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QueerNews版 - 众议院议长John Boehner 准备花纳税人 $500,000 雇佣保守立场律师为DOMA辩护
Boehner's DOMA Defense Denounced一贴:LGBT的老年人,更可能会贫寒,孤独
Obama: Our First Gay President同志版块俱乐部多了,关心同志权益的却少了 (转载)
House will NOT vote to repeal DOMA极端宗教人士要把LGBT排除在综合移民改革外
House GOP Retaliates Against Obama in Late-Night DOMA BillWhat the DOMA Win Means for LGBT Binational Families
House Republicans Poised To Spend $3 Million On Legal DefenseLGBT Bills Dead in 2011
哪几类人最关心gay marriage呢?美国LGBT平权现状
明天的焦点new immigration strategy after OBAMA's DOMA turnaround
话题: he话题: obama话题: us话题: living话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 646
发帖数: 24887
What the f*** is wrong with Mr. BONER? Got molested as a boy by some bad guy
发帖数: 646
他现在是被所有人骂, 党内人对他不忿, 现在又招惹了GLTB 以及普通纳税人。
发帖数: 24887
More on this please?
Apparently he is determined to make great great use of his power as the
House speaker.

【在 L*****g 的大作中提到】
: 他现在是被所有人骂, 党内人对他不忿, 现在又招惹了GLTB 以及普通纳税人。
发帖数: 19713
我靠,这个太恶劣了。都怨民主党没有保住house的多数席位,否则nancy pelosi是绝
发帖数: 1665
色定义的各类stereotypes,这就会shed some light on public opinion about 同
发帖数: 2272
搞个什么破budget deal

【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: More on this please?
: Apparently he is determined to make great great use of his power as the
: House speaker.

发帖数: 1665
发帖数: 24887
I was not a big fan of Obama, either, when he was competing against Hillary
Clinton. I admitted the reason for this was not 100% noble. To us gay guys,
Obama represents a relative disappointment. He himself would not be too bad
for us, but he can easily succumb to those homophobes which complicates
everything for us. His never positively supporting same-sex marriage is
indeed disgusting for a DEM president. Now if Boehner the disgusting House
Speaker from the great of Ohio gets his way, it would be Hell all over again
, for us, and possibly for many more.

【在 R*****G 的大作中提到】
: 当时Hilary作为女人/民主党,又有个曾被誉为<黑人总统>的丈夫,当选希望很大,
: 对于glbt真是个利好消息。
: 华尔街的一帮犹太大姥,还真是有拨弄乾坤之功。-----不过,好处在于,从那以后,
: 我就告别了理想主义,摘下玫瑰镜片,不再天真了。

发帖数: 24887
Pardon my political ignorance these days,
but I cannot image Boehner being accused by his fellow GOP guys being "和民
主党走太近了呗". What is going on with this guy nowadays? He is so
disgusting that I hardly ever care to read any news about him.

【在 A*F 的大作中提到】
: 党内人嫌他和民主党走太近了呗
: 搞个什么破budget deal
: cut来cut去最后也没省什么钱

House Republicans Poised To Spend $3 Million On Legal Defense同性伴侣移民提案获得关键的支持者
哪几类人最关心gay marriage呢?一贴:LGBT的老年人,更可能会贫寒,孤独
明天的焦点同志版块俱乐部多了,关心同志权益的却少了 (转载)
发帖数: 19713
但是现在看来,O8相当不错。再说了,hilary screwed up the campaign,这就说明她

【在 R*****G 的大作中提到】
: 一直讨厌Nancy,若不是她和肯尼迪家族的鼎立支持,Hilary当总统几乎是肯定的。
: 同志们,有女总统,这个意义非同寻常。------可以彻底模糊甚至颠覆有关性别角
: 色定义的各类stereotypes,这就会shed some light on public opinion about 同
: 性恋就是男不男,女不女,这些个歧视论调。

发帖数: 24887
What has Obama done so far for us that makes you change your mind? His
decision to not to seek defense of DOMA? Or, the repeal of DADT, or the
passage of UHR?

