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Olympics版 - Western media's shamelessly racial discrimination
Why great Olympic feats raise controversies这新闻真的假的? 阿尔及利亚名将800米消极比赛被剥夺参赛资格
Big Data Analysis of Swimming Athletes' Performance Records美国女子接力队40秒82。 平均一个人跑10秒2.太疯狂了。
Probably the best PED insights you will ever see in this interview2012 奥运会 参赛运动员人数统计
看事情看本质,类似的言论只是关于Doping 吗?北京奥运最会成为传奇的是什么?
[转载]Feldman: Playing to lose is smart, not an Olympic sca叶诗文回顾-英文版
I'm not happy at all[原创]奥运引发的对"话语权"的思考
话题: western话题: media话题: olympic话题: athletes话题: doping
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8463
Western media's shamelessly racial discrimination
Negative drug tests cannot prove no doping !!!!!!!!!!!
This is the argument which has been frequently used and accepted in the
Western media.
Based on this argument, the western media attack any athletes they
I agree with this argument in that you need to suspect the people who have
the ability to do things or performed in an extra-ordinary manner.
However, there is a problem here. To the common people, all the Olympic
athletes are the people who do things or performe in an extra-ordinary
manner. Can we say all the Olympic athletes are involved in doping??? Can
we say that all the Olympic athletes will be proved doping someday by new
standards and new tests???? If you reason this way, the Olympic game
itself is doping
Therefore, the western media's racial discrimination is absolutely shameless
by selectively target a few athletes without any positive drug tests.
发帖数: 8463
One way to counter them is whenever a western athlete won a medal, we say
doping, too.Because there is no other better way to counter their attack.
Well, this world is a racial world if we all do the things according to the
The western media also promote many types of bias, discrimination and
threats, with the characteristics of mafia mentality. You can elaborate
more on these if you just pay a little attention when reading...
Therefore, the western media is a total trash!!!!!

【在 l*****7 的大作中提到】
: Western media's shamelessly racial discrimination
: Negative drug tests cannot prove no doping !!!!!!!!!!!
: This is the argument which has been frequently used and accepted in the
: Western media.
: Based on this argument, the western media attack any athletes they
: discriminate.
: I agree with this argument in that you need to suspect the people who have
: the ability to do things or performed in an extra-ordinary manner.
: However, there is a problem here. To the common people, all the Olympic
: athletes are the people who do things or performe in an extra-ordinary

1 (共1页)
Lai Jiang在nature的文章写得真给力看事情看本质,类似的言论只是关于Doping 吗?
google为什么是匹诺曹丢标枪啊?[转载]Feldman: Playing to lose is smart, not an Olympic sca
关于叶诗文,大家要明确一个逻辑 (有啥好删的?)I'm not happy at all
Why great Olympic feats raise controversies这新闻真的假的? 阿尔及利亚名将800米消极比赛被剥夺参赛资格
Big Data Analysis of Swimming Athletes' Performance Records美国女子接力队40秒82。 平均一个人跑10秒2.太疯狂了。
Probably the best PED insights you will ever see in this interview2012 奥运会 参赛运动员人数统计
话题: western话题: media话题: olympic话题: athletes话题: doping