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Immigration版 - Received RFE letter, 求建议。
EB1a 新鲜出炉的NSC 0153 RFE求助NSC, EB1A, RFE by 0002
ZT: USCIS Adjudication guidelines for EB1 petitions俺发包子求解RFE内容以及战略,拜谢!集思广意,达人请进。
EB1A NOID--请大家看看还有救没?EB-1A no PP 8 个半月,今天收到RFE
Eb1a DIY pp NSC intend to deny , 求建议EB1a RFE officer # XM0168
NSP EB1A PP 收到 NOID 0002大家幫看看這麼回復 RFE 行麼
终于搞到RFE了,麻烦大家帮看看,eb1a, tsc气死人了,最后一天被RFE!
EB1a DIY 必做功课(请勿置顶) Eb1a/140/NSC追加PP被RFE求建议
EB1A RFE for contribution (update)5月初交的EB1a,有消息了,需要RFE
话题: evidence话题: rfe话题: work话题: she
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 676
PP EB-1A I-140 RD 10/6.
10/18: RFE by officer 1056.
Biomedical major. Claimed: authorship, as a judge of other's work,
Journal paper: 6 English (3 are 1st authored, 3 are 2nd authored), IF: 4-12.
3 Chinese (2 are 1st authored, 1 is 2nd arthured)
International conference proceedings: 5
Review: 13 (IF: 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5*7times, 12) during a period of 1 year.
Citation: in the petition letter, I listed 99 citations from 19 countries. (
Actual citation should be about 104 times from 22 countries, I did not
include some of the newest citation because they have not been added to Web
of knowledge database yet at the time I submitted my application.)
Another 120 times by Genebank.
Media report: 第一作者的一篇文章发在CNS子刊,被同一期的一篇评论性文章专门评论。这篇文章被同一个月的一期 Science 的editor's choice讨论。
推荐信:5, 一个英国的,一个日本的,其他三个都是美国的(一个老院士,一个博士老板, 一个NIH investigator.)
我自己交的时候,就觉得推荐信可能会出问题。因为这些人中,除了那个日本人是引用过我的文章的以外,其他都是认识的,基本都是native speaker,信都是他们自己写的,都是使劲吹我的工作,但是没有说对他们工作有何帮助 (本来做的就不是一个东西, 只是大方向类似),还是显空洞了。
在贴RFE letter之前,列出我的问题:1怎样回复? 2 到底我的authorship and judging work 这两项过了吗?在补材料的时候还要讨论吗?
(我的申请材料里没有附editor's reference letter,如果在回复的时候需要totality evidence, 我可以考虑去要一封这样的推荐信。 问题是到底过了没过呀?)
下面来看RFE letter:
发帖数: 766
1a or 1b?
RFE for what? contribution or totality?
发帖数: 224
LZ can post what's that for REF.
发帖数: 676
RFE letter:
A two-part analysis is used to determine whether the beneficiary is an
individual of extraordinary ability:
• First, we determine whether the petitioner has submitted evidence
to show that the beneficiary:
o Has received a one-time achievement … or
o Qualified under at least three of the ten criteria requested for this
• Second, we determine whether the petitioner has submitted
evidence demonstrating that the beneficiary:
o Has sustained national or international acclaim
 In determining whether the beneficiary has enjoyed “sustained”
national or international acclaim, such acclaim must be maintained. A
beneficiary may have achieved extraordinary ability in the past but when
failed to maintain a comparable level of acclaim thereafter; and
o Has achievements that have been recognized in the field of expertise,
indicating that the beneficiary is one of that small percentage who has
risen to the very top of the filed of endeavor.
A discussion follows addressing the evidence that has been provided with the
(then he goes over each criterion)

