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发帖数: 12072
来自主题: Military版 - Stevey's Google Platforms Rant (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 CS 讨论区 】
发信人: wlwl12 (戒网), 信区: CS
标 题: Stevey's Google Platforms Rant
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 14 14:56:59 2011, 美东)
Stevey's Google Platforms Rant
I was at Amazon for about six and a half years, and now I've been at Google
for that long. One thing that struck me immediately about the two companies
-- an impression that has been reinforced almost daily -- is that Amazon
does everything wrong, and Google does everything right. Sure, it's a
sweeping generalization, but a surprisingly acc... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 145
to get a lawyer to settle? please see that is how much the mother has spend
on all of her lawsuit, that is how many lawyers we have been going though.
Lawyers took money and did nothing, TOOK MONEY AND DID NOTHING!!!!
Restraining order application: Case # GQ008930
Additional Declaration
that is the restraining order the mother file to the co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 145
来自主题: Military版 - 请你告诉我?
Restraining order application: Case # GQ008930
Additional Declaration
After the initial application was filed, there were continuous wiretapping
and stalking activities by Mr. Ernest Hiroshige.
I believed Mr. Hiroshige approach to my my new tenant Frnk Castellanos, who
was reply a rental ad I post on the crag list on Sept 2nd 2012. Mr. Frank
Castellanos is a new tenant who had apply the plaintiff’s rental ad from
the crag list. And had him pass on threatening messa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3812
Visit the original once in a while. Apparently, it's chock full o' updates.
Slur Represents Reasons/Origins
51st Stater Canadians Self-explanatory.
Abba-Dabba Arabs Used in the movie "Betrayed" by rural American hate group.
Abo Australian Aboriginal Derogative shortened term for Aboriginal.
Adolf Germans Hitler, of course. Generally thought of the worst person ever.
Ahab Whites From Moby-Dick. Ahab hunted the white whale.
Ainu Japanese Aboriginal Originall... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 523
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerless, and
hopeless by the American mass media and many Americans. The American mass
media have lost journalistic ethics and objectivity and have been blatantly... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
我可以看得到,copy paste将就看下吧
CreditCreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong. Photographs by Ronghui Chen for
The New York Times.
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Where Does Affirmative Action Leave Asian-Americans?
A high-profile lawsuit against Harvard is forcing students and their
families to choose sides.
CreditCreditPhoto illustration by Joan Wong. Photographs by Ronghui Chen for
The New York Times.
By Jay Caspian Kang
Photographs by Ronghui Chen
Published Aug. 28, 2019
Updated Sept. ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Max Hastings反思英国骚乱
Max Hastings反思英国骚乱:多年的左派教条催生了不讲道德、不学无术、依赖福利、
Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated,
welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters
By Max Hastings
Last updated at 12:49 PM on 10th August 2011
A few weeks after the U.S. city of Detroit was ravaged by 1967 race riots in
which 43 people died, I was shown around the wrecked areas by a black
reporter named Joe Strickland.
He said: ‘Don’t you believe all that stuff people here are giving media
folk about how sorr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10
转贴:CHINA Law Blog @
Chinese Students In America. It's Bad Out There.
Posted by Dan on January 11, 2012

Much has been written about Chinese students coming to American colleges. An
article out today, entitled, "Chinese applications to U.S. schools
skyrocket," starts out quoting a Chinese high schooler who is contemplating
attending the University of Washington:
I know this [ambition] is pretty high,” said the 17-year old Beiji... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8800
[Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr. (September 18, 1951)] Source: LYBIO.net
Thank you so much. Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Mrs. Obama,
distinguished guests – which included everybody. Thank you so much for this
wonderful honor to be at this stage again. I was here 16 years ago, and the
fact that they invited me back means that I didn’t offend too many people,
so that was great. [LAUGHTER]
I want to start by reading four texts which will put into I want to start by
reading four texts which... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5417
来自主题: USANews版 - Ben Carson is the wisest black man.
Here's the transcript of his speech on national breakfast.
[Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr. (September 18, 1951)] Source: LYBIO.net
Thank you so much. Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Mrs. Obama,
distinguished guests – which included everybody. Thank you so much for this
wonderful honor to be at this stage again. I was here 16 years ago, and the
fact that they invited me back means that I didn’t offend too many people,
so that was ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 523
来自主题: USANews版 - Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerless, and
hopeless by the American mass media and many Americans. The American mass
media have lost journalistic ethics and objectivity and have been blatantly... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4797
来自主题: USANews版 - 川普大会发言
Friends, delegates and fellow Americans: I humbly and gratefully accept your
nomination for the presidency of the United States.
