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Stock版 - 银价分析,无脑分析师不少
分享以下80年黄金大跌的原因 (ZT)Stagflation
How to lose $5 billion in two months不坚定的熊熊全洗掉了。。。
If You’re Losing, Change the Rules (转载)美国经济面临的问题是滞胀,我看明年就要来了
Silver is not a bubble yet,大诗人看好黄金的前景
Making Decisions About Gold and Silver通胀是纸币泛滥债务无穷的一个必须?
re ibeyond: Why I think stagflation talk unrealistic.美国将再次陷入滞涨stagflation
印度通胀率飙升9.89% 创16个月最大升幅科技股暂时没戏,请远离
话题: volcker话题: silver话题: us话题: price话题: paul
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 245
其实银子短期有震荡,中期仍然十分看好。 一两百块的银子不足为奇。
银价历史BY WIKI,古代银价折合800美元/盎司。
At an April 2011 price of about $49 USD per troy ounce,[47] silver is about
1/30th the price of gold. The ratio has varied from 1/15 to 1/100 in the
past 100 years.[48]
In 1980, the silver price rose to a peak for modern times of US$49.45 per
troy ounce (TO) due to market manipulation of Nelson Bunker Hunt and Herbert
Hunt.[citation needed] Some time after Silver Thursday, the price was back
to $10/TO.[49] By December 2001, the price had dropped to US$4.15/TO, and in
May 2006, it had risen back as high as US$15.21/TO. In March 2008, silver
reached US$21.34/TO.[50] In late April 2011, silver reached an all-time high
of $49.76/TO.
In earlier times, silver has commanded much higher prices. In the early 15th
century, the price of silver is estimated to have surpassed $800 per ounce,
based on 1998 dollars.[51] The discovery of massive silver deposits in the
New World during the succeeding centuries has caused the price to diminish
Paul Volcker in wiki,Paul Volcker 与1979年加息到11%
Paul Volcker, a Democrat,[6] was appointed Chairman of the Federal Reserve
in August 1979 by President Jimmy Carter and reappointed in 1983 by
President Ronald Reagan.[7]
Volcker's Fed is widely credited with ending the United States' stagflation
crisis of the 1970s. Inflation, which peaked at 13.5% in 1981, was
successfully lowered to 3.2% by 1983.[8]
Volcker raised the federal funds rate, which had averaged 11.2% in 1979, to
a peak of 20% in June 1981. The prime rate rose to 21.5% in 1981 as well.
1 (共1页)
各国的“好”数据其实只是说明通胀已经抬头Making Decisions About Gold and Silver
US stock/bond/currency triple killre ibeyond: Why I think stagflation talk unrealistic.
此老堪比杨82印度通胀率飙升9.89% 创16个月最大升幅
ZT 奥巴马拟对金融机构实施严格监管本次危机的实质
分享以下80年黄金大跌的原因 (ZT)Stagflation
How to lose $5 billion in two months不坚定的熊熊全洗掉了。。。
If You’re Losing, Change the Rules (转载)美国经济面临的问题是滞胀,我看明年就要来了
Silver is not a bubble yet,大诗人看好黄金的前景
话题: volcker话题: silver话题: us话题: price话题: paul