(iv) evidence of ….as a judge of the work of others…..
This criterion has been met.
(v) (contribution)
The petitioner has provided journal articles and reference letters. This
criterion has not been met because the evidence submitted does not show the
beneficiary’s contribution are considered to be of major significance in
the field of endeavor. You have submitted evidence of published research
articles, however, the articles have only been moderately cited and do not
demonstrate how they have lead to significant changes in your field. You
have also submitted 5 reference letters, however, four of the five letters
describe you and your work as “excellent”, “having a brilliant future”,
“talented”. “will help develop new therapies for cancer”. They fall
short of describing your work as groundbreaking or pioneering. They also
speak of how your work will inform future drug designs but do not speak of
the impact your work has already had on your field as a whole. There is no
evidence of changes in processes that have already occurred in prominent
medical facilities as a result of your work. To assist in determining
whether the beneficiary’s contributions are original and of major
significances in the field, the petitioner may submit:
• Objective documentary evidence of the significance of the
beneficiary’s contribution to the field
• Documentary evidence that people throughout the filed currently
consider the beneficiary’s work important;
• Testimony and/or support letter from experts which discuss the
beneficiary’s contributions of major significance
• Evidence that the beneficiary’s major significant contribution
has provoked widespread public commentary in the filed or has been widely
cited; and
• Evidence of the beneficiary’s work being implemented by others.
(vi) (authorship)
This criterion has been met.
…..The response to this request should address the insufficiencies
articulated by USCIS in this request.
Additionally, meeting the minimum regulatory criteria outlined above, alone
will not establish eligibility for the E11 immigrant classification. Any
evidence submitted in response to the request, should also articulate how
the evidence establishes that the beneficiary possess the required high
level of expertise for the E11 immigrant classification.
发帖数: 3951
发帖数: 2495
Independent letters show that the recommenders have used your research
results. And their work, which has used your research findings, has great
impact nationally and internationally.
发帖数: 676
I haven't kept a list of where we sent reagents. We did not end up (yet)
distributing any of our unpublished reagents to other labs. I am under
multiple deadlines right now, so I don't have time to try to figure out
where we may have sent things that you generated that we published.
It's also a bit early for the reagents you created to have demonstrated an
impact in other research program -- that typically takes a while, so I don't
know if they would be able to send letters that would help you anyway.
发帖数: 963
Move on!人家明显不想帮你
发帖数: 2520
告诉你老板 solicit 可以表示你工作的重要性。不一定需要他们做出什么东西来。


【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: 想起来以前做博士的时候,有人找我们要样品,都是发信给老板(发表的文章留的是她
: 的email),老板让我准备的。打算找这些人要独立推荐信,于是给博士老板发信
: ,结果等来了这样的回复,我该咋办。
: I haven't kept a list of where we sent reagents. We did not end up (yet)
: distributing any of our unpublished reagents to other labs. I am under
: multiple deadlines right now, so I don't have time to try to figure out
: where we may have sent things that you generated that we published.
: It's also a bit early for the reagents you created to have demonstrated an
: impact in other research program -- that typically takes a while, so I don't
: know if they would be able to send letters that would help you anyway.

发帖数: 595
终于搞到RFE了,麻烦大家帮看看,eb1a, tscNSC, EB1A, RFE by 0002
EB1a DIY 必做功课俺发包子求解RFE内容以及战略,拜谢!集思广意,达人请进。
EB1A RFE for contribution (update)EB-1A no PP 8 个半月,今天收到RFE
发帖数: 6523
He does not want to help, but you can contact those people directly. They
may help, and it's worth trying. You can clarify that the letter is for
green card purpose but nowhere else, and they would be more willing to help.

【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: 想起来以前做博士的时候,有人找我们要样品,都是发信给老板(发表的文章留的是她
: 的email),老板让我准备的。打算找这些人要独立推荐信,于是给博士老板发信
: ,结果等来了这样的回复,我该咋办。
: I haven't kept a list of where we sent reagents. We did not end up (yet)
: distributing any of our unpublished reagents to other labs. I am under
: multiple deadlines right now, so I don't have time to try to figure out
: where we may have sent things that you generated that we published.
: It's also a bit early for the reagents you created to have demonstrated an
: impact in other research program -- that typically takes a while, so I don't
: know if they would be able to send letters that would help you anyway.

发帖数: 2252
应该是推荐信的问题,大概移民官觉得措辞不够厚黑,缺少"groundbreaking" 之类的
关键字,再补两到三封吹的牛的推荐信应该能过。 bless!


【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: PP EB-1A I-140 RD 10/6.
: 10/18: RFE by officer 1056.
: Background:
: Biomedical major. Claimed: authorship, as a judge of other's work,
: contribution
: Journal paper: 6 English (3 are 1st authored, 3 are 2nd authored), IF: 4-12.
: 3 Chinese (2 are 1st authored, 1 is 2nd arthured)
: International conference proceedings: 5
: Review: 13 (IF: 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5*7times, 12) during a period of 1 year.
: Citation: in the petition letter, I listed 99 citations from 19 countries. (

发帖数: 676
Good idea. I will try to talk to her after Nov. 1st.