Together, we will lead our party back to the White House, and we will lead
our country back to safety, prosperity, and peace. We will be a country of
generosity and warmth. But we will also be a country of law and order.
Our Convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation. The attacks on
our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1184
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last
summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for
president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald
J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous
part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president.
President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them
for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1560
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last
summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for
president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald
J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous
part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president.
President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying th... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - Michael Moore speech, so true
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I gave it to you straight last
summer when I told you that Donald Trump would be the Republican nominee for
president. And now I have even more awful, depressing news for you: Donald
J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous
part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president.
President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them
for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3817
来自主题: USANews版 - trump懵逼了,trump轮集体被打脸
United States Constitution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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United States Constitution
Constitution of the United States, page 1.jpg
Page one of the original copy of the Constitution
September 17, 1787
June 21, 1788
Date effective
March 4, 1789; 227 years ago
National Archives,
Washington, D.C.
Philadelphia Convention
39 of the 55 delegates
To replace the Articles of Confederation (177... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3817
来自主题: USANews版 - trump懵逼了,trump轮集体被打脸
United States Constitution
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search
United States Constitution
Constitution of the United States, page 1.jpg
Page one of the original copy of the Constitution
September 17, 1787
June 21, 1788
Date effective
March 4, 1789; 227 years ago
National Archives,
Washington, D.C.
Philadelphia Convention
39 of the 55 delegates
To replace the Articles of Confederation (177... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 372
来自主题: Living版 - 父母领美国福利
这个教授本人是个jew, 却是个反华先锋! 大家应该反击它才对!
Norman Matloff, The Hatchet Man of Asian Immigration
(Arthur Hu's Norm Matloff fan site) | New additions
Arthur Hu's Norman Matloff page
2 Quick Intros to Matloff / Immigration Issues
Asian Focus April 1998: The Chinese Must Go! Matloff's Myth of a Programmer
George Nichol's Other Matloff Fan Site (easier to navigate than this one!)
Where Matloff's been Published
How to C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 234
Healing the Trauma: Entering Motherhood with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (
by Jennifer Jamison Griebenow
© 2006 Midwifery Today, Inc. All rights reserved.
[Editor's note: This article first appeared in Midwifery Today Issue 80,
Winter 2006.]
Making the leap to parenthood is a challenging transition even at the best
of times. For some mothers that transition is made even more difficult by
additional challenges in the postpartum period. Most people know about the
baby blues, and the m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1430
The pdf file is found here: http://www.cis.org/articles/2011/north-skilled-workers.pdf
From Center for Immigration Studies
David North is a CIS fellow who has studied the interaction of immigration
and U.S. labor markets for more than 30 years.
There have been numerous recent proposals to increase the admission of
skilled workers from abroad. This paper examines some of the issues
surrounding the question of skille... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 523
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: RichardBiton (Richard), 信区: USANews
标 题: Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 16:11:58 2013, 美东)
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerles... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 523
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerless, and
hopeless by the American mass media and many Americans. The American mass
media have lost journalistic ethics and objectivity and have been blatantly... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5870
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: RichardBiton (Richard), 信区: USANews
标 题: Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 16:11:58 2013, 美东)
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerles... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 523
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: RichardBiton (Richard), 信区: USANews
标 题: Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 16:11:58 2013, 美东)
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerles... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5870
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: RichardBiton (Richard), 信区: USANews
标 题: Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 16:11:58 2013, 美东)
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerles... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5870
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: RichardBiton (Richard), 信区: USANews
标 题: Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Nov 13 16:11:58 2013, 美东)
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerles... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5387
来自主题: WashingtonDC版 - 莫言 讲故事的人 - 英语版(转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Reader 讨论区 】
发信人: wonderlich (左岸,遁去), 信区: Reader
标 题: 莫言 讲故事的人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Dec 7 12:27:27 2012, 美东)
Nobel Lecture
7 December, 2012
Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone
here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi
Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my
brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3382
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 虎妈新战歌:《The Triple Package》
The 'Tiger Mom' Superiority Complex
A new book from Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld seeks to explain why some groups
succeed in America, and some fail. But when does cultural pride cross over
into racism?
By Suketu Mehta Monday, Feb. 03, 2014
From time to time, every Indian American finds an email in his or her inbox,
wearing a font of many colors, like the one my grandfather once sent me: "
Take a Pride--Being an Indian. 38% of Doctors in U.S.A. are Indians. 36% of
NASA employees are Indians. 34% of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21010

Featured Articles
Top 11
Peter Hook Reflects On Joy Division & New Order
Posted by Paul Gleason on Mar 04, 2013 3 Comments
As bassist for Joy Division and New Order perhaps the 2 most important ban
ds of the post-punk movement in England Peter Hook is responsible for crea
ting some of the most memorable music of the past 35 years.
