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发帖数: 242
来自主题: RUC版 - Renda gg
I know a Renda gg, he is so strange. At first, he fell in love with my
classmate, a beautiful and quite girl. Then gg went aborad, mm stayed
in school to pursure the second degree. GG came back in a summer and told
mm: we have to say bye to each other, for we are so far away. MM is so
sorrow and even lost confidence. The real reason is not the distance but
the gg loved another girl who is also Renda mm. When I know all of these,
I am sorry for my classmate. Guess what I do? :):) I introduce one
发帖数: 2386
来自主题: SCU版 - 都提前过节去了
When your son goes to school, he will be doing the same, actually the class size here is pretty small, so not as bad ( he has 24 classmates this year, last year only 17), it is not like in China when I used to have 80+ classmates in high school.
发帖数: 262
来自主题: SDU版 - 老鼠的故事2
one noon, one of my classmates was sleeping, he felt that there was a
itch on his face, then he opened his eyes and found a big mouse was waiving
its tail on my classmate's face.goo
发帖数: 3688
Inside I found:
my roommate
my classmate
my highschool classmate
military band-mate
good memories!!
发帖数: 116
来自主题: TJU版 - Re: (4)-----
Do you know him well? You can not imagine how narrow his heart is.
One of my classmate was admitted to the department of Biophysics in
Tsinghua University, and he wanted to do research for thesis with Zhang.
But Zhang just refused him because my classmate didn't choose him as
further advisor.
发帖数: 5391
来自主题: TJU版 - 也是抛砖引玉-初离家门

not a joke. This makes me recall 15 years ago.
I left Beijing and studied in a Southeast city. When i just
came to school, my classmates liked to talk with me since i
came from Capital. But i needed some classmate to translate
others words though they were trying speaking Pu Tong Hua.
Also, when i said sth quickly, a lot of them couldn't
understand me.
发帖数: 1038
why?? Seems a long time ago.. I never remember the names of
ppmm in my high school. But it's funny that I met with one
of them in CA. Haha.. Some of my high school classmates are
now in the states.. I just recalled my poor memory until I
talked to my high school classmates..
发帖数: 584
【 以下文字转载自 MUD 讨论区 】
【 原文由 过没有? 所发表 】
发信人: shakey (阳光游子◇Good luck), 信区: MUD
标 题: [转载] MUD迷的下场(ZT) 作者:csca
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Apr 19 00:53:47 2002), 转信
发信人: cryolite (Cryolite), 信区: Mud
标 题: MUD迷的下场--献给还在读书中的学生们
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Apr 19 01:59:15 2002)
1考场 -
普通物理 - 新学乍用 3/ 0
电脑游戏 - 深不可测 201/ 1231
篮球技术 - 出神入化 153/ 4723
作弊之术 - 出类拔萃 102/ 125
skills teacher
普通物理 - 一代宗师 193/
发帖数: 2683
来自主题: XJTU版 - Looking for Heng Liao,91
He is my classmate, however, after graduation, he went to NanKai for Master
degree. We lost contacts in 97 and I heard he went to Canada. Now we have a
classmate website, however, no one knows where he is now.
Our major is Automatic Control 91.

发帖数: 1186
来自主题: Henan版 - zz
i still am not sure if this counts or not. she was my middle school
classmate. we didn't talk to each other much at all. the only signal b/w
us was eye contact. she sat some rows behind me. i turned back and stared
at her a lot. and in most cases, she was staring at me as well. very
sweet memory. and the funny thing is that almost every student and almost
all the instructors knew about this and took it for granted that we were
in love. even now, when middle school classmates get together and the
发帖数: 586
来自主题: Jiangsu版 - 报道
JJ is such a small town. It's very possible my highschool classmate's sister
's brother-in-law's nephew's classmate knows you.
发帖数: 9790
来自主题: Shaanxi版 - 古人云
no doubt Gates and Jobs are successful, much more successful than your clerk
classmate, but the question is: are you one of them? If YES, I will be
Discussing the meaning of human life with Gates or Jobs is one of things I d
on't dare to dream. If NO, then you still have to show us why you are succes
sfuly than your clerk classmate.