【在 g*******3 的大作中提到】
: 告诉你老板 solicit 可以表示你工作的重要性。不一定需要他们做出什么东西来。
: 主要是别人认为你的东西很有用就行了。
: 不过看样子,你博士老板不太想帮你。
: 't

发帖数: 676
Based on your experience, do you think I should address totality in my
response regarding authorship and judging?

【在 i*****3 的大作中提到】
: 1056又重出江湖了!我就是从此人手拿了RFE。这儿是我的经验贴,望有帮助。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Immigration/31978813.html

发帖数: 676
I cannot contact those people directly because I don't know who they were. Their emails were sent to my boss. I will try to talk to my boss later. I know that she had multiple grants due on Nov. 1st. She said she is that kind of person tweaking until last minute.


【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: He does not want to help, but you can contact those people directly. They
: may help, and it's worth trying. You can clarify that the letter is for
: green card purpose but nowhere else, and they would be more willing to help.

发帖数: 6523
Oh, that's sad. She could have forwarded those emails to you. I understand
that she has many other things on her mind, and helping you out does not
sound that urgent.
Is it possible that you find somebody else who could tensity that your work
is used by them in some way? You might need to think about it broadly. Even
if it's not an independent connection, that's okay, and it's better than an
independent but irrelevant one.

Their emails were sent to my boss. I will try to talk to my boss later. I
know that she had multiple grants due on Nov. 1st. She said she is that kind
of person tweaking until last minute.

【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: I cannot contact those people directly because I don't know who they were. Their emails were sent to my boss. I will try to talk to my boss later. I know that she had multiple grants due on Nov. 1st. She said she is that kind of person tweaking until last minute.
: help.

发帖数: 9273
发帖数: 676
That's exactly what my PhD boss suggested. She came up with a person who
looks not that independent (that person is now at the same department of my
postdoctoral boss) , but whose article cited two of my papers.


【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Oh, that's sad. She could have forwarded those emails to you. I understand
: that she has many other things on her mind, and helping you out does not
: sound that urgent.
: Is it possible that you find somebody else who could tensity that your work
: is used by them in some way? You might need to think about it broadly. Even
: if it's not an independent connection, that's okay, and it's better than an
: independent but irrelevant one.
: Their emails were sent to my boss. I will try to talk to my boss later. I
: know that she had multiple grants due on Nov. 1st. She said she is that kind

发帖数: 2248
俺也是最近拿到的RFE,推荐信里有大量的broundbreaking, very significant,novel
Objective documentary evidence of the significance 或者well implemented by

【在 F*********k 的大作中提到】
: 应该是推荐信的问题,大概移民官觉得措辞不够厚黑,缺少"groundbreaking" 之类的
: 关键字,再补两到三封吹的牛的推荐信应该能过。 bless!
: 12.
: (

发帖数: 203


【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: PP EB-1A I-140 RD 10/6.
: 10/18: RFE by officer 1056.
: Background:
: Biomedical major. Claimed: authorship, as a judge of other's work,
: contribution
: Journal paper: 6 English (3 are 1st authored, 3 are 2nd authored), IF: 4-12.
: 3 Chinese (2 are 1st authored, 1 is 2nd arthured)
: International conference proceedings: 5
: Review: 13 (IF: 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5*7times, 12) during a period of 1 year.
: Citation: in the petition letter, I listed 99 citations from 19 countries. (

EB1a RFE officer # XM0168(请勿置顶) Eb1a/140/NSC追加PP被RFE求建议
大家幫看看這麼回復 RFE 行麼5月初交的EB1a,有消息了,需要RFE
发帖数: 6523
It's good that you find out such a person. You could dig out more if you
need to.

looks not that independent (that person is now at the same department of my
postdoctoral boss) , but whose article cited two of my papers.

【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: That's exactly what my PhD boss suggested. She came up with a person who
: looks not that independent (that person is now at the same department of my
: postdoctoral boss) , but whose article cited two of my papers.
: work
: Even
: an
: kind

发帖数: 595
Of course, that's definitely important.

【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: Based on your experience, do you think I should address totality in my
: response regarding authorship and judging?

