spin, you can not get rid of the simple common sense.
how those cross border illegals get a valid ssn to pay their tax?
Even tho they did, as numerous articles pointed out, steal someone else's
identity and grab some work and unvolunteeringly to pay the payroll tax just
as they have to pay local sales tax since they cant get away with it.
Then, what is the point?

probably illiterate in statistics. Check th
发帖数: 2406
来自主题: USANews版 - 说说我身边的les家庭们 (转载)
Biologically, homo is not a normal condition.
Therefore, something mudt be wrong there in the mind. the kids may or may
not be influenced by that, but you cant deny there is a risk, which is
probably not fair to the kids who can't make the choice.
To subject young kids to that risk just to prove that homo is a normal state
of humanity is very self-serving and not humane to the kids.

发帖数: 2406
Haven't heard of half-truth, which some people like to broadcast the most?
or haven't seen edited photos in some "mainstream" medias?
I have spelling error, Because I cant ask my executive assistant to edit non
work related stuff for me.
发帖数: 2406
来自主题: USANews版 - ###此帖已应当事人要求删除###
A lot of people didn't vote in 2008. now they cant afford not to vote.
发帖数: 2406
that is because you are a loser and cant figure why you are a loser, which
means you will always be a loser. And if you teach your kids this way, they
will also becomes losers. Eventually, your linearage will end, because
only winners will be able to continue. that is also why humans evolute.
poeple like you are genetic garabage that is destined to be thrown away in
course of human progress.
发帖数: 3158
来自主题: USANews版 - UW 系统在考虑 STRIKE 拉
I agree
It would be better to cut them all at once
but if we cant do that and have to cut something first and formost
it would be those entitlements
cutting NIH and NSF ONLY would be "scratching itch outside of your boot"
that's the priority I was talking about, understand?
发帖数: 1637
If you want to use public opinion, including your opinion as an argument,
don't you think it's so weak one? Mao poems were published works, can you
just name single Mao's poem that wasn't published but was claimed by "public
Che was one of major leaders of a nation, he or Cuban government published
his many speeches or writings. Can you quote any of such original sources?
I gave you some hint, such accusation only surfaced very late, it was
quoted in The Cuban Revolution : Yea... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10233
btw, pooper,
if you cant take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
dont act like a whinny baby again. ok?

发帖数: 10233
because they cant get obama privilege granted to them.
发帖数: 3158
why do you think this is 当了婊子还立牌坊?
what they did was just to remove the tax benefit to amazon
you cant deny that Texas is one of the states with lower overall tax burdens
and they indeed have a much smaller state government comparing to CA
发帖数: 1637
Biased doesn't matter as each one has but extreme is matter because you
simply cant reason with those. In this section, we witness too many yellow
tea baggers whom you just can't reason with.
发帖数: 1637
来自主题: USANews版 - 说说我为啥反对obama
In early 1980s, China was ally for US to contain Soviet, the clear evidence
is Sovier disintegrated in late 1980s.
Your argument cant pass fact check for this.

发帖数: 1006
the only way to solve these problem is to build more public schools for law
and medical. all these industrial is conteol by rhe rich people, thwy set
the rules, not the fovernment. the president cant do a rhing about it.

发帖数: 1637
What he said is what his emphasis as middle class criterion. He didn't say
100k to 250k , 80 k to 250 k etc for a reason. Either Romny is pure stupid,
or his interpretator just cant do kindergarten math. If he simply agree with
Obama that upper limit for middle class is 250 k, he won't invent such
expression. Read a line.

发帖数: 1637
Always junkie right winger post, you cant even come out a main stream GOP
author. Too pity.
In his log, to question "What is your 2012 election prediction? ", 70% of
readers said Romny will win AND GOP will win in House AND Senate. You must
be one of them for sure that are just self entertaining.

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