发帖数: 892
来自主题: Shanghai版 - Disneyland 1'
Jason is really a funny guy. He is only 19, but somehow has a big belly
already. He always said he is not fat, but big bone. And he like to say "Shit
up! Fluffy" in very cute countenance. Before I met him, it is said that his
only requirement is we don't speak Chinese in this journey and the punishment
is to circumcise (he circumcised already). It is a reasonable requirement, but
hard to obey. I picked up my classmate and go their home in the morning. My
classmate began to cook and I help Jason
发帖数: 2719
the biggest complain I have heard from my classmates still living in
Shanghai is that Bank of China should make 1000 RMB bills to fit in their
wallet. It is a hassel to carry stacks 100 bills.. Yes, Shanghainess are
wealthy. When my classmates visit me in the US, they think everything is
unbelievablly cheap, including my house...
发帖数: 2719
来自主题: Shanghai版 - uncle dc俨然成了上海版的大明星
hmmm... all I know is that when I was going to school to Tokyo, everyone
treated me very nicely, especially my teachers and classmates. I was the
first non-japanese student in the school. Everyone was curious about me but
I had a good time gowing up there. I am still in touch with most of my
classmates from junior high and high school. There is always a warm feeling
whenever I think about the time I had in Japan.
the first time I was being discriminated against was after I came to the US.
There... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 173
%{$name[0]}=(harbin => "zhao",
changchun => "qian",
shenyang => "sun",
print "$classmate{$where[1]}\n";
print "${$name[0]}{shenyang}\n";
print "${$name[$name_number]}{$where[$where_number]}\n";
发帖数: 5829
well, a looser always find excuse for his/her failure or no-gut to try.
dojo has no GC yes, only limited US med schools give international students opportunities to apply.
When I took USMLE, I saw many old east europian MDs with gray or white hair
were trying too, and some of my CMG colleagues WSN said same words as u
said now, then I did make it and those WS CMGs still run PCR and kill rats
now. By that time, I didn't have GC yet when I started boards.
Now, some CMG repeated same words as u sai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 197
来自主题: Chemistry版 - 有转专业经历的朋友请帮忙!
Hi, I transferred from Chem to Stat. Now I'm working as a bio-statistician.
Hope my experience would be helpful to you. I took two courses when staying
in chem, so I got tuition waiver for those. After I formally transferred to
Stat, I had to search around the university for assistantship. Unfortunately
I had to pay tuition for one semester as I did not find tuition-waiver job.
If you haven't done so, I would suggest you taking a couple of stat courses
first to make sure you truly like the new m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1
来自主题: Economics版 - 杨晓凯逝世了
That's terrible. We were classmates at Princeton (not the same department), we
both lived in the Graduate College until his wife came and he moved to the
married student housing.
I just learnt about his liver cancer about a month ago,and asked a younger
classmate about it. He said Yang had recovered nicely. I thought that's a
miracle, since liver cancer was like death sentence. Wanted to send him a msg.
Now it's too late.
While we were at Princeton, I heard about his experience during cultural
发帖数: 19398
来自主题: Education版 - Unpaid Lunch Tabs for Schools
Like many parents of school-age children, Frances Frost tries to keep up
with the papers sent home in her daughter Natalie’s backpack. Sifting
through permission slips, picture day fliers, field-trip notices, and other
forms seems like a daily occurrence, and often somewhere lost in the pile is
a reminder to send money to her fifth-grader’s school cafeteria. As the
mother of four, refilling school lunch accounts is second nature by now, but
last week she was caught by surprise. When her youngest... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 606
来自主题: Engineering版 - 工业工程 专业 走进死胡同
I have both BS and MS degree in IE. most of my MS classmates (Chinese) work
for airline companies, walmart, GE etc that doing optmization. I am not into
Math or programming, so im in supply chain for more than 2 years. Did
plannning, inventory management and projects, much easier but less pay and
hard to get into (less technical and more about communication and management
which local people good at it) compared with my classmates.
btw - CPIM is the best certification in supply chain area.
