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Business版 - Part time or full time MBA? Engineer background
NYU part time MBA vs full time MBA读part-time MBA需要考GMAT吗?
Full-time 和part-time MBA 差别很大吗?征求考CFA意见
读business school的phd中途drop out, 学校发的是MBA的证书吗?Got the offer from CMU
Part-time MBA VS. Full-Time MBA?学费,又见学费 之MBA 求助
为什么说读Part Time MBA没法转行?新人请教part time 和 full time MBA区别
need your input: PART time now vs. FULL time later想上PART-TIME MBA, 请问GMAT/MBA的问题
请教full time和part time的MBA有什么区别?我这种情况可不可以折腾一个part time MBA?
话题: time话题: part话题: engineer话题: mba话题: top
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 334
I almost work 2 years as product engineer in a manufacture company. One year
as design engineer, one year as application engineer.
I would like to move towards business planning or operation direction.
Business management consulting is also an option.
Should I go with full time in a top 20 school or part time in a top 40
school with corporate sponsor?
发帖数: 433
for part time, top 40 is about the same as top 400.
发帖数: 334
Do you mean part time top 10 is easy to apply?!

【在 s********y 的大作中提到】
: for part time, top 40 is about the same as top 400.
发帖数: 433
The thing is how useful a part time mba degree is. If you are waiting for an
mba degree to steer your career to a different direction and if you are
still young, then a full-time will beat partime by any means. On the other
hand if you just do it as a hobby or to prepare for future opportunities, a
part time is enough. And yes, I think a top part time program is relatively
easy to get, as it's a problem of money to a great extent; and of course, it
depends and your mileage may vary.

【在 s****e 的大作中提到】
: Do you mean part time top 10 is easy to apply?!
1 (共1页)
我这种情况可不可以折腾一个part time MBA?为什么说读Part Time MBA没法转行?
nyu stern part time MBA读不读?求建议full-time和part-time到底选那个?
身份和MBA,选择哪个?need your input: PART time now vs. FULL time later
生物男转MBA求教请教full time和part time的MBA有什么区别?
NYU part time MBA vs full time MBA读part-time MBA需要考GMAT吗?
Full-time 和part-time MBA 差别很大吗?征求考CFA意见
读business school的phd中途drop out, 学校发的是MBA的证书吗?Got the offer from CMU
Part-time MBA VS. Full-Time MBA?学费,又见学费 之MBA 求助
话题: time话题: part话题: engineer话题: mba话题: top