发帖数: 1017
发帖数: 676
PP EB-1A I-140 RD 10/6.
10/18: RFE by officer 1056.
Biomedical major. Claimed: authorship, as a judge of other's work,
Journal paper: 6 English (3 are 1st authored, 3 are 2nd authored), IF: 4-12.
3 Chinese (2 are 1st authored, 1 is 2nd arthured)
International conference proceedings: 5
Review: 13 (IF: 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5*7times, 12) during a period of 1 year.
Citation: in the petition letter, I listed 99 citations from 19 countries. (
Actual citation should be about 104 times from 22 countries, I did not
include some of the newest citation because they have not been added to Web
of knowledge database yet at the time I submitted my application.)
Another 120 times by Genebank.
Media report: 第一作者的一篇文章发在CNS子刊,被同一期的一篇评论性文章专门评论。这篇文章被同一个月的一期 Science 的editor's choice讨论。
推荐信:5, 一个英国的,一个日本的,其他三个都是美国的(一个老院士,一个博士老板, 一个NIH investigator.)
我自己交的时候,就觉得推荐信可能会出问题。因为这些人中,除了那个日本人是引用过我的文章的以外,其他都是认识的,基本都是native speaker,信都是他们自己写的,都是使劲吹我的工作,但是没有说对他们工作有何帮助 (本来做的就不是一个东西, 只是大方向类似),还是显空洞了。
在贴RFE letter之前,列出我的问题:1怎样回复? 2 到底我的authorship and judging work 这两项过了吗?在补材料的时候还要讨论吗?
(我的申请材料里没有附editor's reference letter,如果在回复的时候需要totality evidence, 我可以考虑去要一封这样的推荐信。 问题是到底过了没过呀?)
下面来看RFE letter:
发帖数: 766
1a or 1b?
RFE for what? contribution or totality?
发帖数: 224
LZ can post what's that for REF.
发帖数: 676
RFE letter:
A two-part analysis is used to determine whether the beneficiary is an
individual of extraordinary ability:
• First, we determine whether the petitioner has submitted evidence
to show that the beneficiary:
o Has received a one-time achievement … or
o Qualified under at least three of the ten criteria requested for this
• Second, we determine whether the petitioner has submitted
evidence demonstrating that the beneficiary:
o Has sustained national or international acclaim
 In determining whether the beneficiary has enjoyed “sustained”
national or international acclaim, such acclaim must be maintained. A
beneficiary may have achieved extraordinary ability in the past but when
failed to maintain a comparable level of acclaim thereafter; and
o Has achievements that have been recognized in the field of expertise,
indicating that the beneficiary is one of that small percentage who has
risen to the very top of the filed of endeavor.
A discussion follows addressing the evidence that has been provided with the
(then he goes over each criterion)

(iv) evidence of ….as a judge of the work of others…..
This criterion has been met.
(v) (contribution)
The petitioner has provided journal articles and reference letters. This
criterion has not been met because the evidence submitted does not show the
beneficiary’s contribution are considered to be of major significance in
the field of endeavor. You have submitted evidence of published research
articles, however, the articles have only been moderately cited and do not
demonstrate how they have lead to significant changes in your field. You
have also submitted 5 reference letters, however, four of the five letters
describe you and your work as “excellent”, “having a brilliant future”,
“talented”. “will help develop new therapies for cancer”. They fall
short of describing your work as groundbreaking or pioneering. They also
speak of how your work will inform future drug designs but do not speak of
the impact your work has already had on your field as a whole. There is no
evidence of changes in processes that have already occurred in prominent
medical facilities as a result of your work. To assist in determining
whether the beneficiary’s contributions are original and of major
significances in the field, the petitioner may submit:
• Objective documentary evidence of the significance of the
beneficiary’s contribution to the field
• Documentary evidence that people throughout the filed currently
consider the beneficiary’s work important;
• Testimony and/or support letter from experts which discuss the
beneficiary’s contributions of major significance
• Evidence that the beneficiary’s major significant contribution
has provoked widespread public commentary in the filed or has been widely
cited; and
• Evidence of the beneficiary’s work being implemented by others.
(vi) (authorship)
This criterion has been met.
…..The response to this request should address the insufficiencies
articulated by USCIS in this request.
Additionally, meeting the minimum regulatory criteria outlined above, alone
will not establish eligibility for the E11 immigrant classification. Any
evidence submitted in response to the request, should also articulate how
the evidence establishes that the beneficiary possess the required high
level of expertise for the E11 immigrant classification.
发帖数: 3951
发帖数: 2495
Independent letters show that the recommenders have used your research
results. And their work, which has used your research findings, has great
impact nationally and internationally.
发帖数: 676
I haven't kept a list of where we sent reagents. We did not end up (yet)
distributing any of our unpublished reagents to other labs. I am under
multiple deadlines right now, so I don't have time to try to figure out
where we may have sent things that you generated that we published.
It's also a bit early for the reagents you created to have demonstrated an
impact in other research program -- that typically takes a while, so I don't
know if they would be able to send letters that would help you anyway.
EB1A DIY pp 140 被ref了ZT: USCIS Adjudication guidelines for EB1 petitions
EB1a PP RFE后悲剧:'(,写详细情况恳求建议! (长)EB1A NOID--请大家看看还有救没?
EB1a 新鲜出炉的NSC 0153 RFE求助Eb1a DIY pp NSC intend to deny , 求建议
发帖数: 963
Move on!人家明显不想帮你
发帖数: 2520
告诉你老板 solicit 可以表示你工作的重要性。不一定需要他们做出什么东西来。