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: 可是现在看起来,如果hilary当选的话,还真未必有O8现在的魄力。hilary当初搞医保
: 改革搞了这么久都没成,O8就搞成了,还是挺了不起的。我也挺遗憾hilary没当总统,
: 但是现在看来,O8相当不错。再说了,hilary screwed up the campaign,这就说明她
: 缺乏领导能力。可是O8当初筹钱的能力可是空前绝后啊。

发帖数: 19713

【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: What has Obama done so far for us that makes you change your mind? His
: decision to not to seek defense of DOMA? Or, the repeal of DADT, or the
: passage of UHR?

发帖数: 2202
发帖数: 646
现在有12个挑战DOMA的CASE现在在高院pending. 第一个上来的可能就是纽约州
WindsorCASE. Windsor在她共同生活40年并在加拿大结婚的WIFE去世后被要求补交高达
详情请参考“New York Gay Widow Fights for Estate-Tax Refund After 40-Year
佩罗西虽然不怎么样,但是至少她是GAY RIGTH的坚定支持者。 OBAMA和她这次在DOMA
发帖数: 646
现在有12个挑战DOMA的CASE现在在高院pending. 第一个上来的可能就是纽约州
WindsorCASE. Windsor在她共同生活40年并在加拿大结婚的WIFE去世后被要求补交高达
详情请参考“New York Gay Widow Fights for Estate-Tax Refund After 40-Year
佩罗西虽然不怎么样,但是至少她是GAY RIGTH的坚定支持者。 OBAMA和她这次在DOMA
发帖数: 1665

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: 可是现在看起来,如果hilary当选的话,还真未必有O8现在的魄力。hilary当初搞医保
: 改革搞了这么久都没成,O8就搞成了,还是挺了不起的。我也挺遗憾hilary没当总统,
: 但是现在看来,O8相当不错。再说了,hilary screwed up the campaign,这就说明她
: 缺乏领导能力。可是O8当初筹钱的能力可是空前绝后啊。

发帖数: 24887
So, Obama is simply the lesser bad, not a true good one for LGBT rights.
But the sad thing about this country is that people are almost always
reduced to having to choose the lesser bad, if this is about choice at all.

【在 R*****G 的大作中提到】
: 非也。Hilary搞砸了,主要是因为没有大财团在后面支持她。------她女儿若是一早
: 嫁给那个犹太人,她也许就能当选了。
: Obama上台后,立刻开始向华尔街效忠,这是显然的。Obama上任后,对lgbt的环境
: 的影响,类似于他的医疗改革:除去那个sugar_coat,没有任何法律上的进步意义。
: 当然,若没有其他更好的民主党人选,还是支持他连任。

