

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Running版 - First 20 miler
20迈long run该不该带GELs?大家用什么方法load carb啊?
大家跑步喝什么水?跑完glycogen depletion interval,开始carb loading
finally, a 20 miler大跃进了,才跑了俩月的菜鸟,准备报个半马
It's time to lose some weight...backpack
如何防止擦伤(Chafing)?Running with depleted glycogen
心率带会是我胸口永远的痛?读书笔记-Hansons训练法 2
借GU之风,问个问题响应跑版新人集体冒进-跑了个全马,当作半马的long run
[合集] 今天long runmiserable long run
话题: run话题: my话题: long话题: hit话题: wall
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4527
以今天估计会hit the wall了。实战中,mile 20果然hit the wall,挣扎着跑完,用
时2:35。 走路1.x 迈回家,算是cool down了。
从差不多7.5 miles开始,和马拉松course的后半程开始重合,之前没注意,今天发现
地上有mile marker。前期跑的有点快,每次tempo之后就有点打鸡血的感觉。周五跑了
7 mile tempo,前5 miles和local track club的weekly run一起,一个50多的人和我
shoulder by shoulder,边跑边聊。发现跑6:40的pace聊天真是挺不容易的,尤其是当
一个5M race,估计跑不过他。后来我又自己跑了2迈,cool down 2迈结束。
今天long run只带了一瓶水,大约mile 15的时候就喝光了,后来到一家
发帖数: 798
Pretty impressive workout!

【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: 今天气温比较高,72F。出门之前喝了些水,吃了点月饼。在网上买的gel还没寄到,所
: 以今天估计会hit the wall了。实战中,mile 20果然hit the wall,挣扎着跑完,用
: 时2:35。 走路1.x 迈回家,算是cool down了。
: 从差不多7.5 miles开始,和马拉松course的后半程开始重合,之前没注意,今天发现
: 地上有mile marker。前期跑的有点快,每次tempo之后就有点打鸡血的感觉。周五跑了
: 7 mile tempo,前5 miles和local track club的weekly run一起,一个50多的人和我
: shoulder by shoulder,边跑边聊。发现跑6:40的pace聊天真是挺不容易的,尤其是当
: 你不能只用一个词的时候。老头很厉害,年轻的时候跑过2:32的全马,和我并肩跑感觉
: 他很轻松的样子。到终点的时候我们都没有push,但是感觉他明显很轻松。如果和他跑
: 一个5M race,估计跑不过他。后来我又自己跑了2迈,cool down 2迈结束。

发帖数: 4527
18 19 20那三迈的速度还不如前面2迈的,哪还能提高速度啊,我又不是牲口,呵呵。
那三迈已经很平了,就是在hang on

【在 T******y 的大作中提到】
: Pretty impressive workout!
: 快要撞墙了还能提高速度,太牛了!

发帖数: 1150
great workout.
how do you know you hit the wall? I think I hit the same wall on my Saturday
's 20 miles long run. I felt my legs are so heavy as if they are filled with
lead. and also my heart rate is jumping up, but my speed just could not
发帖数: 41236
很赞! 你底子很好, 加把劲应该就BQ了。。

【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: 18 19 20那三迈的速度还不如前面2迈的,哪还能提高速度啊,我又不是牲口,呵呵。
: 那三迈已经很平了,就是在hang on

发帖数: 4527
pretty much I can not speed up anymore @ 7:30 which I think is somehow slow
for myself. The feeling is that I run out of gas and do not have any energy
supply to move my legs.
Last time I hit the wall in a 15 miler in which I felt like to fall down if
I pushed a bit more.


【在 b*******e 的大作中提到】
: great workout.
: how do you know you hit the wall? I think I hit the same wall on my Saturday
: 's 20 miles long run. I felt my legs are so heavy as if they are filled with
: lead. and also my heart rate is jumping up, but my speed just could not
: hold.

发帖数: 4527
s faster than the goal。
Not sure how good or bad it can be.