【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: 想起来以前做博士的时候,有人找我们要样品,都是发信给老板(发表的文章留的是她
: 的email),老板让我准备的。打算找这些人要独立推荐信,于是给博士老板发信
: ,结果等来了这样的回复,我该咋办。
: I haven't kept a list of where we sent reagents. We did not end up (yet)
: distributing any of our unpublished reagents to other labs. I am under
: multiple deadlines right now, so I don't have time to try to figure out
: where we may have sent things that you generated that we published.
: It's also a bit early for the reagents you created to have demonstrated an
: impact in other research program -- that typically takes a while, so I don't
: know if they would be able to send letters that would help you anyway.

发帖数: 595
发帖数: 6523
He does not want to help, but you can contact those people directly. They
may help, and it's worth trying. You can clarify that the letter is for
green card purpose but nowhere else, and they would be more willing to help.

【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: 想起来以前做博士的时候,有人找我们要样品,都是发信给老板(发表的文章留的是她
: 的email),老板让我准备的。打算找这些人要独立推荐信,于是给博士老板发信
: ,结果等来了这样的回复,我该咋办。
: I haven't kept a list of where we sent reagents. We did not end up (yet)
: distributing any of our unpublished reagents to other labs. I am under
: multiple deadlines right now, so I don't have time to try to figure out
: where we may have sent things that you generated that we published.
: It's also a bit early for the reagents you created to have demonstrated an
: impact in other research program -- that typically takes a while, so I don't
: know if they would be able to send letters that would help you anyway.

发帖数: 2252
应该是推荐信的问题,大概移民官觉得措辞不够厚黑,缺少"groundbreaking" 之类的
关键字,再补两到三封吹的牛的推荐信应该能过。 bless!


【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: PP EB-1A I-140 RD 10/6.
: 10/18: RFE by officer 1056.
: Background:
: Biomedical major. Claimed: authorship, as a judge of other's work,
: contribution
: Journal paper: 6 English (3 are 1st authored, 3 are 2nd authored), IF: 4-12.
: 3 Chinese (2 are 1st authored, 1 is 2nd arthured)
: International conference proceedings: 5
: Review: 13 (IF: 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5*7times, 12) during a period of 1 year.
: Citation: in the petition letter, I listed 99 citations from 19 countries. (

发帖数: 676
Good idea. I will try to talk to her after Nov. 1st.

【在 g*******3 的大作中提到】
: 告诉你老板 solicit 可以表示你工作的重要性。不一定需要他们做出什么东西来。
: 主要是别人认为你的东西很有用就行了。
: 不过看样子,你博士老板不太想帮你。
: 't

发帖数: 676
Based on your experience, do you think I should address totality in my
response regarding authorship and judging?

【在 i*****3 的大作中提到】
: 1056又重出江湖了!我就是从此人手拿了RFE。这儿是我的经验贴,望有帮助。
: http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t0/Immigration/31978813.html

发帖数: 676
I cannot contact those people directly because I don't know who they were. Their emails were sent to my boss. I will try to talk to my boss later. I know that she had multiple grants due on Nov. 1st. She said she is that kind of person tweaking until last minute.


【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: He does not want to help, but you can contact those people directly. They
: may help, and it's worth trying. You can clarify that the letter is for
: green card purpose but nowhere else, and they would be more willing to help.