发帖数: 24887

~~~~~How can we be sure? For one thing, I am under the impression
that Blacks are traditionally more homophobic than most if not all races.
Can this be ground for my grave concern over Obama's true stance on same-sex
marriage? Could he be actually a closeted homophobe in this regard?

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: 是啊,这些都算啊。没有一个总统比O8对我们更好了,虽然他嘴上说他不支持同婚,但
: 是他的真实立场不会有问题的。

发帖数: 657
obama is hardly your typical black people. he was brought up in a white
neighborhood by his white mother and grand parents. he graduated magma cum
laude from harvard law for god's sake.
he mentioned that his point of views on gay marriage was "evolving". If it's
not a compaign gimmick to avoid aggravating his conservative supporters, i'
d say he has certainly been "evolving" towards more gay friendly policies in
recent years.
then again, as i said before, i believe whatever he did for this community
is no more than political sideshow to distract his opponents and appeal to
his most progressive base. however degrading it is to be used as pawns in
the political gambling between the dems and the reps, we still have no
better choice than obama at least as of right now.


【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: 但是他的真实立场不会有问题的。
: ~~~~~How can we be sure? For one thing, I am under the impression
: that Blacks are traditionally more homophobic than most if not all races.
: Can this be ground for my grave concern over Obama's true stance on same-sex
: marriage? Could he be actually a closeted homophobe in this regard?

What the DOMA Win Means for LGBT Binational Familiesnew immigration strategy after OBAMA's DOMA turnaround
LGBT Bills Dead in 2011[原创]纽约州同性婚姻合法的意义
发帖数: 24887
I know he is not "a typical Black Joe" (so please save the God's sake part)
and that he is our best hope for now. But there are different shades of "
best" if it was a color, I suppose?


【在 o****g 的大作中提到】
: obama is hardly your typical black people. he was brought up in a white
: neighborhood by his white mother and grand parents. he graduated magma cum
: laude from harvard law for god's sake.
: he mentioned that his point of views on gay marriage was "evolving". If it's
: not a compaign gimmick to avoid aggravating his conservative supporters, i'
: d say he has certainly been "evolving" towards more gay friendly policies in
: recent years.
: then again, as i said before, i believe whatever he did for this community
: is no more than political sideshow to distract his opponents and appeal to
: his most progressive base. however degrading it is to be used as pawns in

发帖数: 2202


【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: I know he is not "a typical Black Joe" (so please save the God's sake part)
: and that he is our best hope for now. But there are different shades of "
: best" if it was a color, I suppose?
: 's
: i'
: in

发帖数: 24887
Hopefully the complaints worked.

【在 L*******e 的大作中提到】
: 从我的观察来看我赞同majia111的观点。O8上台初期确实收到了不少来自同志的指责,
: 说他无所作为
: 或者行动太慢,现在这种指责几经基本上听不到了。
: impression
: races.
: same-sex

发帖数: 1891
这个说法有点过了, 这个black stereotype on LGBT issues不太适合放在O8上.
不论他或是Hilary上台, LGBT权益不会有本质性的改进, 因为时机不好, 摊上global
recession, 总统职责要把主要精力放在恢复经济上, 而这又要和共和党做很多妥协,
这就是politics, 你不可能把你党派的所有主张齐头并进, 尤其是失掉house majority
不过我也不是O8的fan, 举个例子说carbon footprint, 他有说过:"It's hard for us
Americans to lower our living standard. But if the 1.3 billion Chinese are
trying to live the same standard as us, it will be a huge problem for global
natural resources". 大意是这样吧.
He seems to have the intention to steer away from US chauvinism, downplay
the US hegemony, and promote the global integration (这大概是Nobel Peace
Prize Committee对他的理想期望吧). 可是他的所做所为还是维护美国大国利益, 不过
这也无可厚非, 他毕竟是美国的总统, 非美国人, 弱势群体多少还是要对他失望.


【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: Hopefully the complaints worked.
发帖数: 4174


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: 这个说法有点过了, 这个black stereotype on LGBT issues不太适合放在O8上.
: 不论他或是Hilary上台, LGBT权益不会有本质性的改进, 因为时机不好, 摊上global
: recession, 总统职责要把主要精力放在恢复经济上, 而这又要和共和党做很多妥协,
: 这就是politics, 你不可能把你党派的所有主张齐头并进, 尤其是失掉house majority
: 之后.
: 不过我也不是O8的fan, 举个例子说carbon footprint, 他有说过:"It's hard for us
: Americans to lower our living standard. But if the 1.3 billion Chinese are
: trying to live the same standard as us, it will be a huge problem for global
: natural resources". 大意是这样吧.
: He seems to have the intention to steer away from US chauvinism, downplay

发帖数: 24887
Obama, given his particular upbringing and ethnicity, is bound to be a
special president in the history of this country. Whether this will play
into the benefits of our community remains unseen, though the trend seems
cautiously optimistic.


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: 这个说法有点过了, 这个black stereotype on LGBT issues不太适合放在O8上.
: 不论他或是Hilary上台, LGBT权益不会有本质性的改进, 因为时机不好, 摊上global
: recession, 总统职责要把主要精力放在恢复经济上, 而这又要和共和党做很多妥协,
: 这就是politics, 你不可能把你党派的所有主张齐头并进, 尤其是失掉house majority