【在 R*****s 的大作中提到】
: 很赞! 你底子很好, 加把劲应该就BQ了。。
发帖数: 1969
Quit fast.
Did you eat gel? Hit the wall at 15 miles or 20 miles in a long run. is it that
you ran faster than the purpose of the long run during the training? Or
probably the rolling hill?
发帖数: 4527
No, I did not eat any gel because my gel order has not been shipped.
Otherwise I would not been that struggling at mile 20.
Good point is that I ran out of my glycogen and refilled with lot of rice.
Hopefully my glycogen storage was increased.


【在 g********s 的大作中提到】
: Quit fast.
: Did you eat gel? Hit the wall at 15 miles or 20 miles in a long run. is it that
: you ran faster than the purpose of the long run during the training? Or
: probably the rolling hill?

发帖数: 4527
还有一些lessons,潮湿的地方短裤磨腿磨的非常厉害。之前long run我是抹凡士林或
脚踝前几天不舒服,通过recovery run恢复了一些,平时穿高帮的登山鞋,hold 脚踝
,感觉比较有用。昨天long run跑完,感觉武功恢复。

【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: 今天气温比较高,72F。出门之前喝了些水,吃了点月饼。在网上买的gel还没寄到,所
: 以今天估计会hit the wall了。实战中,mile 20果然hit the wall,挣扎着跑完,用
: 时2:35。 走路1.x 迈回家,算是cool down了。
: 从差不多7.5 miles开始,和马拉松course的后半程开始重合,之前没注意,今天发现
: 地上有mile marker。前期跑的有点快,每次tempo之后就有点打鸡血的感觉。周五跑了
: 7 mile tempo,前5 miles和local track club的weekly run一起,一个50多的人和我
: shoulder by shoulder,边跑边聊。发现跑6:40的pace聊天真是挺不容易的,尤其是当
: 你不能只用一个词的时候。老头很厉害,年轻的时候跑过2:32的全马,和我并肩跑感觉
: 他很轻松的样子。到终点的时候我们都没有push,但是感觉他明显很轻松。如果和他跑
: 一个5M race,估计跑不过他。后来我又自己跑了2迈,cool down 2迈结束。

心率带会是我胸口永远的痛?大家用什么方法load carb啊?
借GU之风,问个问题跑完glycogen depletion interval,开始carb loading
[合集] 今天long run大跃进了,才跑了俩月的菜鸟,准备报个半马
发帖数: 4931
In the summer I had a bad chafing once after a long run and then went to the
beach. It stung. When I got back
home the entire area of chafing has become swollen, a bit scary looking.
Bodyglide is a must for triathlon events. In fact, you kind of need it just
so that it is easier to take off the
wetsuit (which could be a pain otherwise).


【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: 还有一些lessons,潮湿的地方短裤磨腿磨的非常厉害。之前long run我是抹凡士林或
: 者芦荟胶,昨天发现不管用了。大腿根被磨的惨不忍睹。回来之后立刻网购了一瓶body
: glide。
: 周六的时候不该去一时性起去海里游泳,游泳之后又没有及时shower。昨天跑完,发现
: 身上厚厚的一层盐,加上chafing,简直是在腌咸肉。铁人三项的时候,游泳之后肯定
: 没时间shower,有没有这种感觉?
: 脚踝前几天不舒服,通过recovery run恢复了一些,平时穿高帮的登山鞋,hold 脚踝
: ,感觉比较有用。昨天long run跑完,感觉武功恢复。

发帖数: 1969
You can take some candy/ chocolate/banana, even raisins on the way to chew
down. Gels are handy, but for such a long run if you need extra energy,
definitely you should bring something to eat.

【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: No, I did not eat any gel because my gel order has not been shipped.
: Otherwise I would not been that struggling at mile 20.
: Good point is that I ran out of my glycogen and refilled with lot of rice.
: Hopefully my glycogen storage was increased.
: that

发帖数: 4931
I would bring gel on a pace run, but not for regular long runs (except
special situations such as when I catch a
cold). My reasoning is that, the slow long runs are SUPPOSED to deplete
your glycogen reserve and teach your
body to store more glycogen. For the pace runs, the intensity will be high
and taking gels can help minimizing
the wear on my muscles.

【在 g********s 的大作中提到】
: You can take some candy/ chocolate/banana, even raisins on the way to chew
: down. Gels are handy, but for such a long run if you need extra energy,
: definitely you should bring something to eat.

