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[新年减肥]Mama weight loss for new year!!我也来贴我的摄入卡路里
Gilda Need Your Helphow to 增肥!!! (转载)
大家来讨论一下如何cut calories and healthy eating吧!转载 30 Quick, Easy Ways to Burn Fat
Top 11 Biggest Lies:6. You Should Eat Many Small Meals Throughout The Day两个常识性的问题
别太相信restaurant营养表上的calorie countlosing too much weight will hurt your health
calorie , carb 、 protein 每天应该吃多少?America's Top 10 Healthiest Fast Food Restaurants
午餐不小心吃太多了how to avoid eating a lot at night?
话题: eating话题: calories话题: skinny话题: your话题: down
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4735
Opt for Fast Food
Have you been avoiding all fast food for the comfort of a more formal
restaurant? You may want to reconsider. Why? A recent study by a Purdue
University researcher comparing calories for sit-down restaurants, fast-food
restaurants and home-cooked meals, concluded that sit-down restaurants have
larger portions and, therefore, more calories than fast-food places. Take,
for example, a veggie burger from Burger King (420 calories) versus a veggie
burger at Ruby Tuesdays, which has more than double the calories (952).
Knowledge is power. The best way to safeguard yourself: Look up nutrition
facts for the menu items that you are interested in eating before you place
your order. And try eating at home more often, which, not surprisingly,
proved to be the healthiest option of the three in the study.
Opting for low-cal, fast-food options instead of large, sit-down restaurant
meals when you don't feel like eating in is just one example of a small
tweak to your routine that can make a big difference on the scale, explains
Molly Morgan, registered dietitian and author of the bestselling new book,
The Skinny Rules: The 101 Secrets Every Skinny Girl Knows.
发帖数: 4735
Tap Into Your Inner Emeril
Cooking at home is something that skinny people
often do. And numerous studies have shown it's definitely a factor when it
comes to keeping your weight in check. One big perk you get from preparing
meals at home is that you actually burn calories when cooking, to the tune
of 85 calories per hour. You also burn another 35 calories in 15 minutes of
washing post-meal dishes. If you were eating out an average of three times a
week and started cooking at home instead two of those nights, you would
burn approximately 120 calories twice a week for a total calorie burn of 240
calories per week and a yearly total of 12,480 calories, or about 3 and a
half pounds’ worth of calories! One more important skinny secret: Keep your
mouth preoccupied when preparing food. Chew on gum or drink a cup of tea to
keep you from consuming unwanted calories (translation: those seemingly
innocent tastes 'to check' the dish) while you are cooking.
发帖数: 4735
Shop for Groceries the Skinny Way
To shop like a skinny girl, stick to the
perimeter of the grocery store. The outside perimeter is traditionally where
you will find wholesome foods like fresh produce, meat, milk and dairy
foods, bread, eggs, and so on. In those center aisles? Processed foods,
loaded with sugars, additives and trans fats. In the produce section, choose
fruit and vegetables that are in season because they tend to cost less. And
, always keep bananas on hand because they typically cost only 20 cents each
or less. Look for economy-sized bags of produce, like sweet potatoes,
carrots, onions and apples. You can typically save when buying a large
quantity. When you are shopping for meats, look for value packs and lean
发帖数: 4735
Perfect Your Posture
Another reason to improve your posture: For every inch
you slouch, you look like you weigh five pounds more. To gain the muscle
strength and muscle memory for your body to hold itself taller and
straighter, add yoga and/or Pilates to your workout regimen two to three
days a week for 30 to 45 minutes.
发帖数: 4735
End Emotional Eating
Knowing how your moods impact your eating is an important first step to
conquering this skinny saboteur. Keep a diary of your food intake and
feelings. By being completely honest with yourself, you will be able to
identify how emotions trigger eating patterns. Once you know, you can create
a plan to deal with it and curb your behaviors. Sad? Instead of turning to
a bag of chips or ice cream, put on your sneakers and go for a walk. Upset?
Call a friend of family member. Often talking about what is upsetting you
will help you feel better, whereas coping by eating a bunch of brownies will
only give you a bellyache -- and make you feel even worse
发帖数: 4735
Snack Throughout the Day
Eating throughout the day will keep you more satisfied so you don’t binge.
Try eating about every three to four hours with light meals and snacks. A
satisfying eating schedule might look like this: 8:00 a.m. breakfast; 10:30
a.m. snack; 1:00 p.m. lunch; 4:00 p.m. snack; 7:30 p.m. dinner. Science even
supports this concept: A recent report in the American Journal of
Epidemiology took a look at the eating patterns of 499 people. The study
found that eating frequently throughout the day was associated with a lower
risk of obesity. (Eating frequently was defined as four or more eating “
episodes” a day as opposed to three or fewer.) Just keep your portions
small and load up fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and other
healthy options.
发帖数: 4735
Don’t Forget the Magic Meal
There is one meal that is an absolute must for skinny girls: Breakfast.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it literally jump
starts your metabolism to get your body going. Not hungry when you wake up?
You still need to eat breakfast. Over time, you will develop a morning
appetite and you will actually wind up eating less food later in the day!
Maybe it’s hard for you to make breakfast before you head out the door in
the morning – that’s okay, too. You can eat mid-morning. But you can’t
just eat anything. There is a perfect combination to strive for and that's a
combo of carbs and protein. One smart idea to try: One cup of plain yogurt
topped with a cup of fresh blueberries. Or, if you need something to eat in
transit: Opt for a protein bar and a banana.
1 (共1页)
how to avoid eating a lot at night?Top 11 Biggest Lies:6. You Should Eat Many Small Meals Throughout The Day
Is fat free diary really more fattening???!!!别太相信restaurant营养表上的calorie count
Top 11 Biggest Lies:9. Low Carb Diets Are Dangerouscalorie , carb 、 protein 每天应该吃多少?
我看Weight Management Consultant的记录之二午餐不小心吃太多了
[新年减肥]Mama weight loss for new year!!我也来贴我的摄入卡路里
Gilda Need Your Helphow to 增肥!!! (转载)
大家来讨论一下如何cut calories and healthy eating吧!转载 30 Quick, Easy Ways to Burn Fat
话题: eating话题: calories话题: skinny话题: your话题: down