Joy Division抯 albums Unknown Pleasures and Closer are... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11198
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - Is Law School a Losing Game? zz
January 8, 2011
Is Law School a Losing Game?
IF there is ever a class in how to remain calm while trapped beneath $250,
000 in loans, Michael Wallerstein ought to teach it.
Here he is, sitting one afternoon at a restaurant on the Upper East Side of
Manhattan, a tall, sandy-haired, 27-year-old radiating a kind of surfer-dude
serenity. His secret, if that’s the right word, is to pretty much ignore
all the calls and lett... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 523
来自主题: WaterWorld版 - Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerless, and
hopeless by the American mass media and many Americans. The American mass
media have lost journalistic ethics and objectivity and have been blatantly... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1980
来自主题: Joke版 - 经济学的牛逼解释
Economic Models Explained With Cows
SOCIALISM; You have 2 cows. You give one to your neighbor.
COMMUNISM; You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk.
FASCISM; You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk.
NAZISM:You have 2 cows. The government takes both and shoots you.
BUREAUCRATISM; You have 2 cows. The State takes both, shoots one, milks the
other and then throws the milk away.
TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM; You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your
her... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 496
来自主题: Piebridge版 - (转)Mary Wollstonecraft
AFTER considering the historic page, and viewing the living world with
anxious solicitude, the most melancholy emotions of sorrowful indignation
have depressed my spirits, and I have sighed when obliged to confess, that
either nature has made a great difference between man and man, or that the
civilization which has hitherto taken place in the world has been very
partial. I have turned... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 145
来自主题: Piebridge版 - 请问- 这个男人还能要吗?
当我把这个事情写出来的时候, 我的心里好难过,我也很悲伤。 我希望我有一个好的
家庭, 我希望我的孩子知道我近拉最大的努力给他最好的。但是我不能。 请大家帮助
Restraining order application: Case # GQ008930
Additional Declaration
After the initial application was filed, there were continuous wiretapping
and stalking activities by Mr. Ernest Hiroshige.
I believed Mr. Hiroshige approach to my my new tenant Frnk Castellanos, who
was reply a rental ad I post on the crag list on Sept 2nd 2012. Mr. Frank
Castellanos is a new tenant who had apply the plaintif... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8336
离开耶和华见证人,转向基督——Gordon Cook的见证
转载自:「Leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses and coming to Christ--Gordon Cook'
s Story」https://carm.org/christianity/testimonies/leaving-jehovahs-
My upbringing was not particularly religious. 我的背景不是太虔诚。My father
was Church of England, though I never knew him go to church, but he did
believe in God.我的父亲属于英国教会,但我从未见过他上教堂,虽然他说自己相信
有神。 My mother was in the Salvation Army and attended fairly regularly, I
went occasionally. But no ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12367
来自主题: Reader版 - 莫言 讲故事的人
Nobel Lecture
7 December, 2012
Distinguished members of the Swedish Academy, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Through the mediums of television and the Internet, I imagine that everyone
here has at least a nodding acquaintance with far-off Northeast Gaomi
Township. You may have seen my ninety-year-old father, as well as my
brothers, my sister, my wife and my daughter, even my granddaughter, now a
year and four months old. But the person who is most on my mind at this
moment, my mother, is some... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38403
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 基督徒不能回答的問題 (一) 禱告
New International Version (©1984)
When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he had
compassion and did not bring upon
them the destruction he had threatened.
New Living Translation (©2007)
When God saw what they had done and how they had put a stop to their evil
ways, he changed his mind and did not
carry out the destruction he had threatened.
English Standard Version (©2001)
When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, Go... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 486
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 這個反同牧師說得不錯啊! (转载)
Here you go. You are welcome.
In the Bible, God repeatedly warns us against any mixing of races ... and
especially against intermarriage and mongrelization. Some of this has been
overlooked because of imperfect translations out of the Hebrew and Greek
languages in which the Bible was written. Let us examine some of these
passages, carefully noting the exact meaning of the words used in the
original tongues.
From the very beginning, the commandmen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2192
来自主题: Wisdom版 - 赛斯名言精选 (ZT)
文:赛斯 来源:新时代网 时间:2005-1-30 13:45:28 点击:541
001.Conciousness is Like a Flower with many Petals.
--Seth's first message to this world. Seth, "Seth Material".
