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Military版 - 章莹颖案引出的数据分析
亚女被白人性侵做多,被黑人第二Re: 大家看到今天WSJ关于SCA5的报道了吗?完全站在亚裔立场啊 (转载)
Asian Driver 才是最臭名昭著的恶劣司机Study ties hard work to Asian students’ higher grades. What’s your excuse?
有图有真相,F外者挣钱最多Harvard Faces Admissions Bias Complaint From Asian-Americans
推荐个不错的东东,看看你家附近黑人多不多右逼华人智商再爆棚: ovation = of Asian (转载)
最新研究: Microaggression黄人又被白人用来反AA了? Asians are being used to make the
话题: asian话题: white话题: offenders话题: 侵害人话题: black
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 253
发现Reddit上一些不好的讨论,罗列了过去发生的其它WMAF(White male, Asian
female)的案件。Yingying Zhang is dead, 27 year old suspect Brendt
Christensen is caught bragging about kidnapping her, looks like a creepy
loser who couldn't get laid • r/aznidentity列一组必要数据
:During a U.S. Bureau of Justice statistical study on victimization and
race that took place over the course of five years, thirty-five percent of
Asian victims of violence' reported the race of their offenders to be White.
Twenty-six percent of the Asian victims reported their offenders to be
Black and thirty percent reported their offenders as "Other."The greatest
proportion of perpetrators on Asians were non-Asian, which is not the case
for White
and Black victims, where both groups reported the greatest proportion of
perpetrators to be members of their own race. Thus, while Blacks most often
fall victim to Black offenders and Whites most often fall victim to White
offenders, Asians most often fall victim to White offenders, not Asian.来源
http://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1243&context=crsj上面这个来源中,提供原始数据的链接坏掉了,我在学校图书馆找到了新的链接和文件(下不到的,评论里找我要好了):https://www.webharvest.gov/peth04/20041025182903/http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/vvr98.pdf这是引用了司法部对于受害人族群的研究报告。他讲的什么呢,讲的是美国白人族群和黑人族群的受害人所报告的犯罪事件中,大多数侵害人是本族的,但是亚洲族群报告的最主要的侵害人(offender)是白人。亚洲受害人报告的侵害人,35%是白人,26%是黑人,30%是其它(,3%是混合种族,6%是未知)。https://pic4.zhimg.com/v2-7e317a57f7fd2d6887104d9262f47043_b.jpg" data-rawwidth="420" data-rawheight="250" class="content_image" width="420">不想分析太多,只是用数据提醒一下,到了美帝,不要仅凭肤色就对白人大胆放心相处,大体上讲白人是素质高,但是较低的警惕性可能会放大受害的概率,更不用说吃饱了撑着的渣滓铁了心就是要对Asian Female不轨了。It is up to Asian women to spread the word among themselves about the evils of white men. not us.(这是他们自己说的)If anyone was smart, they'd compile the typical toxic and hateful shit regarding Asian women from r/china and r/ccj2 and convince the fobs what these sexpats are really like. Fobs really
aren't woke to what these disgusting yellow fever degenerates are capable of
, or what their mentalities are like for that matter. Could be a interesting
turning point. 我所认识的姑娘们,大多数还是安全意识较强的,当然也有少数拥抱
- 必应
1 (共1页)
黄人又被白人用来反AA了? Asians are being used to make the推荐个不错的东东,看看你家附近黑人多不多
Crazy Rich Asian是不是黄人的”黑豹”?我的老莫同事抱怨亚洲人选了奥巴马
UIUC 警察要开会了,公布消息,还有半点钟白皮谈为什么讨厌亚洲人:给别人太多的压力
FetLife出名了最新研究: Microaggression
亚女被白人性侵做多,被黑人第二Re: 大家看到今天WSJ关于SCA5的报道了吗?完全站在亚裔立场啊 (转载)
Asian Driver 才是最臭名昭著的恶劣司机Study ties hard work to Asian students’ higher grades. What’s your excuse?
有图有真相,F外者挣钱最多Harvard Faces Admissions Bias Complaint From Asian-Americans
话题: asian话题: white话题: offenders话题: 侵害人话题: black