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TrustInJesus版 - 穆斯林和gay佬干起来了 -"Who can be the most offended" (转载)
The Relativity of Biblical Ethics教宗: 歡迎難民才能上天堂
犹太人圣经第三部分 The Third Part of Jewish Bible (zz)What Love is This?(39)加尔文国家机器制造的多特信经
What Love is This?(73)什么是上帝的慈爱?我认错!关于林书豪入选时代杂志百大影响力人物
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圣经与塔納赫基督徒为什么对“同性恋行为”说不(六) (转载)
聖經是本神奇的書一个同性恋者站出来反对同性恋婚姻 (转载)
宗教信仰里的神不见得非得是真实的穆斯林和gay佬干起来了 -"Who can be the most offended"
话题: who话题: mahrouk话题: lesbian话题: omar话题: muslim
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12623
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: 穆斯林和gay佬干起来了 -"Who can be the most offended"
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 27 14:26:21 2012, 美东)
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
What's that noise?
Nothing more than a multi-cultural clashing of Politically Correct titans.
A lesbian walks into a Muslim barbershop:
It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it really happened, and now
a government agency called the ClashofthetitansHuman Rights Tribunal of
Ontario will hear her complaint.
Faith McGregor is the lesbian who doesn’t like the girly cuts that they
do at a salon. She wants the boy’s hairdo.
Omar Mahrouk is the owner of the Terminal Barber Shop in Toronto. He
follows Shariah law, so he thinks women have cooties. As Mahrouk and the
other barbers there say, they don’t believe in touching women other than
their own wives.
But that’s what multiculturalism and unlimited immigration from
illiberal countries means. A central pillar of many immigrant cultures is
the second-class citizenship of women and gays.
So if we now believe in multiculturalism, and that our Canadian culture
of tolerance isn’t any better than the Shariah culture of sex crimes and
gender apartheid, who are we to complain when Omar Mahrouk takes us up on
our promise that he can continue to practise his culture — lesbian haircuts
be damned?
Ezra Levant, the author of the piece, finishes by betting on the Muslim... I
believe that's a solid bet...
Time will tell.
Isn't PC-ness fun?
发帖数: 12623
I kinda wanna see how homos and muslims smoke the shit out of each others.
oh by the way, Allah said all homosexuals should be stoned to death and
their soul will be burnt in hell.
1 (共1页)
穆斯林和gay佬干起来了 -"Who can be the most offended"富兰克林死前回复基督徒
The Relativity of Biblical Ethics教宗: 歡迎難民才能上天堂
犹太人圣经第三部分 The Third Part of Jewish Bible (zz)What Love is This?(39)加尔文国家机器制造的多特信经
What Love is This?(73)什么是上帝的慈爱?我认错!关于林书豪入选时代杂志百大影响力人物
话题: who话题: mahrouk话题: lesbian话题: omar话题: muslim