002.I come here because it is fun. I have fun when I come here. I do not
come here because I feel that I have any great responsibility for your
beings or welfare. Who am I to set myself against the innate wisdom of your
own individual being, or to take upon my invisible shoulders the great
privileg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2192
来自主题: Wisdom版 - 赛斯名言精选 (ZT)
文:赛斯 来源:新时代网 时间:2005-1-30 13:45:28 点击:541
001.Conciousness is Like a Flower with many Petals.
--Seth's first message to this world. Seth, "Seth Material".
002.I come here because it is fun. I have fun when I come here. I do not
come here because I feel that I have any great responsibility for your
beings or welfare. Who am I to set myself against the innate wisdom of your
own individual being, or to take upon my invisible shoulders the great
privileg... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Wisdom版 - “Sibboleth
88 Bible Verses about
Harsh Words
Proverbs 15:1 ESV / 213 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Ephesians 4:29 ESV / 122 helpful votes
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for
building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Proverbs 29:11 ESV / 111 helpful votes
A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back.
James 1:19-20 ESV / 92 h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12072
来自主题: CS版 - Stevey's Google Platforms Rant
Stevey's Google Platforms Rant
I was at Amazon for about six and a half years, and now I've been at Google
for that long. One thing that struck me immediately about the two companies
-- an impression that has been reinforced almost daily -- is that Amazon
does everything wrong, and Google does everything right. Sure, it's a
sweeping generalization, but a surprisingly accurate one. It's pretty crazy.
There are probably a hundred or even two hundred different ways you can
compare the two companies... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8603
medical ethics more than hundred cases
Sep 24th, 2007, 12:17pm
1. A 25- year old mother refused immunization for her 2-month old son. The
social worker spoke to the mother. (Important for Board examination)
Next step in management: immunization should be given for the benefit of the
2. A 30-year old mother refused surgery for suspected appendicitis for her 6
-year old daughter. The social worker spoke to the mother. (Important for
Board examination)
Next step in ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 523
来自主题: CivilSociety版 - Millions of Broken American Dreams zzz (转载)
Millions of Broken American Dreams -- An Open Letter to the World
​November 12, 2013
Dear Fair and Righteous Citizens of the World,
​We don't know who you are, but we know you are out there. We are
asking for your urgent help. We have been rendered voiceless, powerless, and
hopeless by the American mass media and many Americans. The American mass
media have lost journalistic ethics and objectivity and have been blatantly... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5516
来自主题: _pennystock版 - soros的精神导师:Karl Popper的生平
Sir Karl Raimund Popper, CH FRS[1] FBA (28 July 1902 – 17 September 1994)
was an Austro-British[2] philosopher and a professor at the London School of
Economics.[3] He is regarded as one of the greatest philosophers of science
of the 20th century;[4][5] he also wrote extensively on social and
political philosophy.
Popper is known for his attempt to repudiate the classical observationalist
/ inductivist form of scientific method in favour of empirical falsification
. He is also known for his oppo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9770
On the Social Basis of the Lin Piao Anti-Party Clique
by Yao Wen-yuan
[This article is reprinted from Peking Review, #10, March 7, 1975, pp. 5-10.]
SPEAKING of the necessity for a clear understanding of the question of the
proletariat exercising dictatorship over the bourgeoisi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 872
来自主题: Military版 - 中国人与犹太 ZT
China and the Jews
Posted by Lasha Darkmoon on December 10, 2014
Are the Jews trying to take over China? If so, how come the Chinese are now
studying Jewish texts looking for hot tips on how to take over America?
Part 1 : On Domination Games
A new article by Kevin MacDonald on China is well worth reading. The article
be1gins with these words: “Tablet [magazine] has an article reflecting
Jewish angst over the possibility that the Chin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: Military版 - 俄国为什么不能回到前苏联?
No, you can't go back to the USSR!
To be sure, many aspects of the old USSR have been happily consigned to
oblivion. Among them:
•The communist ideology: the Communist Party no longer has a monopoly
on power.
•The bloc mentality: the Warsaw Pact evaporated, leaving NATO behind
as the one hand clapping. The new system is a multipolar one.
•Central planning: replaced with a market economy
•Economic isolationism... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21010
Remarks of President Barack Obama – State of the Union Address As Delivered
The White House is once again making the full text of the State of the
Union widely available online. The text, as prepared for delivery, is also
available on Medium and Facebook notes, continuing efforts to meet people
where they are and make the speech as accessible as possible. Through these
digital platforms, people can follow along with the speech as they watch in
real time, view charts and infographics on key areas... 阅读全帖
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