发帖数: 240
来自主题: Law版 - to be a successful IP lawyer
Five years ago, I visited my classmates in NYC. One of them was taking a LSAT
sample test. At that time, I had absolutely no idea that I would choose that
same path a few years later. I didn't give law school any thought. Even if you
told me how good it is, I wouldn't necessarily think otherwise. I was more
into PhD/MD and idea of becoming a medical scientist. Things changed and now
we are on the same boat:)
My classmate certainly would be much better prepared for law school. She was
taking writ
发帖数: 238
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - Lighting Up
Very good post, told some bloody truth.
One of my classmates told me that when he interviewed here, one attending was signing out and talking with him at the same time. First sentence after greeting: "We are a very competitive program. To be honest, I don't think you have a chance here."
What would be your reaction to this? Very challenging. I think my classmate responded exceptionally well.
发帖数: 1334
来自主题: MedicalCareer版 - -------IVs and Rejections for 2011 Match-------
According to these data, only about 50% of the interview invites were given
out before November first. This is highly questionable.
Programs can download MSPEs before November first but PDs can't view them
because the files are encrypted. On November first the PD's workstation will
decrypt the files. The intension of ERAS is to encourage programs not
rushing out decisions, and also to give applicants and Dean's offices enough
time for preparing application materials. In theory, every program sho... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2088
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: californiamm (教授哥哥), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 我每周工作130小时-------你信吗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 1 09:52:26 2012, 美东)
====== This woman is an idiot. I graduated from TOP 1 university Tsinghua
University in China. My classmates and I are mostly mathematics, physics and
CS Olympic competitors as well as top 10 students of provincial university
entrance exams. We never study like her. All of my classmates have enough
time to eat, to d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17
来自主题: Nursing版 - 今天听同学说
meds,写care plan,11:30能写完就算顺利的一天,我睡6小时,她减去路上两小时,
Many people are in her situation. One third of my classmates including me
have two or three children. 12 month accelerated program is supposed to be
tougher then traditional one. We also have to drive one or even more hours
to some hospitals. "睡2小时很resonable"???---she might ended up as a pt in
hospital instead of being a nurse.
You and Your classmate would better ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1691
Stay in peace. Lets slow down and take everything easy.
UC Berkeley graduate student Arthur Qi, remembered for his gentle nature,
died over the weekend. He was 30.
Qi, who was a student in the Haas School of Business’ Master of Financial
Engineering Program, was found dead in his home after classmates alerted
authorities when he missed a group lunch and had not been seen all weekend,
according to Ute Frey, associate director of marketing and communications at
the business school.
“He wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 51
比如variable a 和 variable b 如下:
variable1 variable2
classmate mate
desk chair
photo or
如果 variable2完全包含在variable1里面, 则t=1,否则t=0. 输出应该是
variable1 variable2 t
classmate mate 1
desk chair 0
photo own 0
试过index 和 find 都不行
发帖数: 1039
来自主题: SUDA版 - 其实姑苏换头像该发包子!
-:) 五喝伦敦 hats off
years ago, 4 of my classmates went to beijing for college, they happened to
be all big guys,including one tough guy.
their classmates said, who said suzhou ren are small and soft!
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: mei2013 (婧), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 6岁(grade 1) 女孩受到Racist Language 攻击, 请大家帮忙
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 29 22:28:34 2013, 美东)
非常感谢大家的帮助, 也非常感谢lanfear为我修改email.刚刚找到了学校的Non-
Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Statement and Policy并且好好读了一下.根据学
"Anyone who believes that a student or staff member has possibly been or is
the victim of discrimination or harassment is encouraged to immediately
report the situation to an appropriate staff member such as a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16364
【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: mei2013 (婧), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 6岁(grade 1) 女孩受到Racist Language 攻击, 请大家帮忙
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 29 22:28:34 2013, 美东)
非常感谢大家的帮助, 也非常感谢lanfear为我修改email.刚刚找到了学校的Non-
Discrimination & Anti-Harassment Statement and Policy并且好好读了一下.根据学
"Anyone who believes that a student or staff member has possibly been or is
the victim of discrimination or harassment is encouraged to immediately
report the situation to an appropriate staff member such as a ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9926
来自主题: CivilSociety版 - 反对SCA-5具体有效的步骤, 请转发
全美国华人行动起来, 同心协力对抗SCA-5种族歧视.