发帖数: 6523
Oh, that's sad. She could have forwarded those emails to you. I understand
that she has many other things on her mind, and helping you out does not
sound that urgent.
Is it possible that you find somebody else who could tensity that your work
is used by them in some way? You might need to think about it broadly. Even
if it's not an independent connection, that's okay, and it's better than an
independent but irrelevant one.

Their emails were sent to my boss. I will try to talk to my boss later. I
know that she had multiple grants due on Nov. 1st. She said she is that kind
of person tweaking until last minute.

【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: I cannot contact those people directly because I don't know who they were. Their emails were sent to my boss. I will try to talk to my boss later. I know that she had multiple grants due on Nov. 1st. She said she is that kind of person tweaking until last minute.
: help.

发帖数: 9273
Eb1a DIY pp NSC intend to deny , 求建议EB1a DIY 必做功课
NSP EB1A PP 收到 NOID 0002EB1A RFE for contribution (update)
终于搞到RFE了,麻烦大家帮看看,eb1a, tscNSC, EB1A, RFE by 0002
发帖数: 676
That's exactly what my PhD boss suggested. She came up with a person who
looks not that independent (that person is now at the same department of my
postdoctoral boss) , but whose article cited two of my papers.


【在 T*******y 的大作中提到】
: Oh, that's sad. She could have forwarded those emails to you. I understand
: that she has many other things on her mind, and helping you out does not
: sound that urgent.
: Is it possible that you find somebody else who could tensity that your work
: is used by them in some way? You might need to think about it broadly. Even
: if it's not an independent connection, that's okay, and it's better than an
: independent but irrelevant one.
: Their emails were sent to my boss. I will try to talk to my boss later. I
: know that she had multiple grants due on Nov. 1st. She said she is that kind

发帖数: 2248
俺也是最近拿到的RFE,推荐信里有大量的broundbreaking, very significant,novel
Objective documentary evidence of the significance 或者well implemented by

【在 F*********k 的大作中提到】
: 应该是推荐信的问题,大概移民官觉得措辞不够厚黑,缺少"groundbreaking" 之类的
: 关键字,再补两到三封吹的牛的推荐信应该能过。 bless!
: 12.
: (

发帖数: 203


【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: PP EB-1A I-140 RD 10/6.
: 10/18: RFE by officer 1056.
: Background:
: Biomedical major. Claimed: authorship, as a judge of other's work,
: contribution
: Journal paper: 6 English (3 are 1st authored, 3 are 2nd authored), IF: 4-12.
: 3 Chinese (2 are 1st authored, 1 is 2nd arthured)
: International conference proceedings: 5
: Review: 13 (IF: 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5*7times, 12) during a period of 1 year.
: Citation: in the petition letter, I listed 99 citations from 19 countries. (

发帖数: 6523
It's good that you find out such a person. You could dig out more if you
need to.

looks not that independent (that person is now at the same department of my
postdoctoral boss) , but whose article cited two of my papers.

【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: That's exactly what my PhD boss suggested. She came up with a person who
: looks not that independent (that person is now at the same department of my
: postdoctoral boss) , but whose article cited two of my papers.
: work
: Even
: an
: kind

发帖数: 595
Of course, that's definitely important.

【在 y******y 的大作中提到】
: Based on your experience, do you think I should address totality in my
: response regarding authorship and judging?

发帖数: 1017
发帖数: 925
it's difficult. Anyone has template for this?

【在 i*****3 的大作中提到】
: Of course, that's definitely important.
1 (共1页)
5月初交的EB1a,有消息了,需要RFENSP EB1A PP 收到 NOID 0002
求助NSC002的RFE:140交了以后发的文章能用于RFE么?终于搞到RFE了,麻烦大家帮看看,eb1a, tsc
EB1A DIY pp 140 被ref了EB1a DIY 必做功课
EB1a PP RFE后悲剧:'(,写详细情况恳求建议! (长)EB1A RFE for contribution (update)
EB1a 新鲜出炉的NSC 0153 RFE求助NSC, EB1A, RFE by 0002
ZT: USCIS Adjudication guidelines for EB1 petitions俺发包子求解RFE内容以及战略,拜谢!集思广意,达人请进。
EB1A NOID--请大家看看还有救没?EB-1A no PP 8 个半月,今天收到RFE
Eb1a DIY pp NSC intend to deny , 求建议EB1a RFE officer # XM0168
话题: evidence话题: rfe话题: work话题: she