: 之后.
: 不过我也不是O8的fan, 举个例子说carbon footprint, 他有说过:"It's hard for us
: Americans to lower our living standard. But if the 1.3 billion Chinese are
: trying to live the same standard as us, it will be a huge problem for global
: natural resources". 大意是这样吧.
: He seems to have the intention to steer away from US chauvinism, downplay

发帖数: 657
sorry ur point being???


【在 D**S 的大作中提到】
: I know he is not "a typical Black Joe" (so please save the God's sake part)
: and that he is our best hope for now. But there are different shades of "
: best" if it was a color, I suppose?
: 's
: i'
: in

发帖数: 657
I believe the true hope for this community lies in the judicial branch of
the government rather than executive or legislative, simply for the reason
that the latter two are democratically elected and reflect the popular
opinions of the majority. Even though most Americans, except for those
redneck pinheads in the south, do not oppose gay marriage, they are not
motivated to advocate for it either. Just like when black people had to
fight for their rights in the courtrooms of this country, i believe the
actual abolition of legistlative and legal discrimination against gay people
shall and will be achieved through judicial procedures.


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: 这个说法有点过了, 这个black stereotype on LGBT issues不太适合放在O8上.
: 不论他或是Hilary上台, LGBT权益不会有本质性的改进, 因为时机不好, 摊上global
: recession, 总统职责要把主要精力放在恢复经济上, 而这又要和共和党做很多妥协,
: 这就是politics, 你不可能把你党派的所有主张齐头并进, 尤其是失掉house majority
: 之后.
: 不过我也不是O8的fan, 举个例子说carbon footprint, 他有说过:"It's hard for us
: Americans to lower our living standard. But if the 1.3 billion Chinese are
: trying to live the same standard as us, it will be a huge problem for global
: natural resources". 大意是这样吧.
: He seems to have the intention to steer away from US chauvinism, downplay

发帖数: 657
and btw, u somehow misunderstood what obama tried to deliver in his speech
in australia. now i know that speech infuriated a lot of hot blooded chinese
, and i do think it's derogatory and discrimitory to blame the chinese for
global climate changes, but he did not mention living standard, what he
actually used was "living patterns", meaning lifestyle.
he was merely pointing out that the chinese are way too many to adopt the
american "living patterns", so you need to find a better and more
sustainable way of living.


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: 这个说法有点过了, 这个black stereotype on LGBT issues不太适合放在O8上.
: 不论他或是Hilary上台, LGBT权益不会有本质性的改进, 因为时机不好, 摊上global
: recession, 总统职责要把主要精力放在恢复经济上, 而这又要和共和党做很多妥协,
: 这就是politics, 你不可能把你党派的所有主张齐头并进, 尤其是失掉house majority
: 之后.
: 不过我也不是O8的fan, 举个例子说carbon footprint, 他有说过:"It's hard for us
: Americans to lower our living standard. But if the 1.3 billion Chinese are
: trying to live the same standard as us, it will be a huge problem for global
: natural resources". 大意是这样吧.
: He seems to have the intention to steer away from US chauvinism, downplay

发帖数: 1891
so he acknowledged the American "living patterns" is not a good one to
follow suit. What's the difference between "living standard" and "living
patterns" when it comes to carbon footprint?
Let's say gas consumption, I totally agree we should promote green energy
and reduce the gas dependency. However, it's wrong for him to say: We
Americans already get used to this type of "living patterns", but you
Chinese should not (follow suit, we learned from our experience, take it as
a good advice from us). I can hardly believe that was his intention.
Even if that was his intention, he could at least say we will also TRY to
reduce the carbon footprint, as part of the global responsibilities, instead
of saying "it's hard for us to change ...".
Anyway, this way or that, it won't change the conclusion from my previous
post: he's the president of United States.


【在 o****g 的大作中提到】
: and btw, u somehow misunderstood what obama tried to deliver in his speech
: in australia. now i know that speech infuriated a lot of hot blooded chinese
: , and i do think it's derogatory and discrimitory to blame the chinese for
: global climate changes, but he did not mention living standard, what he
: actually used was "living patterns", meaning lifestyle.
: he was merely pointing out that the chinese are way too many to adopt the
: american "living patterns", so you need to find a better and more
: sustainable way of living.
: majority

Justice Dept.: Strike Down DOMABoehner's DOMA Defense Denounced
DOMA Repeal Gets Its First Republican CosponsorObama: Our First Gay President
Boehner说:Obama不为DOMA辩护,共和党辩护House will NOT vote to repeal DOMA
发帖数: 657
i'm not sure he said "it's hard for us to change"... dude you have to get
your facts straight and stop putting words in other people's mouths.
Well you know I think China has an enormous interest in solving this problem
. You know if you talk to Chinese leaders I think they will acknowledge
immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living
patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for
a very miserable time, the planet just can’t sustain it, so they
understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that is
more sustainable that allows them to pursue the economic growth that they’
re pursuing while at the same time dealing with these environmental
consequences. So I think they understand intellectually. Right now though
their understandable impulse is to say well let’s let the developed
countries, the Australias, and the Americas deal with this problem first and
we’ll get to it when we’ve caught up a little bit in terms of our
standard of living. The point we’ve tried to make is we can’t, we can’t
allow China to wait. We have to take responsibility and do what needs to be
done, but if emerging countries not just China but also India, Brazil and
others are pursuing a path in which they replace us as the largest carbon
emitters, that’s not a sustainable practical approach, so we’re going to
have to have everybody moving on the same track at the same time.


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: so he acknowledged the American "living patterns" is not a good one to
: follow suit. What's the difference between "living standard" and "living
: patterns" when it comes to carbon footprint?
: Let's say gas consumption, I totally agree we should promote green energy
: and reduce the gas dependency. However, it's wrong for him to say: We
: Americans already get used to this type of "living patterns", but you
: Chinese should not (follow suit, we learned from our experience, take it as
: a good advice from us). I can hardly believe that was his intention.
: Even if that was his intention, he could at least say we will also TRY to
: reduce the carbon footprint, as part of the global responsibilities, instead

发帖数: 19713
发帖数: 657
it's not about the parlance or choice of words. he was merely stating a fact
, i find no offense in his speech and i'm definitely a very patriotic person.
i would suggest whoever feel insulted by his speech take a look at what he
said, and judge for yourself. he never denied the american responsibility of
reducing carbon emission, and he was right about the fact that china has to
find a new path to prosperity and improved living standards.

【在 m******1 的大作中提到】
: 其实我觉得O8就是不会说话,在国际政坛上他还不够老练。我理解他想说的意思,怎么
: 样用词就没必要太追究了,嗯。

发帖数: 1891
你看看中国现在有多少solar companies, 和中国政府怎么subsidize这个工业, 就知道
中国有没有把这个提上日程. 美国现在还是石油公司霸权.
"China on the other hand has a population of 1.35 Billion, and five sixths
of that population have no electrical power whatsoever, or a car or the
lifestyle that we have. The same applies in India and other Developing
Countries. Consequently, their carbon footprint is lower, and quite
considerably lower. ***We either raise their level of living, or we lower
ours. There is no middle ground. The vast populace in our Countries has that
lifestyle we are used to, and any amount of restrictions to lower that
carbon footprint to even half way between us and what China has would result
in such widespread chaos that it just will not EVER happen. Anything we do
to lower that will be of so minor a manner as to not even register.***"
没有一定要争出个谁是谁非, 我理解错了, 我会道歉. I am quite composed, far
from hot-blooded.


【在 o****g 的大作中提到】
: i'm not sure he said "it's hard for us to change"... dude you have to get
: your facts straight and stop putting words in other people's mouths.
: Well you know I think China has an enormous interest in solving this problem
: . You know if you talk to Chinese leaders I think they will acknowledge
: immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living
: patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for
: a very miserable time, the planet just can’t sustain it, so they
: understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that is
: more sustainable that allows them to pursue the economic growth that they’
: re pursuing while at the same time dealing with these environmental

发帖数: 2272


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: 你看看中国现在有多少solar companies, 和中国政府怎么subsidize这个工业, 就知道
: 中国有没有把这个提上日程. 美国现在还是石油公司霸权.
: http://papundits.wordpress.com/2010/04/16/president-obamas-one-
: "China on the other hand has a population of 1.35 Billion, and five sixths
: of that population have no electrical power whatsoever, or a car or the
: lifestyle that we have. The same applies in India and other Developing
: Countries. Consequently, their carbon footprint is lower, and quite
: considerably lower. ***We either raise their level of living, or we lower
: ours. There is no middle ground. The vast populace in our Countries has that
: lifestyle we are used to, and any amount of restrictions to lower that

发帖数: 24887
And the world "Whatsoever" like it was a long-known fact? I am so puzzled by
that piece of words.

【在 A*F 的大作中提到】
: 中国5/6的人没电用?
: that

发帖数: 1891