大家不要觉得今天不是发生在我这里, 发生在加州就觉得无所谓, 不关我的事, 海外中
国人应该团结一致, 才能对抗种族歧视, 一起行动, 大家应该要效法犹太人团结的精神
, 不要等到这趋势蔓延到其他州时, 才后悔莫及, 事实上这股种族歧视的风潮已经有扩
大的现象, 最近纽约市新任民主党市长积极推动在纽约市八所重点中学采用族裔入学,
以减少这些重点中学学生亚裔比例, 这个政策震撼众多亚裔家长, 而要怎么样对抗SCA
-5种族歧视呢? 下面有教你要怎样做的方法.
如果对SCA-5法案有任何疑问或不了解, 请先参阅SCA-5法案问答集, 有清楚扼要的回答
SCA-5法案的对华人的影响, 连结如下:
反对SCA-5具体有效的步骤, 请转发
从我做起, 从现在做起! 我们还来得及反对SCA5. 目前, 加州众议院的80席中, 有55席
民... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9926
来自主题: CivilSociety版 - 反对SCA-5具体有效的步骤, 请转发
Dear XXX,
I strongly urge a "No" vote on SCA-5. SCA-5 allows public universities to
use race in admissions decisions. In 1997 former President Bill Clinton
insisted that he wants to continue in this direction--tilting the government
's emphasis from "race-based" programs like affirmative action toward
initiatives that target "economic need". That's where President Clinton
thinks this whole thing needs to be going. Programs to aid disadvantaged
students should focus on economic need alone an... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25644
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: bluedropddk (bluedropddk), 信区: Military
标 题: 常春藤名校录取有多腐败The Myth of American Meritocracy
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 23 20:35:25 2015, 美东)
常春藤名校录取有多腐败? 此博文包含图片 (2015-02-23 10:01:24)转载▼
标签: 杂谈 歧视 亚裔 分类: 美国见闻
读罗恩·昂茨(Ron Unz)的长文《美国任人唯贤的神话》
Myth of American Meritocracy)在美国教育界如同重磅炸弹,其翔实的资料(有120
和论据,让人更难以挑战他... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36289
来自主题: _Hope版 - 瓜瓜声明
Harvard Kennedy School student Bo Guagua corresponded with Crimson staff
writers Hana N. Rouse and Justin C. Worland on Tuesday via his Kennedy
School and Google email accounts and sent The Crimson a statement, which is
published verbatim below.
To Whom It May Concern:
Recently, there has been increasing attention from the press on my private
life. As a result of these speculations, I feel responsible to the public to
provide an account of the facts. I am deeply concerned about the events... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3137
来自主题: _K12版 - So many 5 and half year old,
he will be close to 6 when school starts on early September.
Lele rushed out to the world 3 weeks to just beat the cutoff by 3 days. :-)
Now they changed the cutoff to Sep 1 to be consistant with the rest of the
state, so lele would not be qualified this year.
The bad thing is he has classmate who is almost 2 years older than him, and
majority of his classmates are at least 8 months older than him. :-(((
发帖数: 4709
来自主题: _K12版 - 原来都是文学女青年阿
I grow up in a village, and my parents never bought me a book.
But I did not feel any "城乡差别 家庭差距" at all
In primary school, I can borrow some books from friends and classmates.
And in high school, I can get books from the town library(very tiny), old
book sale, and from classmates who rent book from store.
Then a big library in university :)
发帖数: 19242
来自主题: _K12版 - 转篇ABC Jean Hsu的blog
When I read Amy Chua's article on the WSJ a few days ago, I was appalled
that the public's response was so divided. Many people seemed to actually
acknowledge her style of parenting as superior, admiring her for all the
effort she has put into raising her children and for their accomplishments
at such a young age. As I mulled over the article and the various responses
to it on my Facebook wall and other online news sources and blogs, I
decided to write a response ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3176
来自主题: _K12版 - zz-Why Chinese moms are not superior
When I read Amy Chua's article on the WSJ a few days ago, I was appalled
that the public's response was so divided. Many people seemed to actually
acknowledge her style of parenting as superior, admiring her for all the
effort she has put into raising her children and for their accomplishments
at such a young age. As I mulled over the article and the various responses
to it on my Facebook wall and other online news sources and blogs, I
decided to write a response from a differen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4908
joymom (平安是福) 于 (Thu Jun 3 17:38:36 2010, 美东) 提到:
same age as lele. Anybody is in princeton area ya?
