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Texas版 - Why Kimmel's NEW Apology is Unacceptable (转载)
Why Kimmel's Apology is Unacceptable (转载)【华盟的愤怒】白宫 = ABC官方发言人,无视华人要求 (转载)
标语的一条重要建议Blame-China-4-Everything and The Road to Holocaust (转载)
(转载)请全站推荐!!!!!明天游行请务必做的事情!!!!!Petition4 Scapegoated Chinese Amerian Faculties/Professional (转载)
[ZT] China Wants Jimmy Kimmel to Apologize… For a Third Ti (转载)Dallas 2月20日 支持梁警官大游行
白宫关于Jimmy Kimmel事件的回应大家开始准备标语和poster吧! 图片速度拿去用!
无论打什么旗,美国媒体都认为是中国人upset了 (转载)下一步汇总: 请各就各位,互相帮助! (转载)
元芳,你怎么看?!如何提高网上曝光率:抗议Jimmy Kimmel种族歧视言论 Facebook (转载)
Why Jimmy Kimmel Needs To Be FiredCNN , 11/11/2013 Did Jimmy Kimmel skit OK genocide?
话题: kimmel话题: china话题: why话题: new
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 18403
【 以下文字转载自 Seattle 讨论区 】
发信人: onetiemyshoe (onetiemyshoe), 信区: Seattle
标 题: Why Kimmel's NEW Apology is Unacceptable
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 30 19:00:13 2013, 美东)
note the original question Kimmel asked was LOADED with
subtle racism. US owes MUCH more than +30 trillion to other nations and to
its own people (of this China has a small part). Yet China gets
scapegoated as the key problem for every problem America is in.
This is called race scapegoating and race baiting. This kind of subtle
racist rhetorics immediately led to hate speech (in this case from a 6 year
old) and over long term creates a fertile environment for hate crimes.
Jimmy Kimmel keeps apologizing without explaining why(other than he upset
people). No prime time media coverage of this yet.
We are not upset with him. We are upset with Disney for
creating an environment that people think race-baiting the Chinese, race
scapegoating China for every problem in USA and even genocidal hate speech
against the Chinese is not only acceptable, but even funny.
Our message is: China-USA=win-win. We have a stake in each other's
success and will be partners in peace and in mutual respect.
On Friday, Seattle, Boston, Houston/Dallas, San Jose will demonstrate. 帮后
来人造势啊! Let's keep the pressure on Disney.
1 (共1页)
CNN , 11/11/2013 Did Jimmy Kimmel skit OK genocide?白宫关于Jimmy Kimmel事件的回应
起来!忍无可忍,无需再忍!洛杉矶游行!!! (转载)无论打什么旗,美国媒体都认为是中国人upset了 (转载)
"Apology must be sincere! Action must be accountable! Jimmy must leave!"元芳,你怎么看?!
Friends, we should not hurt each other.Why Jimmy Kimmel Needs To Be Fired
Why Kimmel's Apology is Unacceptable (转载)【华盟的愤怒】白宫 = ABC官方发言人,无视华人要求 (转载)
标语的一条重要建议Blame-China-4-Everything and The Road to Holocaust (转载)
(转载)请全站推荐!!!!!明天游行请务必做的事情!!!!!Petition4 Scapegoated Chinese Amerian Faculties/Professional (转载)
[ZT] China Wants Jimmy Kimmel to Apologize… For a Third Ti (转载)Dallas 2月20日 支持梁警官大游行
话题: kimmel话题: china话题: why话题: new