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SanFrancisco版 - Linkedin is hiring Apps Engineer
【JOBS广告】09、10月份求职、空缺征人同往meet 20 选区 Bill Quirk
这个站点是用什么framework 实现的 drag and drop (转载)这不是Hernandez一个人的法案,是民主党重要的一步棋 (转载)
Amazon, CISCO or Bloomberg offer老中占了这么多上大学的名额,到后来牛逼的没几个
大家写performance review谦虚不?为什么那么多名校出来的华人都是废才
Yahoo email account转帖 华人歧视?别闹,我写这篇文章用了两个小时呢
上海游戏工程师中大奖:与波多野结衣“共度春宵”(图) (转载)刚给本区州议员发了传真
话题: java话题: html话题: jsp话题: css话题: apps
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23
那位有兴趣,请发你的PM给我,招聘职位多,前端和后端都有,测试也招。 谢谢
Description: Back-End Engineers:
You love scaling distributed applications, making architectural trade-offs
applying synchronous and asynchronous design patterns, writing code, and
delivering with top-notch quality. Requirements:
You know how to build Java web applications and services, working with
relevant tools (IDEs, ant, junit, etc.).
You are a master of object-oriented design, coding and testing patterns.
You have experience with relational databases (both transactional and
non-transactional), database architecture, and distributed transaction
You know how to develop multi-tier scalable, performant and reliable
applications that operate 24x7.
You thrive in a fast paced, test-driven, collaborative and iterative
programming environment. You meet your commitments on time and produce high
quality software that is unit tested, code reviewed, and checked in
regularly for continuous integration.
You have a BS/MS/Phd degree in Computer Science, Applied Math, Physics,
or related field from a leading institution.
You have 5+ years of experience in software design, development and
algorithm related solutions.
Front-End Engineers: You love the browser, despite its quirks, and can bend
IE to your will. You are the kind of person who loves a holistic approach to
websites, bringing server and web client together into beautiful harmony.
You breathe in JSP/Javascript/HTML/CSS/Java, exhale awesome, and want to be
part of the team behind this very site you're reading right now. You are
passionate about the extraordinary, you are passionate about the user
experience, and you want to actually make a difference with your work.
You'll work with User Experience Designers, Product Managers and fellow
developers to build both the client web components (HTML, CSS, Javascript,
JSP) and server-side delivery code (Java, MVC). You'll be working across the
company with multiple groups, bringing everyone's specializations together
into a final product. Requirements:
You know JSP, PHP or Java and use relevant tools (IDEs, ant, junit, yui-
test, etc)
You can build HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components and pages using JS
frameworks such as jQuery, YUI, etc.
You are a strong communicator and collaborator who can work in an agile/
iterative development team.
You have a BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Applied Math, Physics, or
related field from a leading institution.
发帖数: 14401
bar很高啊 要不要西嘉嘉的码农?
1 (共1页)
在哪儿捐钱支持反对SAC5大家写performance review谦虚不?
我给两个众议员发了email,希望他们投NOYahoo email account
你们现在就象无头苍蝇一样,全是瞎搞!上海游戏工程师中大奖:与波多野结衣“共度春宵”(图) (转载)
【JOBS广告】09、10月份求职、空缺征人同往meet 20 选区 Bill Quirk
这个站点是用什么framework 实现的 drag and drop (转载)这不是Hernandez一个人的法案,是民主党重要的一步棋 (转载)
Amazon, CISCO or Bloomberg offer老中占了这么多上大学的名额,到后来牛逼的没几个
话题: java话题: html话题: jsp话题: css话题: apps