whaleTime (live a little) 于 (Thu Jun 3 17:44:39 2010, 美东) 提到:
lele is going to kindergarten or 1st grade at this fall?
floatmeeting (羊羊羊) 于 (Thu Jun 3 17:54:30 2010, 美东) 提到:
joymom (平安是福) 于 (Thu Jun 3... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2343
An Exclusive Statement from Bo Guagua to The Harvard Crimson
Published: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Harvard Kennedy School student Bo Guagua corresponded with Crimson staff
writers Hana N. Rouse and Justin C. Worland on Tuesday via his Kennedy
School and Google email accounts and sent The Crimson a statement, which is
published verbatim below.
To Whom It May Concern:
Recently, there has been increasing attention from the press ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3346
来自主题: _PerfectMoms版 - 可怕的北京房价
That's so not true to my classmates, hiahia.
Most of our parents were in universities or Chinese Science Academy, most
only have 1 2 br apartment. And again, most of my classmates are in foreign
companies and just IT mingong in Beijing.
发帖数: 19242
来自主题: _PerfectMoms版 - 转篇ABC Jean Hsu 的blog
When I read Amy Chua's article on the WSJ a few days ago, I was appalled
that the public's response was so divided. Many people seemed to actually
acknowledge her style of parenting as superior, admiring her for all the
effort she has put into raising her children and for their accomplishments
at such a young age. As I mulled over the article and the various responses
to it on my Facebook wall and other online news sources and blogs, I
decided to write a response ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3830
来自主题: _ZST版 - Re: 伤感
why ya
ur classmate is my classmate now
so i call u tong xue
发帖数: 23432
来自主题: ChinaNews版 - 馮正虎日記:老同学来访zz
发帖数: 9684
Nod. I was in a junior high school whose students most lived far away and
stayed in dorms. I remember that Monday, at least 10 of my classmates came
to classroom hours late for they had to walk from 10-15 miles away, because
there was no public traffic in the city (I was not in BJ though) These were
just 11-12yr old kids and some of them even had asthma. If those activists
were really thinking about daily lives and convenience of normal people,
they wouldn't have done that. That has been my feel
发帖数: 3630
then you know only little. far from the whole. From what you've post. He
certainly had a speech problem, not a "英文不好” problem。 speech, aka, "发

hear him talk. According to Chris Davids, a high school classmate in Cho's
English class at Westfield High School, Cho looked down and refused to speak
when called upon. Davids added that, after one teacher threatened to give
Cho a failing grade for not participating in class, he began reading in a
strange, deep voice that sounded "like he had some
发帖数: 1028
来自主题: ChinaNews版 - 加拿大跟美国根本不在一个层面
They just got MS in IOWA and move to east or west coast.:-)
Toronto is plain. Sorry to stir your nerve. It just can't compete with those
places in US where Chinese chooses to stay. One of my classmates went to
Toronto to work, after got citizenship, internally transferred to CA. Anther
got BS from UT - this guy immigrated to Canada and still chose to stay in
US, went to CA etc .....
The tower in the downtown area could be center of Toronto. Honestly it can't
even compared to Chicago, not to ment
发帖数: 6973
(1) It is hard for an outsider like me to comprehend why the police did not
recover the bodies, but that instead classmates and professors had to
negotiate with private parties in the first place (which appears to be
routine locally at least).
(2) The web site of 人民摄影
捞服务有限公司”调查情况的通报 (2009年11月7日).
I only wish to say that one sentence is improbable, that "大约过了三十分钟,
第一具遗体浮出水面." Paragraph 2, under section 二.
Lecture Notes:
发帖数: 3601
1999 in Pittsburgh downtown a bar has a sign "No colors allowed". People in the bar are all white Harley-Davison fans. I saw it but I am not sure with my english so I went and asked one of my black classmate. The next time I passed by there, it was gone.
It was the bar in the famous strip district near wholly. Very noise bar likes to play hard rock music outside.
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