我看了下全篇, 我前一个贴子引用的是作者的理解, 不是O8的原话, 这段才是:
You know if you talk to Chinese leaders I think they will acknowledge
immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living
patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for
a very miserable time, the planet just can’t sustain it, so they
understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that is
more sustainable that allows them to pursue the economic growth that they’
re pursuing while at the same time dealing with these environmental
consequences. So I think they understand intellectually. Right now though
their understandable impulse is to say well let’s let the developed
countries, the Australia’s, and the America’s deal with this problem first
and we’ll get to it when we’ve caught up a little bit in terms of our
standard of living. ******The point we’ve tried to make is we can’t, we
can’t allow China to wait*******.
This indicates to me that he has some idea of how those Chinese people do
not have access to the lifestyle that we have, and that access to electrical
power that we all have, and that for them to come up to our level will
result in significantly greater CO2 emissions. Then he literally just throws
them all under the bus with the statement in bold there, effectively saying
that we can’t stand by and allow them to have the standard of living that
we accept as a way of life.


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: 你看看中国现在有多少solar companies, 和中国政府怎么subsidize这个工业, 就知道
: 中国有没有把这个提上日程. 美国现在还是石油公司霸权.
: http://papundits.wordpress.com/2010/04/16/president-obamas-one-
: "China on the other hand has a population of 1.35 Billion, and five sixths
: of that population have no electrical power whatsoever, or a car or the
: lifestyle that we have. The same applies in India and other Developing
: Countries. Consequently, their carbon footprint is lower, and quite
: considerably lower. ***We either raise their level of living, or we lower
: ours. There is no middle ground. The vast populace in our Countries has that
: lifestyle we are used to, and any amount of restrictions to lower that

发帖数: 1891
发展中国家认为发达国家已经经历了工业起步和发展的阶段, 已经contributed a lot
to the global carbon footprint historically才得以发展起来, 所以应当承担更大
发达国家认为发展中国家不能追历史的帐, 发展中国家也要承担相当责任.
听起来都有理. I think it's reasonable for developed countries to spare some
more efforts on the global climate change issue, even now, there's more
carbon footprint per capita in the developed countries.
US tops global carbon footprint league table – UK comes 10th (2009):
"The oil-thirsty boom nations of China and India figure relatively low on
the league table with annual emissions of 3.1 and 1.8 tonnes respectively
per capita."


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: 我看了下全篇, 我前一个贴子引用的是作者的理解, 不是O8的原话, 这段才是:
: You know if you talk to Chinese leaders I think they will acknowledge
: immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living
: patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for
: a very miserable time, the planet just can’t sustain it, so they
: understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that is
: more sustainable that allows them to pursue the economic growth that they’
: re pursuing while at the same time dealing with these environmental
: consequences. So I think they understand intellectually. Right now though
: their understandable impulse is to say well let’s let the developed

发帖数: 646


【在 o****g 的大作中提到】
: I believe the true hope for this community lies in the judicial branch of
: the government rather than executive or legislative, simply for the reason
: that the latter two are democratically elected and reflect the popular
: opinions of the majority. Even though most Americans, except for those
: redneck pinheads in the south, do not oppose gay marriage, they are not
: motivated to advocate for it either. Just like when black people had to
: fight for their rights in the courtrooms of this country, i believe the
: actual abolition of legistlative and legal discrimination against gay people
: shall and will be achieved through judicial procedures.

发帖数: 657
That's what I posted for you...... -_-b


【在 p**s 的大作中提到】
: 我看了下全篇, 我前一个贴子引用的是作者的理解, 不是O8的原话, 这段才是:
: You know if you talk to Chinese leaders I think they will acknowledge
: immediately that if over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living
: patterns as Australians and Americans do right now then all of us are in for
: a very miserable time, the planet just can’t sustain it, so they
: understand that they’ve got to make a decision about a new model that is
: more sustainable that allows them to pursue the economic growth that they’
: re pursuing while at the same time dealing with these environmental
: consequences. So I think they understand intellectually. Right now though
: their understandable impulse is to say well let’s let the developed

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