

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Running版 - pace run
dress rehearsalThe Marathon's Effects on the Immune System (zt)
10K time trialfeeling better after a tempo run, weird!
long run回来了弱问有关WHX有关push自己的问题
wanna run fast? work on your hamstring!梦见比赛了
趁着whx的帖子,大家给分析一下我的症状-:)Tempo 10K on treadmill, 41'34''
fwd: what causes soreness?膝盖内侧疼, 是跑还是休息?
Race Report: Nashville Greenway MarathonDetraining in 9 days? Hard to believe
race report: vermont city marathon (补充了些细节)看来我真是跑出毛病了
话题: lap话题: averaging话题: pace话题: up话题: bit
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4931
It's the weekend again. Started with 3-mile warm up. My legs were actually a
tiny bit sore from yesterday's strides, but the soreness went away after I
warmed up. Set my pace at 7:10-7:15, and did the first lap of 2.25 miles
averaging 7:15. In the second lap I followed a faster guy, held 6:50-7:00
pace for a while, ended up averaging 7:02. The third lap, the fast guy left,
and I took it easy a bit, averaging 7:08. 0.75 miles into the fourth lap, I
had to take a bathroom break. Damn it, too much
1 (共1页)
今天18迈fwd: what causes soreness?
ran thru a sore throatRace Report: Nashville Greenway Marathon
右大腿内侧酸痛race report: vermont city marathon (补充了些细节)
dress rehearsalThe Marathon's Effects on the Immune System (zt)
10K time trialfeeling better after a tempo run, weird!
long run回来了弱问有关WHX有关push自己的问题
wanna run fast? work on your hamstring!梦见比赛了
话题: lap话题: averaging话题: pace话题: up话题: bit