发帖数: 4527
I can not agree more. Usually I ate a banana before I headed out for the run
. It was miserable yesterday that I could not find anything to eat at home
before the long run.

【在 g********s 的大作中提到】
: You can take some candy/ chocolate/banana, even raisins on the way to chew
: down. Gels are handy, but for such a long run if you need extra energy,
: definitely you should bring something to eat.

发帖数: 4527
I hope the body glide will help me get ride of or significantly reduce the
chafing on my legs. On my upper body is okay, but my legs were suffering
over this humid weather.


【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: In the summer I had a bad chafing once after a long run and then went to the
: beach. It stung. When I got back
: home the entire area of chafing has become swollen, a bit scary looking.
: Bodyglide is a must for triathlon events. In fact, you kind of need it just
: so that it is easier to take off the
: wetsuit (which could be a pain otherwise).
: body

发帖数: 1969
But for him, since he hit the well during the planned long run, he either
slows down w/o gels or finishes hard with gels. Otherwise, the long run goes
shorter than his plan.
I do the same thing as you unless the 18/20 miles run, which I eat 100~150
Calories 3~5 miles to the end of the run.

【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: I would bring gel on a pace run, but not for regular long runs (except
: special situations such as when I catch a
: cold). My reasoning is that, the slow long runs are SUPPOSED to deplete
: your glycogen reserve and teach your
: body to store more glycogen. For the pace runs, the intensity will be high
: and taking gels can help minimizing
: the wear on my muscles.

发帖数: 4527
I ran relatively fast yesterday, not 10-20% slower than my marathon goal
pace. It is probably the other reason why I hit the wall on mile 20.
Why was I running faster than planned? I do not know. But I think I was sort
of boosted by the tempo run on Friday. Or I should run a bit harder in the
tempo run so that I do not have enough 'chicken blood' in my long run.

【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: I would bring gel on a pace run, but not for regular long runs (except
: special situations such as when I catch a
: cold). My reasoning is that, the slow long runs are SUPPOSED to deplete
: your glycogen reserve and teach your
: body to store more glycogen. For the pace runs, the intensity will be high
: and taking gels can help minimizing
: the wear on my muscles.

发帖数: 4527
By the way, holding a gel in your hand is exactly the form that we should do
, in my opinion, dinosaur arms holding a butterfly thing.

【在 w****1 的大作中提到】
: I would bring gel on a pace run, but not for regular long runs (except
: special situations such as when I catch a
: cold). My reasoning is that, the slow long runs are SUPPOSED to deplete
: your glycogen reserve and teach your
: body to store more glycogen. For the pace runs, the intensity will be high
: and taking gels can help minimizing
: the wear on my muscles.

发帖数: 10018
good job. long run pace不用太当真

【在 y******n 的大作中提到】
: 今天气温比较高,72F。出门之前喝了些水,吃了点月饼。在网上买的gel还没寄到,所
: 以今天估计会hit the wall了。实战中,mile 20果然hit the wall,挣扎着跑完,用
: 时2:35。 走路1.x 迈回家,算是cool down了。
: 从差不多7.5 miles开始,和马拉松course的后半程开始重合,之前没注意,今天发现
: 地上有mile marker。前期跑的有点快,每次tempo之后就有点打鸡血的感觉。周五跑了
: 7 mile tempo,前5 miles和local track club的weekly run一起,一个50多的人和我
: shoulder by shoulder,边跑边聊。发现跑6:40的pace聊天真是挺不容易的,尤其是当
: 你不能只用一个词的时候。老头很厉害,年轻的时候跑过2:32的全马,和我并肩跑感觉
: 他很轻松的样子。到终点的时候我们都没有push,但是感觉他明显很轻松。如果和他跑
: 一个5M race,估计跑不过他。后来我又自己跑了2迈,cool down 2迈结束。

1 (共1页)
miserable long run如何防止擦伤(Chafing)?
Carbo Loading 的疑问[合集] 今天long run
20迈long run该不该带GELs?大家用什么方法load carb啊?
大家跑步喝什么水?跑完glycogen depletion interval,开始carb loading
finally, a 20 miler大跃进了,才跑了俩月的菜鸟,准备报个半马
It's time to lose some weight...backpack
话题: run话题: my话题: long话题: hit话题: wall